At the end of 2014, Hungarian pharmacists offered an alternative to the surgical treatment of uterine fibroids. The new tool has helped thousands of patients avoid a crippling operation, but a great deal of interest among specialists was raised by the question of restoring the cycle and monthly after the esmia.
The main active substance of a specific medication became ulcer. Its impact on the hormonal sphere of women and allowed to achieve positive results in conservative treatment of uterine fibroids.
Contents of
- 1 Mechanism of action of the drug on the female genital area
- 2 How menstruation proceeds during treatment with this drug
- 3 Restoration and normalization of the menstrual cycle after completion of treatment
- 4 Contraindications and side effects
- 5 Differences in the preparation of the drug
- 6 Price of treatment
Mechanism of action of the drug on the female genital area
Basicthe cause of benign tumors in the female body, especially in the uterus, is an excessive amount in the blood of a female patientof hormone - progesterone. It is this substance that promotes the rapid growth of the endometrium, lining the cavity of the female genital organ.
Under its influence, the process of changes in the structure of tissues becomes hard-to-invert, the muscular wall increases in size, large knots are formed in it. Myoma of the uterus is fraught with heavy bleeding, which may require emergency measures and even urgent surgery.
Active substance vyspristal blocks the work of progesterone receptors, dramatically reducing the amount of this hormone in the body of a sick woman. This leads to a decrease or even a complete cessation of endometrial growth.
Treatment with this drug allows gynecologists to do without surgery, in the most difficult cases, doctors are limited to the removal of fibromatous nodes. However, the course of treatment is long, and the woman should be ready for significant changes in her body.
How menstruation occurs during treatment with this drug
The effect of this drug on the woman's menstrual cycle is due to the suppression of the production of sex hormones, especially progesterone. It is his lack of a violation of the normal functioning of the patient's genital organ.
The esmia and the monthly are quite seriously interrelated. The drug reduces the amount of progesterone, as a result of which the epidermis of the uterus slows down its growth. Various cysts are formed in the cavity that prevent the growth of epithelial cells and increase the size of benign tumors and nodes in the uterus.
What is menstruation, as a physiological mechanism? This is the process of rejection of the epidermis together with the fetal egg from the cavity of the patient's genital organ. And in the absence of this layer, the fetal egg simply has nowhere to be attached, since the muscle layer itself is not adapted for this.
In this case, the period of taking the esmia is quite important. For the first 30 days, instead of the usual menstruation, a woman expects the to have abundant prolonged discharge from the vagina of brown color.
Under the action of the drug, these symptoms become less and less when the second menstrual period begins. Allocations will be extremely meager and darker. You should not expect any painful feelings.
In the third month of treatment, menstruation completely disappears, there are no secretions. The developers of the drug and clinicians argue that the absence of monthly bleeding is guaranteed for the duration of the drug, and after the drug is discontinued, the normal cycle is restored. However, is it so?
Look at the video about the treatment of uterine fibroids with the drug:
Restoration and normalization of the menstrual cycle after the completion of
treatment Many patients with this pathology are interested in after taking an esme when the menstrual period begins. Advertisement of the drug and many practical doctors claim that this should be expected after 1 to 2 months from the date of discontinuation of treatment.
In principle, it should be so. Ulipristal ceases to block the release of progesterone, and since all processes in the uterus are usually reversible, the growth of the epithelium on the walls of this organ is restored in full.
If we take into account that it was the use of esmia that hindered the formation and development of the egg cell, after the withdrawal of this medication, after 20-25 days the woman should undergo the usual monthly, and the next cycle, full ovulation is possible. But in modern medical practice, the results of stopping medication are not so rosy.
When a situation arises that after the course of an esmia do not come monthly, patients should not panic immediately .According to several large gynecological clinics, normal menstruation can begin in 2 to 4 months.
Most experts believe that this prolongation of normal menstrual cycle recovery is associated with the physiological characteristics of a particular woman, rather than with the pathological effect of the drug. If the patient has this problem persists after 3 months from the date of cancellation of a specific medicine, it is necessary to conduct additional studies of the hormonal background of the woman.
Often, patients complain that they have scanty months after esmia. A similar problem is quite possible when using this medication, especially if it was used as an additional therapy before the operation.
Combined treatment allows gynecologists with neglected forms of uterine fibroids to restrict themselves to excision of the nodes, while retaining the genital organ of .However, in such a course of the disease, the woman's menstrual cycle will be affected not only by oppression of progesterone secretion, but also by the consequences of traumatic interference in her body.
Contraindications and side effects of
Because this drug directly interferes with the hormonal background of young women, the drug has a fairly large list of contraindications. Specialists refer to any conditions:
- any cancer, especially if they affect the female genital organs;
- the use of esmia is contraindicated in pregnant women and young mothers during lactation;
- is not recommended for the administration of this drug to patients suffering from allergic and systemic diseases( bronchial asthma, various dermatoses, systemic blood diseases);
- this drug can not be prescribed to girls and young women who have not reached the age of 18.
Because, as noted above, this drug directly interferes with the hormonal system, patients should be prepared for various side effects when using this medication. This drug can cause a negative effect on many organs and systems of a woman:
- The most characteristic are the various neurological disorders. Headache, dizziness, nausea, pain in the muscles - that's far from an incomplete list of possible consequences of using esmia.
- Quite often, experts note that such patients have a malfunction in the blood coagulation system. In such women, frequent bleeding from the vessels of the nose, discharge of blood from the vagina, the occurrence of hematomas with the slightest trauma.
- Drug administration can also cause violations of female reproductive function. In the literature, cases have been described where administration of the drug led to the rupture of various ovarian cysts, the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy during the first month of use of the drug.
When, after the esmia, when the menstrual period comes, the hormonal background will also be affected. Women should have patience, if one of the main functions of the female body is not restored to the dates indicated in the annotation. Do not be superfluous and visit a doctor.
The subtleties of the preparation
The scheme of treatment of an esmia is quite simple. Therapy usually begins in the first days after menstruation. The patient should receive 1 tablet a day. Treatment can take from 4 weeks to 3 months.
It should be noted that for patients who have a history of liver and kidney pathology, the dose of the drug and the reception hours should be selected individually. Do not forget about the high allergic activity of this drug substance. Intolerance to esmia was noted in 5-7% of all treated.
For most patients, a negative feature of this drug may be its ability to reduce metabolism, which often leads to overweight or even obesity in women. However, if there is a possibility for the patient to avoid surgery, a few young ladies think about excess weight.
We recommend to read an article about homeopathy with uterine myomas. From it you will learn about the use of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of uterine fibroids, as well as their effectiveness in the treatment of benign neoplasm.
Price of treatment
Another negative quality of esme is the price. P the drug is quite expensive: in the pharmacy network of the Russian Federation the price ranges from 7 to 10 thousand rubles, and in Ukrainian pharmacies the medicine can be purchased from 3 to 4 thousand hryvnia.
Not every patient can afford such a waste, but the cost of surgery and the postoperative period is also quite a significant amount. The choice is always for the woman, but before making a decision, you should get a consultation from a gynecologist.
Esmea is not a panacea, it's far from the most innocuous drug. Therefore, before starting treatment, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons of such an act.