Caloric content of fruits and berries. Calorie table per 100 grams

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Name of fruit Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Number of calories per 100 grams( kcal)
orange 0.9 0.2 8.3 38
grapes 0,6 0,2 16 64
pear 0,4 0, 3 9.5 42
apple 0.4 0.4 9.8 44
melon 0,6 - 9,1 39
grapefruit 0,7 0,2 6,5 35
mandarin 0, 8 0.3 8.1 38
banana 1.5 0.1 21 91
mango 0.5 0.3 13.5 67
garnet 0.9 - 13 52
prune 2,3 - 58,4 242
dried apricots 5.2 - 55 240
raisins 1.8 - 66 271
persimmon 0.5 - 13.2 55
date 2 0.5 72.3 306
pineapple 0.5 0.2 11.6 49
apricot 0,9 0,1 9 40
figs 3,1 0,8 57,9 257
peach 0,9 0,1 9,5 42
kiwi 0,4 0,2 11, 5 49
avocado 2 20 7.4 208
quince 0.6 0.5 9.8 40
papaya 0.6 0.3 9.2 48
plum 0.8 0.2 9.6 43
pomelo 0.6 0.2 6.7 32
lemon 0.9 0.1 3.3 16

Fruits and berries are the invariable components of a healthy human diet. You need to eat them regularly, every day. Some varieties of fruits are able to give health and youth.


Caloric content of fruits. Calorie table per 100 grams

Fruits are almost one of the most important foods in the whole diet. They should not be abandoned even in the period of weight loss, since they are full of vitamins.cellulose and other useful substances. Of course, in order to get the maximum benefit from fruits, you need to follow certain rules for their use. These rules are complex and easy to remember:

  • Calorie fruits are best used in the morning or in the morning. If by evening you really want fruit, you can afford not sweet apples or pears, as well as some citrus fruits
  • Often eaten fruit only makes the feeling of hunger more. You can avoid this by combining the fruit with bread from wholemeal and bran. Such bread is very useful and not conducive to the fullness of
  • There are fruits that can be consumed only in strictly limited quantities for diseases or when losing weight. This applies to bananas and grapes
  • There are modern fruit diets, the adherence of which allows you to lose weight quickly and pleasantly. However, doctors do not really like such radical methods and advise you to replace diets with unloading days.
  • For a variety of diets you can make fresh and smoothies from a variety of berries and fruits. A glass of this drink is very useful to drink every day
  • It is believed that if you replace the usual sweets with dried fruit, you can achieve not only better health, but also weight loss
  • Daily consumption of berries and fruits normalizes the stool and eliminates constipation
  • To supplement your diet with useful microelements and vitamins,fresh fruits and berries every day
fruit benefits for each

Of course, being on a diet or just watching their forms, you need to carefully examine the calorie content of eachfruit. This will help not gain excess weight.

Table of calorie content of fruit in the amount of 100 grams:

Video: "Fruit. Benefits and harm »

The use of citrus fruits: orange, mandarin, lemon, grapefruit

Citrus fruits are the most unique fruits.these fruits contain:

  • sugar( glucose)
  • pectin substances
  • minerals
  • salts
  • vitamin A
  • group vitamins In
  • a lot of vitamin C
  • vitamin P and PP

In citrus fruits you can eat not only the flesh but also the skin, it is also fullmicroelements. Essential oil from citrus fruits is very useful and fragrant. Citrus fruits can strengthen immunity and even fight against colds. Citrus fruits contain few calories and that's why they are an excellent product for slimming.

Orange is rich in vitamin C. It contains a large number of antioxidants that favorably affect the human body. It is indispensable for those who want to improve the stool, lower blood pressure and even cheer up.

the use of orange

Another famous citrus fruit is lemon. It is rarely used to combat cold and viral diseases due to the high content of vitamin C. Lemon can satisfy hunger and thirst on even the hottest day.

the use of lemon

Grapefruit - fruit giving youth and health. It is a storehouse of antioxidants and useful acids. The fruit perfectly blocks the feeling of hunger, normalizes the work of the intestines, speeds up metabolism and improves metabolism. Thanks to these processes, there is a qualitative weight loss.

the benefits of grapefruit

Mandarin - is a favorite fruit that can restore vitamins in the body in the autumn and winter. In mandarin, there are many useful substances that favorably influence the process of digestion. Fruit helps to fight seasonal diseases.

the use of mandarin

Video: " Citrus Fruit: features of citrus fruits;harm and benefit from the use of citrus fruits »

Use of exotic fruits for humans

Exotic fruits are interesting and tasty. Often, unusual fruits have a mass of nutrients and rarely cause an allergic reaction. There is such a fruit you need with caution and in moderation.

The avocado is one of the most high-calorie fruits. The taste of this fruit is not sweet and it is often combined with other foods in salads and snacks. It contains a large number of fatty acids and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the state of the human skin.

Mango is one of the most useful fruits. There are a lot of vitamins in it, which are so necessary for a person. Mango perfectly improves the functioning of the immune system and even can improve mood due to the high content of vitamin C. Mango is very useful for women's health, another property of the fetus is to increase libido.

use of mango

has unique properties as well papaya , which contains many useful microelements that favorably affect the work of the heart and vessels. Moreover, fruit is recommended during the fight against excess weight.

use of papaya

Fig - is unique with its useful properties. It is quite caloric, but it is able to favorably affect the human gastrointestinal tract, improving digestion, eliminating constipation and even curing inflammatory intestinal diseases. Figs "inhibit" the division of cancer cells, and therefore prevents cancer.

the use of figs

Video: "Benefits and Harms of Exotic Fruits"

How useful are dried fruits?

Ever since the earliest times, folk healers regularly used dried fruits to give people health, longevity and beauty. These delicacies are full of important microelements and vitamin. That's why they become so useful for a person. Why do dried fruits have useful substances?- It's all about how to dry them. After all, in fact, dried fruit is a concentrate of fresh fruit.

In non-season, namely in winter, dried fruits are an invariable part of the diet. During the drying, the fruits completely retain their substances, and sometimes they also double them and that is why they are relevant and necessary for a balanced diet.

Dried fruits are not only useful, but also very tasty! They contain a lot of biologically active substances:

  • potassium
  • sodium
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • iron

The data of substances in dried fruits is much higher than in ordinary fresh fruits. In addition, they are able to positively influence the work:

  • of the stomach
  • of the digestive tract
  • of the intestine

Therefore, they are able to excrete toxins and toxins than heal and rejuvenate the body. Potassium, which is abundant in dried fruits, positively affects the heart organ, strengthening its walls, and magnesium on the condition and work of the vessels. Also, not everyone knows that the regular use of dried fruits mixed with nuts and honey, gives women's health and even slows the growth of cancer cells and prevents oncology.

dried fruit

Those who want to get rid of excess weight, doctors recommend consuming dried fruits every day. The norm is 100 grams of various dried fruits.they have little sugar and a lot of fiber.

Video: "Benefits and harm of dried fruits"

Caloric content of berries. Calorie table per 100 grams

With the first appearance of berries a person wants to try them and it's not accidental. All because during the cold period the body is depleted and requires useful microelements, which are very many in a variety of berries. This is not only useful, but also incredibly delicious food. Berries enjoy incredible popularity in fresh form, and in some even in dried ones.

Berries contain many:

  • vitamins
  • cellulose
  • antioxidants
  • minerals

The uniqueness of the effect of berries on the human body is that they are able to reduce all oxidation processes. It is precisely the awaited processes that destroy the human body and wear it out and make it grow old. Berries give youth and "freshness".

Berries must necessarily be an important component of a person's diet. To eat them is useful exclusively in fresh form, and dried some berries - an excellent substitute for desserts. Perfectly combine berries with sour-milk products, and even in fruit salads and in combination with granola.

benefits of berries

Of course, the most delicious can be called berries just picked from the bush. It is not rare for berries to be frozen to enjoy them all year round. The frozen berry is also delicious, but it loses half its useful properties.

As already mentioned, berries are the most real antioxidants. And all this thanks to the presence in their composition:

  • vitamin C - is responsible for the production of collagen
  • anthocyanin - reduces the inflammatory processes
  • quercetin - slows the aging process

There is a secret that allows you to find out how much useful substances and antioxidants in the berry are its color. The brighter the berry - the more rich its taste and vitamin composition.

Berry calorie table per 100 grams:

Berry name Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Calorie per 100 g
Watermelon 0,7 0,2 8,8 40
Cherries 0,8 0,5 10,3 49
Strawberries 0,8 0, 4 6.3 32
Raspberries 0.8 0.3 8.3 39
Currants 1 0.2 7.3 35
Blueberries 1.1 0.6 8.4 41
Cherries 1,2 0.4 10,6 50
Gooseberry 0,7 0,2 9,1 41
Cranberry 0.5 - 6.3 34
Blueberries 1 0.1 7.7 34
Seabuckthorn 0.9 - 5 52
Rowan 1.4 - 8,6 46
Rosehip 1,6 - 24 101
cornelian 0,9 0,1 46 209
Cranberries 1 - 10 43
Strawberries 1 - 11 34
Blackberries 2 - 6 31
Silkworm 1 - 14 52

Berries are the source of folic acid, so necessary forfemale health. In addition, she cares about the cardiovascular system of man. Fiber, which is abundant in berries, improves the stool and improves the function of the digestive tract. And yet, folic acid is what is responsible for the production of serotonin in the body - the hormone "happiness".Regular use of berries prevents the appearance of depression.

Video: "Benefits of berries for health"

How to eat berries? Berries for weight loss: dogwood, cranberries

In the struggle for a slender figure, all the means that are of use are good. This applies to berries. The fact is that berries are able to regulate in the human body the processes of digestion, as well as control the deposition of fats. In addition, berries - the worst enemy of cellulite.

Weight factors are often cited by factors such as:

  • slowed metabolism
  • poor metabolism
  • deficiency in the body of vitamins

Berries are able to normalize all these processes, and therefore lead the body to the correct and high-quality weight loss.


Of course, all berries are useful for eating and losing weight, but some should be eat with caution. Probably everyone heard about the benefits of goji berries, but not everyone can find this "wonder" on the shelves of the store. Replace goji can serve as a dogwood. Dogwood is a delicious dietary berry, useful both in fresh and dried form. Dogwood is accepted:

  • separately as a snack
  • add to yogurt
  • add to porridge
  • add to fruit salads

The norm of a cornelian per day is about forty to fifty grams( gins) of berries. It is not rare to make infusion of cornel and even add to the second dishes. Do not eat dogwood in large quantities, as its excess provokes a strong appetite.

Another unique berry - cranberries. This is an essential element of the thinning menu. The berry is so useful and contains a huge amount of useful microelements that it simply does not exist in nature! Berries have a laxative effect and are able to remove all toxins and wastes, accumulated in the human body for years. It is noticed that even in the absence of physical activity, berries "take" extra pounds and give health.


Along with dogwood and cowberry, each berry has its own unique properties. Berries:

  • improve the skin condition
  • improve the hair condition
  • improve the vision
  • eliminate inflammation in the body
  • develop appetite and digestion

It is best to eat berries in the morning: for lunch and for breakfast. Adding berries to oatmeal in the morning, you double the benefit of breakfast. Just combine berries with nuts, honey and yogurt. It is not only useful, but also incredibly tasty!

Video: "Goji berries are dogwood"

  • Mar 17, 2018
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