Tooth whitening system Zoom 3: features of the procedure and reviews

The appearance for a person today plays a very important role in everyday life. That is why it is so important to carefully monitor the condition of your oral cavity, as well as pay attention to a smile.

Unfortunately, not everyone was lucky enough to have snow-white teeth. But do not get upset. After all, modern technology does not stand still, and every year the possibility of artificial teeth whitening is improved and there are a lot of techniques.

So, teeth whitening with the Zoom 3 system is one of the most famous and popular.

Contents of

  • What is the secret of this method?
  • Clinical and home whitening: what's the difference?
  • How to prepare for the procedure?
  • Step by step - for the perfect shine
  • Opinion of patients
  • Word to professionals
  • Advantages and disadvantages of

What is the secret of this method?

Zoom 3 is a procedure during which a special gel is used based on carbamide and hydrogen peroxide.

Useful properties of these elements begin to have a beneficial effect on tooth enamel only when the exposure to ultraviolet rays begins

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Such streams of rays provoke rapid disintegration of peroxide, as a result of which its components penetrate into the coating of the tooth in a short time, thereby dissolving and destroying all coloring pigments.

Initially, this method of bleaching actively flourished in the United States. But today, it is used in all corners of the globe.

System Zoom 3 is not the last, there is also a version of the fourth generation. It is distinguished by more gentle materials, which allows to reduce the negative impact on tooth enamel, which helps to avoid premature tooth decay.

One whitening session Zoom 3 allows you to make the enamel 8 shades lighter!

Clinical and home whitening: what's the difference?

Zoom 3 technology is used today not only in specialized clinics, but also it can be available for those wishing to conduct their own home whitening.

The clinical conditions of the course are, of course, much better and safer. After all, the entire process is followed by experienced specialists, moreover, special preparatory procedures are conducted before bleaching.

In order not to damage the mucous membrane, the mouth is completely protected with a special film that does not allow peroxide to affect soft tissues. After this, the gel is applied. When the whole cavity is processed and protected, the action of the ultraviolet lamp begins.

The procedure does not take more than 45-50 minutes. The whole exercise consists of 3 stages( the gel is applied three times), which in turn allows to achieve the desired result.

As this procedure is quite expensive, many people decide to perform self-bleaching at home.

To do this, you can use the tools that begin their action either during the day or at the moment of sleep( here everyone chooses a more suitable option).

Night whitening is considered the most effective. The procedure is that for a few days a person uses special kappas, inside of which is a medical gel.

A similar device is worn on the teeth for the whole night. During the sleep period, the active components of the gel begin to act, which results in a lightening of the tooth enamel.

If a person has dental prostheses before using the Zoom 3 method at home, it is first necessary to consult a specialist!

How to prepare for the procedure?

In order to use the method gave positive results, it will be necessary to perform a complete oral cavity examination.

It is compulsory to conduct a sanation of the oral cavity( if necessary).It is important to get rid of plaque and formed stones.

Such therapeutic measures allow peroxide elements to more intensively affect the tooth enamel.

Only with the proper preparation for the bleaching procedure can you achieve the desired results.

If the teeth will observe the plaque, then the clarification may not be too obvious.

10 days before the event, it is necessary to brush your teeth with special pastes, which are aimed at strengthening and rapid restoration of tooth enamel.

Step by step - for the perfect shine

The entire bleaching procedure is divided into certain stages, which include the following activities.

Preparation phase:

  • professional cleaning of the mouth( teeth);
  • sanitization of patients with teeth( if necessary);
  • mineralization of tooth enamel( needed to prevent the development of complications after bleaching).

Stage of bleaching Zoom:

  • soft tissue covering of oral cavity with special film;
  • on the teeth is applied pre-paste, which allows you to protect against the negative effects of the components of bleaching agents;
  • after the application of a whitening gel on all teeth occurs;
  • is then exposed to ultraviolet rays Zoom 3;
  • similar manipulations are performed 3 times, which allows to achieve a positive effect;
  • after the event, the teeth are applied with a preparation based on calcium and fluorine, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings.

For the result to be preserved for a long time, you need to give up smoking and eating, which can damage or color the tooth surface.

Opinion of patients

Many interesting and useful information about teeth whitening Zoom 3 can be learned from the reviews of patients in dental clinics.

Since birth was not quite the color of his teeth. For years she was embarrassed to smile. When I learned about this method of bleaching, I agreed to it immediately. I think that the money spent is worth it. The result is quite to this day. The procedure was carried out 1.5 years ago.

Natalia, 35 years old

At my age it's important to have an attractive look and a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, I can not afford to bleach in a clinic, so I decided to try bleaching zoom 3 at home. For a long time she understood and got used to the plate.

But after a week started to notice the result. I do not feel any pain, the result is happy. I plan to repeat the procedure after six months.

Svetlana, 24 years old

Whitened teeth as a clinical method of zoom 3, and at home. The result of the first procedure greatly pleased and therefore decided to carefully monitor the condition of his teeth. A year later he underwent self-bleaching, the result was no worse. To this day, teeth have white enamel, although sometimes they ache a bit.

Nikolay, 41 year

The word to professionals

Dentists are not as optimistic as ordinary people.

To my patients I do not recommend this method of teeth whitening. From a medical point of view, it is quite dangerous, and besides, the results obtained are not permanent. I advise you to initially engage in oral health: eating healthy food and brushing your teeth regularly will be enough! .


Zoom 3 experienced personally. Impressions are ambiguous. For patients who have healthy teeth, such an exercise will not become detrimental, but for those who have repeatedly had to deal with dental treatment, such a procedure can only aggravate the situation. I would advise you to think.


Advantages and disadvantages of

Similar bleaching, like any cosmetic procedure, can have its positive and negative points. So, the main advantages of this method is:

  • speed( from 45 to 50 minutes);
  • visible effect( the tone of the teeth becomes really lighter);
  • gums are not injured and do not respond to the harmful effects of bleaching agents.

However, teeth whitening with the Zoom system has a number of drawbacks, among which:

  • a sharp increase in dental sensitivity, sometimes even the most powerful painkillers do not help;
  • high cost of the event( not available to everyone);
  • preliminary preparation of the oral cavity;
  • procedure is not recommended in all cases, there are contraindications;
  • tooth enamel can react to coffee and various colored drinks, so it is important to monitor your diet;
  • after a time procedure will necessarily need to be repeated;
  • at non-observance of all recommendations the tooth enamel darkens very quickly.

Before deciding on this method of bleaching, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps there is a safer option, which in turn will not be anything different from the Zoom 3.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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