Genetic factor and chronic form aggravate the situation with psoriasis. The main cause of discomfort is scaly focal reddening on the skin, scalp, nails. With all the achievements of modern medicine, science can not offer the ideal remedy for psoriasis, but there is an alternative - folk remedies.
Advantages of folk methods of treatment
Pharmaceuticals produced by the pharmaceutical industry from psoriasis can not completely cure the disease. Most of the medicines contain hormones that help eliminate only the external symptoms. In this treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home significantly exceeds the drug therapy, because hormonal drugs can worsen the patient's condition. Treatment with folk methods helps to achieve long-term remission, with no side effects, which can not be said about pharmacological preparations.
How to treat psoriasis at home
The medicine can not determine the nature of this skin disease. Years are spent looking for a medicine to permanently cure the disease, but an effective remedy for psoriasis has not yet been found. At the disposal of patients there are pharmaceutical preparations that relieve symptoms for a while, or non-traditional methods of treatment. The latter is a complex with the use of different products, herbs, ointments, which help to control the course of the disease. To treat psoriasis with folk remedies at home was effective, the following rules should be observed:
- Take medicine prescribed by a doctor on time, observing the instructions.
- For better absorption of ointments, creams, lotions, it is necessary to remove the softened crusts, but it should be done very carefully and only those that loosely adhere to the upper layer of the epidermis.
- It is recommended to use one or two methods of home treatment to determine the level of effectiveness.
- Treatment of psoriasis on the head, body, legs should be conducted by courses, and a break between them must last at least a month.
- Stick to a diet, limiting carbohydrates, fats. You have to give up drinking alcohol, and the correct diet should not include spicy foods.
Effective folk remedies for psoriasis
The fight against the disease should not be limited to the use of medications. In practice, an integrated approach to the treatment of psoriasis folk remedies at home helps faster and more efficiently. Cure the disease completely is not capable of either one or the other method, but get rid of the characteristic rashes numerous folk recipes help very well. Home treatment involves the self-preparation of ointments, decoctions, infusions, also helps compresses, lotions, therapeutic baths.
Home Ointments and Creams
- Whipped eggs. Effective ointment from psoriasis is well suited for the initial stage of the disease. Get an unconventional medicine by mixing 2 eggs, a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, 10 ml of acetic acid. Thoroughly beat all the ingredients, smear the inflamed skin areas at night. Apply egg ointment until the disappearance of red flaky rashes. For the treatment of psoriasis folk remedies at home, the prepared ointments should be stored in a tightly closed container and there where no light penetrates.
- Fish scales. This recipe is based on an ingredient that is rich in a complex of vitamins and minerals. For the preparation of the ointment comes clean, dried and crushed scales of different types of fish. To the main ingredient, you need to add fish oil, observing a 1: 1 ratio. Ointment should be applied to psoriatic stains, left for several hours, and then washed off with a baby soap. The length of the course at home depends on the result.
Compresses and lotions
- Celestial. To make a mixture for a compress, you need to take 300 g of fresh celandine, 50 ml of red wine. Through the meat grinder to skip the vegetable ingredient, shift the workpiece into gauze, squeeze, then mix it with the wine. Take a cotton swab, lower it into the mixture, and then attach it to the inflamed area. If it is the palmar, plantar psoriasis, then it is recommended to use a bandage to fix the cotton swab.
- Soda packs. This folk remedy helps to clean the affected areas, dries the sores. Soda is mixed with water to form a thick mixture. A small amount is applied to a cotton swab, then it is applied to a sore spot. The lotion should be kept for about 20 minutes. If you increase the proportion of water using a heated liquid, you can make hot soda compresses. Drying inflamed patches, they gently act on the skin, and keep such folk remedy necessary until it cools.
Decoctions and infusions of herbs
- The root of the althaea. Crushed ingredient( 20 g) pour 200 ml of hot water, allow the drug to infuse for about an hour. In order to treat psoriasis, the medicinal infusion should be taken on a tablespoon, the interval between the folk remedies should not exceed two hours.
- Decoction of a mixture of herbs. Pour into the container grass herb( 30 g), chicory( 20 g), herb celandine( 10 g), elecampane( 10 g), pour 20 ml of boiling water, simmer the mixture in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. You can take the inside of the broth after half an hour after eating twice a day.
Healing baths
- With exacerbation of psoriasis. To prepare a solution from a nut shell, you need to take 0.5 kg of walnuts. To clean fruits, taking out kernels, to pour out a shell in a pan with boiling water, to cook half an hour. Then drain the resulting broth, pour into a bath filled with water to half. Duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.
- Coniferous solution. Excellent remedy for folk prescription for psoriasis, which activates the protective functions of the body. To prepare the solution, a pharmacy coniferous extract or a decoction( 50 g of pine needles per liter of water), which is poured into a bath of water, is suitable. The procedure lasts 20 minutes for the whole body or is treated with psoriasis on the legs, hands, immersing the foot or elbow in a basin with pine mortar.
Than to treat psoriasis on the body in children
The causes of red plaques in children or adolescents may be weakened immunity, clothing rubbing, season change, emotional overstrain. To treat psoriasis in children, it is necessary to eliminate provoking factors. Therapy with medications involves the use of desensitizing, antihistamines and vitamins, and among folk remedies: ointment based on tar, phytotherapy, baths with needles, starch( rice, potato), which are harmless to the baby's skin. To prevent remission, moisturizers should always be used for the skin.
Preventing the disease
It is easier to prevent than to cure - that's the principle that should be followed to prevent the development of psoriasis. It is necessary to observe the correct mode of work, nutrition, rest, avoid nervous loads, take vitamin complexes, maintain immunity. Homeopathy for prevention also helps not to aggravate the course of the disease. Applying folk remedies at home, suffering from psoriasis patients should not stop treatment immediately, as rashes have passed. It is better to continue using them for some time to fix the result.
Video: what is psoriasis and how to treat it
Feedback on results after
treatment Slava, 35 years old : I have this disease for 3 years already. What I have not tried: I bought ointments in pharmacies, I revised food, tried to be less nervous, even took soothing. Then there was a recipe with a solidol, which helped perfectly. I took in a drugstore, the price is cheap, but the result is. Another procedure was advised with liquid nitrogen, but it was not decided yet to cauterize.
Alena, 24 years old : I have psoriasis since childhood. Treatment in the hospital did not help, redness returned, even worse. I had to switch to folk remedies. At home I was well helped by soda baths, ointment Birch tar, linseed broth, and fish oil and UV lamp is the best prophylaxis of psoriasis all year round. I adhere to a diet, that for a figure only plus.
Natalia, 43 years old : I tried to take dandruff, but I did not realize that I would have to undergo treatment for psoriasis on my head. I was frightened when I saw red plaques in the photo, turned to the doctor. Together with taking medications, she applied a mixture of honey with egg white, wiped plaques with cactus juice. Peeling quickly passed away, the skin began to look better, and for 8 months there are no these terrible eruptions and itching.