The phenomenon of halitosis in medical, and, in particular, dental practice is quite common. This problem is faced by a large number of people of different ages, including children. By definition, halitosis is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
Not being a specific disease, but representing a symptom of a disease, this phenomenon gives a person some discomfort, leads to difficulties in communication, lowers self-esteem. This can have a negative impact on personal life, work and in other areas of activity.
There are a number of medications to eliminate the cause or symptom of halitosis, for example tablets against odor from the mouth. But first you need to find out the reason.
- reasons halitosis
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract
- Diseases of the respiratory system
- diseases of the excretory system of the body
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Parasites
- Dental problems
- Diagnosis of halitosis
- halitosis treatment depending on the cause
- methods of getting rid of the smell
- Types of funds fromodor
- Active substance odor agent
- Result and duration of the effect of agents against halitosis
- Harmful to the body pzlichnyh funds from the smell of halitosis
Prevention Causes of halitosis
reasons for the emergence of such symptoms as halitosis, there is quite a lot. At first glance, it may seem that the problem lies only in dental diseases, but in reality this is not always the case. This symptom can indicate problems in different organs and body systems.
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
So, to the possible reasons for the occurrence of such an unpleasant phenomenon as halitosis, gastroenterologists include such diseases:
- gastritis;
- gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
- disorders in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
In addition, such a symptom may appear when certain diets are not balanced by the ratio of nutrients. As you know, the liver is a kind of filter in the body, and in a situation where the body does not cope with its functions, toxic substances accumulate and lead to the formation of a symptom.
Diseases of the respiratory system
By airway, an unpleasant odor can pass from the bronchi, becoming apparent not only for the patient himself, but also for others.
To halitosis, from the point of view of the bronchopulmonary system, mainly neglected chronic diseases of the lungs can lead, abscesses, pathological dilatation of the bronchi.
The cause of halitosis can also be hidden in the upper respiratory tract. Symptom can occur with chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, when an excessive amount of mucus or pus is formed. Tonsillitis due to inflammatory processes on the tonsils can often lead to this symptom.
Diseases of the excretory system of the body
Renal failure, disrupting the functions of the organ that it affects, leads to the fact that the substances entered into the body are not completely withdrawn or not taken out at all. Lingering in the blood, they cause poisoning of the body and can provoke halitosis.
Diabetes mellitus
The situation in which an insufficient amount of the necessary hormone is produced leads to disturbances in metabolism, which subsequently causes a symptom of halitosis.
In addition to cigarette smoke, smokers also feel another unpleasant odor from the mouth. This is due to the fact that particles of various harmful substances in the cigarette are deposited in the oral cavity and on the airways.
The presence of parasites in the human body causes halitosis, their products of vital activity provoke this unpleasant symptom.
Dental problems
The overwhelming percentage of patients who encountered the problem of halitosis, during the examination, found some or other diseases of the oral cavity. Let's consider these factors in more detail.
Paradoxically, often the problem of an unpleasant smell is hidden in the simplest reason, which the patient can eliminate himself.
This is an inadequate or incorrect hygiene. Pieces of food left on the surface of the teeth, gums, and on the mucous membrane of the mouth, decomposing, lead to the multiplication of microorganisms, bacteria that cause fetid odor.
The next cause of halitosis is directly diseases of teeth and gums( gingivitis, periodontitis).
Diagnosis of halitosis
The main value in the treatment of a symptom is diagnosis. After all, depending on the reasons, treatment can be fundamentally different.
First of all, the collection of anamnesis determines the accompanying complaints of the patient, in order to identify a group of factors that led to the disease.
In case of problems of the respiratory, excretory, digestive or other body system, a person should be referred to the appropriate specialists for further examination.
When it comes to dental problems, it should be clarified how long the patient noted the unpleasant odor, the frequency of its appearance, the nature and intensity of the phenomenon.
When diagnosed, sometimes there is a so-called false halitosis, when complaints are based on conjectures and assumptions of a person and his psychological characteristics, views and fears.
If the truth of the symptom is not being questioned by a dentist, then a further check involves examining the oral cavity itself and detecting problems.
Treatment of halitosis depending on the cause of
Treatment of the halitosis problem should proceed strictly in accordance with the cause that caused it. Specialists can prescribe both systemic medications( which is more important and preferable) and symptomatic treatments that are designed to remove or disguise an unpleasant odor.
When it comes to infecting an organism with parasites, it is often necessary to use drugs that kill protozoa and multicellular cells, or paralyze them. So, tablets Tinidazole from a smell from a mouth, representing medicines against microbes can be recommended. Killing bacteria and parasites, such pills can save the patient from halitosis.
Speaking about problems with the digestive and respiratory systems, it is necessary to note the complexity of the approach. Drugs for treating such problems need to be taken comprehensively in order to eliminate the underlying cause and thus get rid of the problem of bad smell.
Methods for getting rid of odor
Methods for getting rid of halitosis in the general case can be considered directly treatment of the cause of smell.
In order to eliminate odor as a symptom, fresh breath pills, mouth rinses, breath freshening candies, sprays, chewing gums, mint flavor pills and other odor control agents can be used.
In addition, proper hygiene of the oral cavity, which includes cleansing of teeth, gums and tongue, use of toothbrushes, threads, breath fresheners for mouth and toothpicks is of utmost importance.
This also includes periodic professional cleaning of the oral cavity in the dentist's office, and timely sanitation of the oral cavity.
Types of odor remedies
Tablets that help to get rid of the problem of halitosis can be divided into such types:
- antimicrobial;
- antiseptic;
- antifungal;
- is an anti-inflammatory.
Speaking of candies, it is advisable to use such dragees for resorption:
- Holls;
- Tick;
- Mentos;
- Rondo.
In addition, there are sprays and rinse solutions that neutralize and mask the odor. In pharmacies and supermarkets they are represented by a wide range and are not medicines. There are in the rulers of almost any brand specializing in toothpastes.
It should be noted that some of the tablets from the smell treat the cause, while others only mask the problem. Tablets that treat the cause include drugs with antimicrobial and antiseptic action, for example:
- Fukorcin;
- Chlorophyllipt;
- Septagal;
- Furacilin;
- Smelix.
Sprays and liquids with therapeutic effect include:
- Listerin;
- Air-Lift;
- Emofresh;
- Dentaid;
- BioNorm;
- Nicodent;
- Minitrol;
- funds from the Amway series.
All these products combine the effects of antiseptic and freshener. Any candy, dragee, chewing gum and sprays do not have a therapeutic effect, but temporarily mask the smell.
The active substance of the odor agent
The active substances of antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic drugs are:
- extract of chlorophyllipt;
- boric acid;
- fucin;
- of the oleoxacin;
- benzalkonium chloride.
In preparations that help with parasitic infection, the active substance is
- tinidazole;
- levamisole.
In remedies:
- menthol;
- peppermint.
Result and duration of the effect of agents against halitosis
The effectiveness of the treatment with tablets depends directly on the correctly determined origin of the symptom, and as a consequence, the correct diagnosis. Working not with the investigation, but with the root cause, you can successfully get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as halitosis.
The duration of the effect with the use of drugs is determined by the type of their effect: if the drug is intended to treat the underlying cause, it can permanently rid the patient of an unpleasant symptom, or solve the problem until the next aggravation of the underlying disease.
Speaking of lollipops, dragees, tablets for resorption, their action lasts least - about two hours. Sprays and rinse solutions have an effect for about half a day.
Harmful to the body of various odor agents
Not all anti-odor agents are unambiguous in their action on the body: besides the benefits, they can cause harm. So, killing pathogens, some drugs also contribute to the loss of useful microflora.
In addition, some of them, especially potent, have a number of side effects. Part of the funds can lead to temporary disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system.
Wanting to minimize possible negative consequences of taking drugs that eliminate an unpleasant smell, you can resort to folk methods and treatments. So, among them one can distinguish rinsing of the oral cavity with decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint and lemon balm.
Prevention of halitosis
To prevent the appearance of halitosis, it is necessary to apply preventive measures.
The first measure is proper hygiene: brush your teeth after a night's sleep and in the evening, use high-quality toothpaste and dental floss. When brushing your teeth, pay attention also to cleaning the tongue, for which there are special brushes. In time to conduct sanation and treatment at the dentist. Do not neglect rinses.
Add more solid ingredients to your diet, which can mechanically remove plaque from the surface of the teeth: apples, carrots and other products of this kind. Avoiding excessive amounts of products that cause decay and fermentation processes, in the first place, we are talking about sugar-containing food.
Summarizing, we can say that the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon as halitosis can be a lot. Diagnosis of factors is best entrusted to the attending physician, who, depending on the root of the problem, will prescribe adequate treatment. Providing proper dental prophylaxis, the patient can be sure that the problem of unpleasant odor will not affect him.