How to learn German fast?

In today's article, I have gathered for you the most effective advice, how to learn German , which( I'm just confident in it!) Will help you in a short time to master the official language of Germany.

In the Soviet Union, Germany shared the palm of the primacy with English in the popularity of studying in schools, often - even ahead of it.

Today, the situation has changed: most children tend to learn English as one of the international languages, but they have forgotten a little about Deutsche.

And only those who need German for work or travel, remain true to the glorious traditions of Germany.

If you are interested in this article, then you are one of them.

The main difficulties that prevented to learn German

I studied English at school.

In order to write this article as qualitatively as possible, I was looking for a person who would learn German and could share my experience with my readers.

The tribe of my friend is now learning German, dreaming of moving to Germany sometime.

instagram viewer

I wanted you to receive the recommendations how to quickly learn the German from a real specialist and not from a schoolgirl so I talked with her teacher who has been teaching children for 15 years not only in school but also privately, doing tutoring.

Not one student of Anastasia Ivanovna entered the university for an import, therefore, I think, her recommendations should be listened to.

The teacher with the experience has decided to begin conversation not from ways of studying German, and with problems which wait negligent pupils.

According to Anastasia Ivanovna, the main difficulties for beginners in terms of learning foreign languages ​​are:

  1. Wrong motivation or even its absence.

    Before you start doing something, you must clearly understand why you need it.

    Start to learn German for the company, because it makes your girlfriend or boyfriend - strange.

    In 90% of cases, however, companion comrades give up their education at an early stage.

    Better so: you want to learn German, to use it to make money on transfers or have the opportunity to study / work in Germany.

  2. Lack of discipline.

    Today you have half a dozen words with grief, and in the next 3 days are lazy even to open a textbook or a dictionary.

    So it will not work.

    Only by giving daily lessons to classes, you can achieve success.

    Even if you are very loaded, learn to find time for them.

    And, of course, to succumb to the persuasion of laziness - to score on everything and pozadelnichat - can not in any case.

  3. Wrong choice of tools and ways to learn German.

    Every person is unique.

    Someone is easier to perceive information by ear, someone learns only through visual perception.

    There are those who can learn new knowledge on their own, someone is encouraged by the desire to become the best in the group, and someone is clamped among strangers and requires individual training with a tutor.

    Take into account the characteristics of your character, choosing tools and methods for learning German.

Traditional ways to learn German

If it is a question of learning foreign languages, most people imagine a long and tedious memorizing of new words first, then - sentences, then - whole texts, climbing along the corridors of the grammar of a language that you do not know, in general- Boredom is mortal.

And they are in some ways right.

Learning a language is not as fun as reading a favorite book, but the process itself can be greatly alleviated if you choose the right assistants.

There are two ways to learn German:

  1. On your own.

    You, of course, will not be quite "yourself with a mustache," but other people will not help you. But the rapid development of the new language will contribute to:

    • Self-Teaching.

      For example, "German for Beginners" by V. Bukharov and T. Kesler or "German for Beginners. Self-teacher. Phrasebook, compiled by J. Grosche.

    • German-Russian / Ukrainian and Russian- / Ukrainian-German dictionaries.
    • Audio lessons that you can listen to on public transport on the way to work or during lunch break.
    • Video lessons that will help you correctly pronounce foreign words, adjust the articulation apparatus to the desired mode.
    • Diagrams, tables, cards and so on.
  2. With the help of another person.

    There are several options:

    • You can enroll for courses and engage with the group, and, doing homework, improve their knowledge.
    • You can find a good tutor who will deal with you individually as many hours per week as you are able to pay.
    • And you can get acquainted with the native speaker of the German language or at least with someone who knows him well, and learn new words and sentences through live communication.

The choice of methods for studying German depends not only on your individual characteristics, but also on how much money you have and how much you are willing to spend on developing a foreign language.

How to learn Chinese?

Classes with a good tutor three times a week will cost you not cheap.

You'll have to spend money on dictionaries, self-help books, video, audio lessons, although many things can now be found online for free.

An innovative technique that helps quickly learn German

Anastasia Ivanovna told me about one innovative technique that makes the process of learning German more fun, and at the same time simplifies it.

It's called mnemonics.

This is a way of memorizing new information by building an associative array or visualization.

For example, the word "reisen"( translated how to travel) is associated with the word "flight".We build a logical series: flight - planes - to travel.

Or take the word "wollen"( want).In the Ukrainian language there is the word "voliti"( in Russian it is translated as wanting something strongly).

Here you have a ready association.

Of course, it's far from all the words of the German language you can do such a trick: link them with the Russians, but you can try.

And when you have already accumulated a certain vocabulary, go to the compilation of sentences and grammar rules.

Learn the German alphabet in 5 minutes.


I think Anastasia Ivanovna gave my readers excellent advice, how to quickly learn the German .

So, it's time to get down to business!

  • Mar 17, 2018
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