Parsley from the pigment spots and freckles will make the face light and eliminate the complexes

Parsley is filled with vitamins

The summer sun warms its rays, and most people are very happy about it. But there is a category of women who do not want to warm their body on the beach or go for walks. All the blame they - freckles and spots of dark color, which at the most inopportune moment spoil the mood of their appearance. A rare girl is proud of her pigmentation, although the fashion industry has long shown on glossy photos faces, covered with light and dark freckles in any quantity. If you do not persuade, then the recipes are lower for you, namely, it will be on the topic - parsley for the face from the pigmented spots.

We are so different. Why does someone have freckles?

First a couple of words about why the sun alone loves much more than others. Freckles - this is just an individual characteristic of a particular person, more precisely, of his skin, not pathology at all. Often they become hereditary, they appear, because pigment cells work more intensively than in all other people, they are distributed unevenly. Freckles can pass by themselves with age, can intensify.

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Freckles are not a defect

Pigment spots are brown foci, which can be just like freckles since childhood, may appear later under the infusion of some factors - hormonal failure, pregnancy, transitional age. And with those, and with others you can fight by different means, many of them are expensive and do not always give results. Folk methods are also the most popular - it's parsley from freckles.

Important! If you have started to appear pigmented areas, then visit a doctor, it can signal a disease. You will need a comprehensive treatment.

Parsley from pigmented spots, freckles and acne consequences. Recipes


With oatmeal flakes:

  • this mask helps to whiten the skin well, since there is also a lemon. Take a tablespoon of oat flakes, fresh greens without stems. You also need lemon juice - 1-1.5 teaspoons. Parsley and oatmeal need a little grind with a blender or a coffee grinder. Then pour the juice, add a little milk, so that the mask was comfortable to apply on the face. Mix everything and apply for 15-20 minutes, rinsing with warm water or infusion of parsley;
  • you need to cook oatmeal with milk, for a mask you need two tablespoons of spoons. In the porridge, add two more spoons of finely chopped parsley, followed by a spoonful of butter. It must be pre-melt. The mask should be kept for 10 minutes every two days.
Decoctions and parsley masks can solve the problem

With potatoes:

  • raw potatoes are often used in home cosmetology and folk medicine. To make the face whiter, you need to grate one potato on a fine grater. You can use a blender - put potatoes, a bunch of parsley in a bowl, squeeze out juice from 1/3 of a lemon. Keep the mask after mixing the ingredients for 20 minutes;

With the egg:

  • this mask with parsley will help you well from stains after acne and generally whiten your skin. Protein of one egg, two tablespoons of lemon juice, a bunch of parsley without stems, washed, you need to grind to a homogeneous mass. Apply on face for 30 minutes in the evenings after 1-2 days. Also, to quickly reduce stains, you need to wipe the morning and evening face with broths, ice, recipes which will be lower;

With cream:

  • a bunch of parsley should be washed, dried, after which it is cut finely, put in a cup, cream is also poured here - the spoon is a dining room, and a spoon of honey is added. All components must be grinded with a spoon in order to obtain a roughly homogeneous mass. Mask to do every day for the night for 40 minutes. The skin will not only become lighter, but also perfectly smooth and radiant at the expense of the piggy bank of useful ingredients in the ingredients;


  • this mask is based only on parsley. For the face from age spots and freckles, it fits all the girls, it works very well. A bunch - about 50 grams you wash, dry on a towel, then grind. You will need all the greens - from roots to stems and leaves. After that, moisten the gauze, folded 4-5 times, in warm water or kefir, put a lot of parsley, distribute and apply this variant of the home cloth mask to your face for 30 minutes. You can do it in a day.

Tip! If you really want to get rid of the pigment, the path will not be fast. We need to do every day step by step - a mask, wipe with lotions, ice. Alternate recipes so that your skin does not get used to and does not stop responding to effort.

Green Juice

One of the favorites and a favorite of many is the juice of parsley. It helps and from pigmented spots, and remove the consequences of acne, and reduce inflamed foci. You can use only one juice of curly parsley, applying it every day before going to bed for 20 minutes, you can add lemon juice to it. Proportion is taken 1 /1/ 1 with water.

Warning! All whitening masks are best done in the evening, since after the procedure the skin becomes very susceptible to ultraviolet rays. In the morning, use sunscreen.

Decoctions of

  • Cut a bunch of parsley with a knife, boil it in a glass of milk, after which the flesh should be used as a mask, and the broth as a lotion for wiping the problem pigment areas.
  • The second decoction of parsley from pigment spots will be based on the root of the plant. You need to grind it to make a stem spoon, then pour a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil, simmer the broth for 3-5 minutes. Next, it is cooled, filtered and washed before going to bed every day.
  • A bunch of 50 grams of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Decoction to cool, drain. Use every day for washing and lotions, which are done with the help of tissue napkins, soaked in parsley broth.
  • Brew a spoonful of chamomile, parsley, dill and sage with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and let it dry for 2-3 minutes. Next, you cool the broth, filter it and wash, also use as a lotion morning and evening.

Ice with greens

How else can parsley help with pigmentation? Of course, one of the favorites is ice. He has a whole range of possibilities, and it's so nice to wash with a cube in the summer heat. You can make any variant of ice:

  • decompose the parsley leaves into shapes, pour boiling water, allow to cool and freeze;
  • squeeze out the juice, mix it with lemon, pour a glass of boiling water and into the freezer;
  • infusion on chamomile and parsley - 1/1;
  • strawberry juice, parsley - 50 grams to pour a glass of water and refrigerate;
  • freeze the infusion on dandelion and parsley - 1/1.That is, on a spoonful of greenery each herb is poured with boiling water, insist, cool, pour into molds.

Important! Useful properties of the cubes will be kept as much as possible in the first two weeks, so do not do many ice trays at once, alternate recipes.

It's simple and affordable for everyone to make such a tool. That's how parsley can help you from pigment spots, scars, freckles, without requiring you to take cardinal measures and material costs.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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