Mummy is a natural substance that is mined in the mountains. It is also called mountain balsam, gold or mountain mummy. Some geologists consider it a special rock.
Mumiye is a solid mass of dark color, having a bitter taste and characteristic odor, similar to the smell of oil. Application mummy finds in virtually all branches of medicine.
Mountain mummy is formed from minerals, biomass of plant and animal origin with the participation of microbes and products of their vital activity. In the highlands there are necessary climatic conditions for the occurrence of this substance. In the pharmacy the product is sold in the form of tablets and capsules called "Golden Mummy", as well as in the form of an ointment.
Composition and useful properties of
The composition of the mountain mum enters a huge amount of organic acids, amino acids and trace elements, as well as biologically active compounds. Thanks to them this tool has a wide application. It has an immunomodulating, reparative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.
Indications for use mumiye
This natural substance is effective in a variety of diseases of almost all body systems.
Therefore, the mummy's indications for use are unusually numerous:
- trauma and pathology of bones and joints( fractures, arthritis, arthrosis);
- skin diseases and burn disease;
- ulcerative lesion of the duodenum, stomach and esophagus;
- diseases of the liver, bile duct and gallbladder;
- pathology of the nervous system( neuritis, neuropathy);
- diseases associated with the pathology of the immune system( allergy, bronchial asthma, autoimmune diseases - rheumatism, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.);
- diseases of the genital organs of a woman;
- immunodeficiencies of various origin;
- heart disease and blood vessels( angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension);
- kidney disease;
- blood diseases( anemia, etc.);
- recovery in the postoperative period;
- general decline of strength, depression, stress;
- poisoning by various animal and vegetable poisons.
And this is a partial list of those conditions when it is possible to use the mummy for treatment.
Important: Before use, consult your doctor. If there are any undesirable effects during the reception, you must stop taking the medicine and seek help.
The drug mummy of contraindications has little. These include individual intolerance, a period of pregnancy, breast-feeding. Of course, there may be other relative contraindications, so a specialist consultation is necessary.
Recipes for application mumiye
As a biologically active additive, the mum needs to be taken with meals twice a day. Typically, the dosage is indicated in the instructions for the tablet or capsule form of the substance.
For diseases, use a mummy according to the following recipes.
Diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs
- Bronchial asthma: 7% solution of the drug is taken according to this scheme: 10 days - a teaspoon, then 10 days break. Then again 10 days on a teaspoon. Drink better with milk in a warm form. The course of treatment is very long, considering that a teaspoon contains 0.35 grams, for the course you need to drink only 50 g of this substance.
- Tuberculosis: 2 grams of the substance should be diluted in 150 ml of boiled pure water( boiled).To consume 15 days in a row on a tablespoon, with milk or tea after dinner. Repeat the course with breaks of 5 days.
- Sore throat or pharyngitis: gargle with a 2.5% solution of mummy. First 3 times a day, and when the pain subsides - one or two times.
- Sinusitis, runny nose: mix powder with camphor oil in a weight ratio of 1: 5, dig in three drops in the nose three times a day.
- Acute otitis media: 2 g of mummy diluted in 100 ml of boiled water, moistened with a cotton swab and inserted into the ear for 15 minutes. Repeat five times a day.
Diseases of the digestive system
- Peptic ulcer: 10 g diluted with 500 ml of water. Drink on this scheme: ten days and a half tablespoons to eat, 10 - 1 spoon before meals, 10 - again for a spoon and a half, but after eating. In treatment, the mummy has a good antiulcer effect, as it accelerates the healing of ulcers and increases the resistance of the gastrointestinal mucosa to irritants.
- Bowel atony with constipation: prepare the solution as if peptic ulcer, but take it for one month on an empty stomach in the mornings, wash down with cold water.
- Hepatitis: course of treatment - 21 days. Take 3% solution of the drug. The first week - 30 drops three times a day, every day adding to each reception of 5 drops. In the second week - three times a teaspoon, a third - at first a teaspoon three times a day, reducing the dose to the initial 30 drops. Drink the medicine followed by a mineral water without gas or juice.
- In case of heartburn: the method of application of the mummy is the following - drink a drug of 0.2-0.4 g twice daily for 21 days. Break - 1 week.
- Stones of the gallbladder: 1 liter of mummy per liter of water. Drink 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before the main meal 10 days. Break - five days, and 10 days of admission. The course provides 12 g of substance.
Diseases of the eye
Barley: Bury in the diseased eye 1-2 drops of 1% solution of mummy 3 times a day.
Diseases of urinary and reproductive systems
Gold mummy is used in urological and gynecological diseases.
- Infertility( male or female): Take 0.2 g of mummy inside, wash with carrot, blueberry or sea buckthorn juice. After 25 days, take a break for five days. For the full course you need to take 25 g of substance.
- Cystitis: for a week, take 30 drops of a 1% solution three times a day, then a week for a teaspoonful and a week for 1.5 teaspoons.
- Erosion of the uterine neck: 2.5 g of the agent diluted in 100 ml of water, soak a cotton swab and gauze and place it overnight in the vagina. To conduct the procedure 6-10 nights in a row.
Mumiye is also used for stomatitis, gingivitis for rinsing, for anemia, radiation sickness, various tumors, as a tonic agent, etc.
Ointment for the treatment of joint pains
It is possible to prepare a honey ointment from a mummy: mix 5 grams with 10 gramsg unsafared honey and 2 teaspoons of warm water. It is better to use not a tablet, but a purified natural substance. Obtained ointment should be rubbed into the affected joints long enough for an hour. Repeat every night. The result will only be visible after a few days. Honey and mummy complement the healing properties of each other, forming a natural therapeutic product. Read more about its properties and application in the article: Honey with mummies guarding your health.
Attention: the mummy is given to children in a much lower dosage than the adult. There are no special age restrictions, but before taking it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. In some states, the reception of this agent is undesirable.