In menopause, noticeable changes occur not only with internal organs. Many women literally suffer from the fact that the appearance changes rapidly: the skin is weakened, wrinkles appear more sharply on it, and the hair becomes thin. Therefore the problem, what to accept at a climax to not grow old, is rather actual.
Contents of
- 1 Why aging begins with the extinction of the ovarian function
- 2 Is it possible to prolong youth in menopause?
- 2.1 Hormone therapy
- 2.2 Phytomedication for beauty care
- 2.3 Vitamins
- 2.4 Lifestyle for beauty
Why aging begins with the extinction of the ovarian function
Menopause begins with inhibition of the gonads. Ovaries stop producing the same amount of estrogen and progesterone. And these components are important not only for reproductive capabilities and menstrual function. They depend on many processes occurring in the body, including those that provide freshness and tightness of the skin, the thickness of the hair and the strength of the nails.
Estrogens affect the production of collagen and elastin, necessary for the regeneration of the cells of the dermis and epidermis. Progesterone controls the activity of the sebaceous glands, hence, the process of nourishing the skin, hair. Sex hormones determine water-salt metabolism, that is, they provide moisture for tissues, necessary for their tightness. It is natural, when the reduction of these substances is accompanied by a deterioration in appearance.
The deterioration of well-being plays a role in changes. With the menopause come hot flashes, fatigue, bad mood, inability to fully relax. The metabolic disorder provokes excess weight. All of the above does not contribute to the preservation of beauty. And careful care does little to improve the appearance.
Is it possible to prolong youth in menopause?
Despite the fact that no woman passes menopause, peers often look different. In many respects this is determined by heredity and the peculiarities of the course of the period. In some women, hormones decrease smoothly, others experience a sharp decrease.
But if a woman cares about her health, selects the right preparations, her appearance will be advantageous to differ from the fact that they have waved their hands at the beauty. Because there are means that can not only normalize the self-perception, but also preserve the attractiveness:
- Hormonal preparations;
- Phytostases and homeopathic;
- Vitamins.
Hormone therapy
Once aging, including external, is associated with a decrease in sex hormones, it is worth starting support with a climax to preserve beauty. They must contain the missing substances. Of course, drugs are a serious treatment. And only to preserve the freshness of the skin doctor will not appoint them. But, as a rule, severe symptoms of menopause, which are treated with these drugs, and cause rapid external aging.
Frequent and intense hot flashes, headaches, constant fears and depression, insomnia do not allow to keep beauty. In such cases, you should take to maintain it:
- Divina;
- Climonorum;
- CyclO-Proginova;
- Angelique.
These estrogen-progestational agents replenish the hormone stores. Thanks to the equalization of the balance of substances, the severe signs of menopause are eliminated, which prevent an acceptable feeling and look. They spur the production of collagen and elastin, which allows skin cells to be divided and updated. Muscle tone when using drugs is also increased. And their smartness is no less important for a youthful appearance.
Hormonal drugs contribute to the preservation of hair density, retention of pigment in them. Their roots are strengthened, the color is preserved.
To maintain a good posture and strength of nails, calcium is needed. Sex hormones do not allow the mineral to quickly wash out of tissues, as it occurs in the menopausal period.
But wanting to save the attraction, it is worth remembering that this is unrealistic if the woman is unwell. Therefore, aspirations should be directed first of all to restoring oneself. In such a difficult period, like postmenopause, drugs that preserve the beauty of women, should not harm him. If to them there are no contraindications, for this purpose it is possible to use still:
- Livial;
- Femoston;
- Tricequence.
Phytopreparations on the guard of beauty
When choosing drugs for menopause that remove aging, it is worth taking note of the preparations containing vegetable estrogens. Phyto-drugs are more suitable for this purpose, if the climacteric manifestations are rather weak.
Despite relatively good health, for the beauty of the body a smooth decrease in hormones still does not pass without a trace. Stimulate skin regeneration, muscle tone, vivacity, eliminate insomnia, normalize blood circulation, drugs with cymifug, clover, soybean will help. They have an effect similar to natural estrogens, but are safer than synthetic hormones.
Drugs for the prolongation of youth with phytohormones support immunity, which is important for external beauty. They can be used repeatedly, thereby stimulating the regenerative processes in the tissues. The best of phyto-drugs and homeopathy:
- Climadinone;
- Estroel;
- Qi-Klim;
- Climaxan;
- Remance.
Vitamins play a significant role in the recovery processes, the correctness of which is important for beauty at any age. On the approach to menopause and after it a sufficient amount of these substances, as well as trace elements is an indispensable condition for well-being, maintaining the tone of the skin and muscles, and the density of the hair. They help to stabilize the balance in the body, and this is the key to everything.
When choosing what to drink when menopause, do not overlook the following vitamin-mineral complexes:
- Hypotrilone. Capsules contain vitamin E, selenium and indole-3-carbinol. The action of all components is aimed at slowing down the aging processes of tissues, inducing their regeneration. Hypotrilone improves blood flow, including in the pelvic area. This stimulates the ovaries to produce hormones, which responds well to the well-being and appearance;
- Doppelherz Menopause. The complex drug supports immunity, has a rejuvenating effect due to the B vitamins contained in it, important for skin and hair, soy, calcium, biotin;
- Ladies formula for menopause. The remedy contains substances that slow the extinction of the ovaries( clover, sacred vitex, cymifug), B group vitamins, magnesium, manganese, vitamin E. When choosing drugs, one should think first of all about health. And all the components of Ladis formula of menopause promote rejuvenation, since they are antioxidants. Such a combination of them eliminates the very manifestations of menopause, which are detrimental to the appearance;
- Orthomol Femin. The complex consists of substances that preserve youth. These are vitamins B and E, coenzyme Q 10, lycopene, ascorbic and folic acid, flax oil, soybean seed extract. All of them lead to the normal oxidation-reduction processes in the body;
- Woman 40+.The remedy includes components that not only rejuvenate the skin, but also can maintain normal weight, maintain muscle tone. These are bioflavonoids, boron, magnesium, bromelain, sodium;
- Menopace. It contains a mass of substances necessary for maintaining youth. These are vitamins of group B and tocopherol acetate, retinol, calcium, potassium, copper, chromium, selenium, useful acids, manganese, biotin. All of them allow to accelerate the regeneration of tissues, to improve health by decreasing the activity of climacteric syndrome.
We recommend to read an article about the adoption of Ladys Formula in menopause. You will learn about the effect of the drug on the body of a woman during menopause, the composition, the ways of using the vitamin complex.
Lifestyle to help beauty
When thinking about how not to grow old with menopause, you should not just rely on medicines and vitamins. It has long been no secret that life habits greatly affect the characteristics of the body in any age period. Menopause is no exception. Suspend aging tissues, make the skin more elastic, muscles tightened, prevent excessive loss of hair can be if:
- Eat mostly vegetable food. Vegetables, nuts, fruits, oatmeal, legumes, sunflower, olive, flaxseed oils contain a lot of substances useful for the skin, antioxidants. These products contribute to the normalization of the balance of hormones, which also works for rejuvenation;
- Move a lot. Physical activity triggers the rejuvenation process by increasing the supply of oxygen to the tissues. This improves overall mood and well-being, as well as blood supply;
- Do not make your own beauty of worship. If you constantly regret that it will not be possible to look 30 years old, this is the right way to depression. And it does not contribute to youth. To stabilize the state of mind, it is good to temporarily drink sedatives to Valerian, Motherwort, and try to get enough sleep. Despite the inability to regain youth, one must look after appearance. A trip to the beauty salon will help both the physical and mental state.
Whatever the woman decided to drink with menopause, so as not to grow old, she must do this with her doctor. In the excitement of the struggle for beauty, one can not ignore health, and the uncontrolled use of various drugs can lead to malaise.