The uniqueness of Miramistin is that it has the strongest antifungal effect, not only on monocultures, but also on the association of fungi. The active antiseptic effect of the drug effectively prevents infection of damaged skin areas, contributing to their accelerated regeneration.
The nontoxicity of the drug, the practical absence of allergic reactions allows it to be used in the treatment of pregnant women, children, starting from three years old and even earlier.
However, the high price of Miramistine hampers its wide distribution, so the efforts of researchers and pharmacists have been aimed at inventing cheaper analogs, but with similar therapeutic effects and a list of indications.
Contents of
- The best "five" analogs of
- In which types are produced similar drugs?
- What's wrong with the pocket?
- for different tasks On the runes of the runet
The best "five" analogs
Judging by the dynamics of sales, the following are similar in effectiveness to the effectiveness of Miramistin, but in the majority is cheaper, drugs:
- Chlorhexidine;
- Hexoral;
- Rotokan;
- Chlorophyllipt;
- Furacilin.
Chlorhexidine, which also belongs to antiseptics, is most actively purchased from analogues, but differs in structure from Miramistin.
If the main active ingredient of Miramistin is benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium, the basis of chlorhexidine is bigluconate of chlorhexidine. They differ not only in composition, but also in consistency, taste sensations. The main difference is the price, so much the same in its properties Chlorhexidine 10 times cheaper than the original Miramistin. But this is no accident, since along with many similar characteristics, there is a significant difference.
Having the same broad spectrum of antiseptic effects as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine irritates the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, it has virtually no effect on viruses. Pregnancy, child age, and breastfeeding require careful treatment of the drug. Contraindication to use is also the presence of dermatitis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The effectiveness of the analogue compared to the original as an antiseptic in the treatment of diseases of the throat and inflammation of the gums is much higher.
Another advantage of Chlorhexidine is the presence of a thin film on the mucosa after rinsing, which has a therapeutic effect for several hours after the procedure.
On the other hand, the use of the drug may cause irritation, dry skin, and stickiness of the skin of the hands for several minutes after use. Rinsing with chlorhexidine solution can cause scaling, tasting, burning and itching in the mouth.
The main active substance of another analogue of Miramistin - Hexoral, is hexatidine. In addition to it, there are components in the drug that enhance antimicrobial effects.
Geksoral effectively destroys gram-positive bacteria and fungi, promotes rapid healing of skin lesions and open ulcers. Contraindicated use of drugs for children under the age of four, as well as in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the medication. When an overdose of the drug may cause malfunction in the cardiovascular system until cardiac arrest, toxic reactions( involuntary trembling of limbs, convulsions, difficulty breathing).Disturbance of taste sensations, a sense of petrification in the mouth can occur if the drug in the form of tablets is taken for a long time.
Rotokan is an antiseptic on a natural basis, which not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also restores damaged mucous membrane, relieving pain and spasm in the oral cavity, stops small bleeding from the gums. Acts gently, but more effectively than Miramistin, the drug is recommended to use at the beginning of the disease, before the development of complications. At a cost of 6-8 times cheaper than the original medicine.
The similarity of Chlorophyllipt with Miramistine is not only in pronounced antibacterial activity, but also the possibility of using the drug in various fields of medicine.
Although the use of Chlorophyllipt is not limited to the age category, it is generally prescribed to children from the age of three. This is due to its natural composition, containing eucalyptus and mint.
Efficiently destroying harmful staphylococci, including strains resistant to antibiotics of benzylpenicillin series, eucalyptus suppresses pain syndrome, removes worms and quickly removes remains of mucus from the body. The medication is widely used in combination with other medicines in the treatment of pneumonia, pleurisy, infection of the blood with staphylococcus, inflammation of the nasopharynx, larynx, during treatment of tonsillitis, SARS.
The drug helps in accelerating the healing of infected wounds, with thermal damage to the skin, erosion of the cervix. Side effects in the form of itching, swelling, rashes on the skin are caused by increased sensitivity to eucalyptus. The drug can be used for pregnant women, during lactation and preschool children.
The effectiveness of furacilin in the fight against pathogenic microbes is based on its ability to penetrate the cell of the microbe, bring it to rest, preventing the propagation of the pathogen. Indications for use are:
- purulent wounds;
- necrosis of external skin;
- inflammation on the eyelids;
- thermal damage of the second and third degree;
- inflammation in the mouth;
- osteomyelitis;
- otitis media;
- minor damage to the skin.
In the complex treatment of angina Furacilin in an aqueous or alcoholic solution is used for rinsing.
Medication can cause allergic reactions, inflammatory skin lesions.
In which types are similar drugs produced?
Miramistin analogues are available in the form of a spray, solution or ointment, depending on which disease is recommended for use.
Sprays are effective in treating problems with ENT organs, with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, in pediatrics for the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis. The advantage of using them is the exclusion of constituent components from entering the blood.
Among the best analogs in the form of a spray can be called Ingalipt, the active substances in which are sulfonamides and eucalyptus oil. The peculiarity of the medicament is the systemic antibacterial action of sulfanilamides, which through the mucous membrane enter the blood.
Maksikold Lor, in the form of a spray, with herbal ingredients in the composition, is an effective treatment for children. Menthol provides a pleasantly refreshing mint flavor, and the presence of eucalyptus and mint oil gives the drug an enveloping consistency. Tantum Verde is effective in the treatment of diseases of the throat and skin, is prescribed to children from 3 years of age and is safe for lactating mothers and pregnant women.
Dioxydin and Dekasan are the best of analogues in the form of solution except for Furacilin, which are used in the treatment of skin lesions of fungal and bacterial etiology, gynecological pathologies, in dentistry, inflammation of the tonsils.
Among the analogues of Miramistin, which are available in the form of an ointment, Septomyrin is popular.
What's not going to hit your pocket?
Analogues are considered drugs that have the same ATC code or international non-patent name as the original medication. Miramistin has more than four dozens of similar drugs, we chose only those that are much cheaper( 20-150 rubles against 200-250).In addition to the above medicines, they also include:
- Antifungin is used to treat fungal skin lesions;
- Virotek treats purulent wounds, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system;
- Gorosten is used for disinfection, treatment of lesions caused by staphylococci and streptococci;
- Decamethoxin is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa;
- Dekasan is used in the treatment of purulent inflammation of soft tissues, in dentistry for the therapy of bacterial, fungal diseases with the release of pus, bronchopulmonary system;
- Miramide - treatment of otitis of all forms;
- Octenisept for antiseptic treatment of mucous membranes, damaged skin areas.
For different tasks there is a medicine
For stomatitis therapy Geksoral in the form of a spray is the most effective drug. Lizobakt is intended solely for the treatment of dental diseases and its effectiveness is comparable to Miramistin.
For the treatment of candidiasis one of the best analogs can be called Tantum Verde.
For the rinsing of the throat with angina, the best medicine is Octenisept. Ready-to-use solution is used for disinfecting mucosal treatment, as well as for the treatment of diseases in all branches of medicine. Effective for various diseases mouthwash solutions Furatsilina, Geksikon and Fluomizin, medicines based on dequalinium chloride.
In the vastness of the RuNet
A bit of practical experience with the use of various drugs for dental and ENT diseases.
Zahar suffered from persistent pharyngitis and used Miramistin. However, as he himself says, the effect was very insignificant, but when he started using Geksoral, he forgot about his cough. Excellent tool, which he recommends to all.
According to Zahar
I use Glucol for tonzillitis, which works well in many cases. The advantage over Miramistine is not only in cheaper cost, but also the targeted effect of the drug.
My child is allergic to Miramistin. The doctor advised Dekasan. Now at the first signs of stomatitis or gingivitis I immediately use inhalation. Igor, 3, likes medicine very much.
Recognizing the efficacy and safety of Miramistine analogs, one should consider that self-replacement of one remedy with another, without consulting a doctor, can do harm instead of good. It is especially important to consult a doctor beforehand if it is a question of treating a small child.