Food rules

How to eat? We rarely think about this issue. And yet this is one of the most important aspects of proper, healthy nutrition. It is important not only to eat quality, healthy food, but also to do it according to all the rules.

  1. Do not eat immediately after serious physical exertion: exercise, heavy physical work, hypothermia or overheating of the body, and after violent emotions. Immediately after such loads, the body is not up to the secretion of digestive juices. Do at least a half-hour break.
  2. Each meal should start with raw vegetables or fruits. Eat them whole or in the form of salads. Vegetables and fruits, eaten on an empty stomach, stimulate the digestive glands, motility of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the normalization of the intestinal microflora. Especially useful in this respect are apples, cabbage of all kinds( white, colored, broccoli. ..), carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers. Cabbage, by the way, you can eat sauerkraut - this is one of very few products that, when harvested for future use, almost do not lose their useful properties.
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  4. But along with the thermally processed food, and even more so immediately after it, raw vegetables and fruits should not be used - in this case they contribute to the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine. There are fruits for dessert - harmful!
  5. Chew food carefully. When chewing occurs, not only the mechanical grinding of food( which facilitates the work of all other parts of the digestive tract), but also partial splitting of carbohydrates and certain proteins under the action of enzymes contained in saliva.
  6. Eat slowly, take breaks between dishes - at least 5, and preferably 10 minutes. Breakfast and dinner should last no less than half an hour, lunch - not less than 40 minutes.
  7. Do not drink directly before eating, during and immediately after a meal. An exception can only be made if you consume very dry food, which can be drunk in small sips. Water, other drinks wash away saliva from the mouth, dilute the gastric juice, which adversely affects the digestion of food. You should drink at least half an hour before meals and not earlier than an hour after eating.
  8. Do not eat very cold( well below room temperature) and very hot( burning mouth and lips) food and drinks. It is undesirable to combine cold and hot meals in one meal.
  9. Do not get down to work immediately after a meal, but rest a little. But do not lie or sleep. Best take a leisurely stroll. The break should be at least 15 minutes in case of light work and not less than half an hour in case of severe physical. And in case of serious sports, the break between the end of the meal and the beginning of the training should be at least an hour.
Classic Power Rules
  • Mar 17, 2018
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