How to plant the grapes in spring and autumn with seedlings and cuttings

Grapes are a delicious and very useful berry that can be grown practically in any city of Russia. If you want to grow a fragrant plant on your own, you need to know how to plant the grapes correctly.

Planting grapes according to the rules of

Since ancient times, people have been known for wild grapes. He was one of the first berry crops, because of which man began to lead a sedentary lifestyle. For the cultivation and harvesting of its ripe fruit is necessary for a long time, and this required living in one place. Today many gardeners are often interested in the question of how to plant grapes properly. There are certain rules for berries planting:

  • To get a rich harvest, you should choose the right place for the plant. It is best to place a vineyard on a plot with a lot of sun. At the same time, groundwater must be low.
  • The site must be protected from cold winds, so it is better to plant grapes from the south side of the fence. If you put the plant in the center of the garden, it is better that it is next to the currant. If your site has acidic soil, then before planting berries it must be limed and saturated with humus.
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  • In view of the climate, the planting of green cuttings( with a closed root system) should be carried out at the end of May. The grapes can be planted with open roots in April.
  • Saplings must be purchased immediately before disembarkation. In addition, you can plant and pre-cuttings.
  • Variety of grapes also affects yield. It is necessary to take into account the resistance of seedlings to pests, diseases, bad weather conditions. Experts advise you to choose varieties with stable fruiting and strong ovaries, for example, Aladdin, Harold, Impulse, Galahad.

How to plant in an inactive way

The technology of planting grapes without pits is used by gardeners whose plots are on stony or clay soils, and when the subsoil waters are too high. The main idea of ​​such a landing is to place seedlings of grapes in a good soil layer at the depth required for them under poor soil conditions. To grow berries, it will be required:

  • to take chiboukas and put them in boxes without a bottom of 150 cm in length and 40 cm in width;
  • for 2 years in the space between the boxes should be folded fallen foliage, chamfered grass, ash ash and sprinkled with earth;
  • as a result of a fertile soil layer, from the vineyard it will be possible to obtain high stable yields.

How to plant the grapes with cuttings

If you do not know how to plant the grape cuttings properly, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

  • You need to use only green shoots, which easily take root and take root.
  • Cut them better two weeks before flowering.
  • Green seedlings must be cut into two-leged cuttings, cut out, remove the lower leaves and put in a bucket of water.
  • Planting grapes in spring cuttings is carried out in special pits.
  • Dig out a hole depth of 80 centimeters, a diameter of 60 cm;
  • At the bottom we pour 10 cm of rubble.
  • In the south-western part of the pit we put a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of one meter.
  • Take the soil and mix with humus.
  • The resulting mixture is put in a pit and well tamped, from above we fall asleep on the ground.
  • We plant grapes.
  • Here's how to water the grapes after planting: water must be protected and used for the plant every three days, and after watering the soil should be loosened up;
  • when the roots grow to fertilize, the grapes will grow, will start to bloom and bear fruit.

Planting grapes in spring seedlings

Instructions how to plant grapes in spring:

  • The soil for grapes must be prepared in autumn.
  • The landing site must be sunny, the soil is loam and chernozem.
  • When buying seedlings, they should be inspected carefully so that there are no damages to pests and signs of disease.
  • The most suitable material for planting is a one-year-old seedling with three roots, more than 2 mm thick, 10 cm long.
  • Before planting, all seedlings must be properly disinfected by immersing them for 5 minutes in a hexachlorane solution.
  • The distance between the plants should be 2 meters.
  • Do not make a smaller distance due to deterioration of ventilation, further lighting and shelter for the winter.
  • We prepare the felling holes with a diameter of 80 cm, a depth of 90 cm.
  • The bottom is covered with broken brick.
  • We insert a pipe through which watering will be carried out.
  • Fill the pit with fertilized soil.
  • Moisturize the soil.
  • We plant grapes: we plant a seedling with roots to the south, kidneys to the north.
  • We fill the soil with a layer of 10 cm.
  • By the end of the summer the vine can reach two meters, next year there will be a small harvest.
  • The fruit ripening period can reach several months.
  • In the case of a transplant, it is necessary to take a seedling with a lump of earth to avoid traumatizing the roots.

How to plant grapes in autumn

The fruits of the plant preserve valuable vitamins and substances for a long time, and in addition, juice and wine are made from berries. To successfully grow a plant, you need to know the characteristics of care for the vine, how to plant the grapes in the fall, in the spring. It is proved that the best period for planting seedlings is autumn October, because the plant will have time to become stronger and take root before the onset of frost. Rules for planting autumn grapes:

  • It is better to choose shoots of 40 cm in length and a diameter of at least 8 mm.
  • Preparation of the seedling is to cut off the upper parts of the shoot, remove the side roots.
  • Before planting, the roots should be lowered into a special "boltushka" consisting of manure, water, clay.
  • Dig a hole 70 cm in diameter and a depth of 90 cm.
  • Down lay 7 cm of drainage, then put thick paper.
  • Be sure to install a drainage pipe at the edge of the pit.
  • We fall asleep on top of soil with humus, sand and fertilizer.
  • Plant the heel into the center, straighten the roots to the south.
  • We pour a bucket of water.
  • When the moisture is absorbed, fall asleep with soil.

When planting

Growing a rich harvest of grapes is a painstaking job that requires time and constant attention, although hard work will be rewarded with sweet bunches of beautiful berries. Many gardeners often argue about when to plant the grapes. This can be done both in autumn and in spring, and each case has its own peculiarities:

  1. . Most vine-growers prefer autumn for planting. The seedlings are at rest at this time. In addition, the land in the fall is well moistened, so do not need copious watering. The only minus of autumn planting is that the plant can die if the winter is too cold.
  2. Spring planting involves more thorough preparation of planting material. It is possible to order the necessary variety, not in a hurry to prepare chibouks. With this planting, your seedlings will not freeze.

Arrangement scheme

The distance between the bushes is called the planting scheme. From its choice depends the yield and growth of the plant. Typically, there is a scheme of two sizes-the distance between the bushes in the row itself and the distance between the landing lines. Depends on the planting of soil fertility, grape variety, the formation of a bush. Strong plants should be planted with large distances in the row. The site is broken with the orientation of the lines from north to south, which in the future will allow the sun to better illuminate the berries. The distance between rows should be on average 2 or 3 meters, in the middle of bushes 1,5-2 meters.

Video: planting the grapes in the spring

  • Mar 17, 2018
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