Periodontal disease of gums is a disease characterized by chronic damage to tissues surrounding the teeth.
Most often, an ailment accompanies the elderly, but it does not spare young people and children. During the course of the disease, there is a gradual loosening and loss of teeth due to resorption of the bone tissue of the dental holes.
The main culprit in the development of the disease is tartar, which interferes with the full nutrition of the tissues surrounding the teeth. Periodontal disease is manifested by burning, itching and pulsation in the gums, their redness and bleeding, loosening of the teeth and deformation of the jaw.
- Step preventive - we select toothpaste
- Usage of
- ointments Recommended preparations in tableted form
- Healing aids - a blow to the heart of the disease
- rinsing agents Word to sorcerers and grandmothers
- Using hydrogen peroxide
- And we advise. ..
Preventative step -paste
Medical toothpastes from periodontal disease are designed to combat gingival inflammation and bleeding. Such pastes effectively combine antibacterial components, minerals, extracts of medicinal herbs that are capable of providing oral hygiene,
, the destruction of bacteria and the prevention of plaque formation.Medical toothpastes are not used as the main therapy, they are used in combination with medical preparations and other procedures.
If the paste is used as the only method for fighting periodontal disease, the effect will be expressed only in masking the symptoms, reducing their severity, while the disease will still progress without bright manifestations.
Recommended pastes:
- Forest - contains chlorophyll, vitamins, coniferous-carotene concentrate, resins;has healing, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, deodorant effect, suppresses viability of viruses;The therapeutic effect is achieved after several days of daily use.
- Aromer - pasta with a pleasant taste, the composition of which is rich in extracts of useful plants;beneficially affecting the tissues of the mouth.
- Chamomile - astringent anti-inflammatory drug, the main components of which are infusions of chamomile and St. John's wort.
- Pearls - paste for patients with periodontal disease, reducing the sensitivity of tooth enamel.
- Parodontocid is a product with a number of antiseptics, mint and sage extracts, sodium fluoride.
- Pomorin - contains a variety of salts, a concentrate of mineral waters, which enhances metabolic processes, reduces inflammation and dissolves mucus.
Using ointments
For the treatment of periodontal disease at home, ointments are used, with which the blood flow in the vessels is restored, inflammation is eliminated:
- Heparin ointment improves the condition of the gums and has an active anti-inflammatory effect. In the process of therapy, the adhesion of platelets to the walls of blood vessels decreases, the microcirculation of tissue processes is normalized, and the mineral and plant components that make up the ointment contribute to the compaction of the walls of the vessels and activate the immunity.
- Holysal .Ointment with the smell of anise, which has no contraindications, provides anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral action, has analgesic effect. The drug is approved for use by children and pregnant women.
- Levomikol .The drug with antibiotic, is used in severe, neglected cases. Applications with ointment contribute to the restoration of tissues, the healing of wounds and the destruction of pathogens.
- Solcoseryl .The drug enhances the exchange of oxygen in the tissues of the gums, cures the inflammation of the affected areas.
- Levosin - ointment with the content of levomitsetin, has analgesic effect for periodontal disease.
Recommended formulations in tableted form
The basis for the treatment of periodontal disease is an antifungal method, so in the course of treatment, antibiotics that destroy the maximum number of bacteria are inevitable.
You can start taking medication only after consulting a dentist and the necessary examination, including a x-ray of the jaw and tests, including a bacterial analysis, the result of which will show how the bacteria inside the body are sensitive to the antibiotic.
With periodontal disease the following agents are prescribed:
- Lincomycin is an effective antimicrobial agent. Usually treatment takes 2 weeks, but with severe lesions of periodontium, its duration increases. Admission funds without medical advice is strictly prohibited due to the possible development of dysbiosis, drug damage to the liver and kidneys.
- Trichopol is a drug that actively destroys bacteria that caused the development of periodontitis. Its independent reception is fraught with malfunctioning of the body.
- Vitamins and microelements .Healing complexes, rich in iron and calcium, selenium and zinc. Vitamins B, P and C contribute to the regeneration of periodontal, reduce bleeding gums and strengthen them. Vitamin A and folic acid restore metabolic processes in the tissues surrounding the teeth.
- Immunomodulating drugs .Their appointment is necessary because of the deterioration in the overall health of the patient. Means Imoudon, Timogen, Prodigiozan, Timalin stimulate the restoration of tissues, the immune system, inhibit the development of inflammatory processes. A strong effect of the use of immunomodulators is achieved at an early stage of periodontal disease.
Healing gels - a blow to the heart of the disease
Therapy of periodontitis with gums injected under the gums is especially effective. Capillaries become strong and elastic, the swelling of the gums is removed and a thin film is formed on their surface, prolonging the therapeutic effect.
- Troxevasin - reduces the fragility of capillaries, removes the swelling of the gums, increases the time of remission after treatment;
- Metrogyl Denta is a potent antiseptic that includes a combination of chlorhexidine and metronidazole;The gel is applied to the gums or placed in the periodontal pockets;is prohibited for children under 6 years of age and pregnant women;
- Elgifluor and Elyugel - drugs with a high content of chlorhexidine, are administered under the gums.
Rinsing agents
Rinsers improve blood circulation in the gums, relieve swelling, heal wounds.
Rinsing with periodontal disease is most often practiced with the help of such tools:
- Rinse aid Parodontax .It struggles with inflammation of the gums and their bleeding due to the constituents of fluoride compounds and antibacterial components. Effectively removes plaque from teeth.
- Spare parts for .Whitening, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory rinse, dissolves the coating on the enamel. Contains biosol, polydon and extract of nettle leaves. It is recommended as a preventive agent.
- Lakalut .A positive effect on periodontal disease is achieved due to the active antiseptic included in the preparation and substances with astringent action.
- President of the pro .The rinse aid includes an antiseptic, extracts of medicinal herbs, which allows it to be used absolutely for all categories of patients.
The word for healers and grandmothers
As part of the therapy of periodontal disease, it is possible to use effective methods of traditional medicine:
- rubbing yarrow juice into the gums, rinsing the mouth with eucalyptus infusion, linden, oak bark, smearing the sick places for the night with tar;
- application as a cleaning paste of ground root ayr marsh;
- to reduce edema: chop the dry grass of the horsetail field, brew a glass of boiling water, drain and drink three times a day for half a glass;
- 3 tbsp.roots cauliflower erect 500 ml of boiling water, insist 4 hours and use for lotions and oral baths;
- a spoonful of nettle leaves soak in a thermos, let it brew and take 100 ml after eating;
- to moisten a cotton swab in sea-buckthorn oil and apply to affected areas twice a day;
- mix 3 tbsp.sea salt and crushed dry banana skins, add olive oil, the density of the mixture should be similar to the consistency of sour cream;rub into the gums, stand for 10 minutes and spit, rinse your mouth is not necessary;
- mix honey, ordinary toothpaste and sea salt( pre-grind in a coffee grinder), blend the mixture with a finger and rub it into the gums;use no more than 2-3 times a week;
- every day for 10-14 days rub rubbing gums with fresh slices of garlic cloves;
- 20 g of dry root of cotton seed oil pour 100 ml of alcohol, insist in the dark for a week, shaking occasionally;2 parts of the tincture mix with 1 part of glycerin and lubricate the sick gums.
Use of hydrogen peroxide
When ingested, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into oxygen and water, so that cells are enriched with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated, and harmful elements are removed from the blood.
Recipes based on peroxide:
- cotton or gauze pad to soak 3% peroxide and wipe the gums from the inside and outside to strengthen them and to prevent bleeding;
- 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide in 50 ml of water, take three times a day on an empty stomach for 10 days( possible mild nausea, diarrhea, skin rash - if in a couple of days the symptoms do not disappear, then the treatment must be stopped), after a break in the 3-4 days to repeat the course;
- instead of the usual toothpaste: thoroughly mix 3 grams of baking soda and 10 drops of lemon juice, add 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide and get rid of the resulting mass of teeth, but rinse your mouth with water only 15 minutes after cleansing;
- 2 tablets hydroperitol dissolve in half a glass of drinking water, several times a day thoroughly rinse the mouth, touching the area of the gums.
And we advise. ..
To prevent the development of periodontitis, it is necessary:
- to observe daily oral hygiene;
- interdental areas cleaned with silk dental floss;
- to quit smoking;
- strengthen immunity;
- eat right, give priority to vegetable, dairy and fiber-rich foods;
- restrict the consumption of sugar;
- for the prevention of regular intake of complexes of vitamins and minerals;
- self-massage the gums( by circular movements rub the oil of eucalyptus, sea-buckthorn or orange);
- visit the dentist regularly.
Although periodontal disease is a fairly serious disease, with due attention to the patient and proper treatment, prolonged remission and recovery is possible. Timely visits to the dentist, properly chosen therapy and maintenance of the body in a satisfactory condition - this is the main weapon in the fight against the disease and the guarantee of a healthy smile!