Ideally, there should be no bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract in women outside the menstrual period. But often the girls notice the smear before or after menstruation, and also after sexual intercourse. It is necessary to pay attention to this, often behind such insignificant manifestations are hidden serious diseases. When should I alarm and run to the doctor? In what case is brown discharge between menstruation likely to be normal?
- 1 Isolations OK
- 2 Brown selection OK
- 2.1 In the middle of the cycle
- 2.2 After sexual contact
- 2.3 With oral contraceptives
- 2.4 Before and after menstruation
- 3 Pathological discharge
- 4 Problems in the uterine cavity
- 4.1 Malignantneoplasms
- 4.2 Cervical pathology
- 4.3 Endometriosis
- 4.4 Pathology of the thyroid and other endocrine organs
- 4.5 Presence of the
- 5 Navigator What is the storya color
- 6 spotting after intercourse
- 7 Pathology Diagnosis presence
normally from the genital tract girls can change throughout the menstrual cycle. It depends on age, hormonal background, the presence of various diseases and some other reasons.
In the pubertal period, when puberty is just beginning, the estrogen-rich organism begins to stimulate the formation of mucus in the vagina. It can be transparent, whitish in color. Most often it is viscous in texture, sometimes like "lumps".All this indicates a favorable development of puberty, the full health of the girl and that soon her menstrual function will be adjusted.
During the menopause, discharge from the genital tract becomes much less, often women do not notice them at all. Appearance of smearing brown or bright red bloody discharge at this age indicates the course of a disease.
As you approach ovulation, the discharge increases, they are mucous, viscous. Some girls figuratively compare them with a protein of a chicken egg. As soon as ovulation occurs, they acquire a more dense consistency, a whitish hue. But such changes are not always met, but only with an ideal hormonal background in a healthy girl.
Brown excretions are normal
If a woman has a single spot of bloody, very minor discharge from the genital tract outside the menstrual period, then most likely they are associated with functional changes in her body. If the brown daub is a permanent satellite, then the probability of a pathological process is high. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, rather than wait for everything to be fixed on your own.
In the middle of the
cycle Some women "feel" their ovulation. Including one of the signals may be smearing brown or even menstrual-like discharge in the middle of the cycle. They usually last no more than 1 - 3 days. It is caused by sharp fluctuations of the hormonal background due to overwork, lack of sleep, positive emotions, etc. Often, there are no obvious reasons for this. But one should be alert if such a daub comes every month. This is a signal for more in-depth examination and identification of the true causes.
After sexual contact
Rapid intimate relationships, especially in a state of alcohol or drug abuse, often lead to trauma to the genitals. And their character varies from small cracks to serious ruptures. In the first case, one can not worry much, a light daub will pass in a day or two. But with abundant secretions often without surgical intervention can not do, you should seek medical help.
On the background of taking oral contraceptives
In the first month of taking hormonal drugs, including for the purpose of contraception, there are often different types of spotting from the genital tract. It can be a short-term daub, and sometimes more plentiful and long reguli.
Such disruptions of the menstrual cycle are allowed during the first month. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor for an examination. This may indicate an inadequate dose of the hormone in the drug or that it does not fit this girl.
Minor cycle disorders, more often in the middle, can occur even with prolonged use of hormonal contraception. If the brown separations between the monthly appear once, they do not pose a particular threat and only testify to the adaptive reactions of the body( provided the schedule of taking the tablets is met).But the repetition of this requires further examination by a specialist.
If reception of oral contraceptives is broken, it entails in most cases a brown smear or even spotting.
Before and after menstruation
Spotting brown discharge can be a signal of the onset of menstruation. Also, after the end of critical days, similar events may occur. But it should be borne in mind that such discharges can normally not be more than 1 - 2 days. Longer ones talk about some pathology and require a survey.
Pathological allocation of
Still, bloody-brown discharge between menstruation in a larger percentage of cases is not the norm. Especially if they are combined with the following symptoms:
- pain not associated with menstruation, it often occurs during intercourse;
- if such discharge is permanent and almost always after sex;
- in case a woman has long been in menopause.
To clarify the reasons for such situations, you should contact a gynecologist.
Look at the video about what excretions should alert
Problems in the uterine cavity
Most often, irregular spotting produces different pathological processes in the uterine cavity. These can be polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, and the like.
This pathology is more common in premenopausal women, after numerous abortions and other interventions in the uterine cavity. But there are cases of disease in young and nulliparous girls.
Most often, there is a brown discharge between the months without pain. Sometimes they can be mistaken for ovulatory, but a permanent character forces you to look for a more serious reason.
Hyperplasia and polyps of the endometrium, except for intermenstrual secretions, are the cause of abundant, with clots of menstruation.
Malignant neoplasms
The oncological process also manifests with irregular bloody discharge. Their character can be different - from smearing to plentiful. Often there is their appearance, including after sexual intercourse.
Bloody discharge in menopause in 30% of cases indicates endometrial cancer.
Cervical pathology
In the presence of cervical erosion, the cervical canal polyp may show periodic bloody discharge between monthly browns. Provoke their sex, physical activity, etc.
A characteristic feature of endometriosis is the appearance of smearing brown excretions on the eve of and after menstruation. Usually their duration is more than 2 - 3 days. In this case, pain and discomfort may occur, including during sexual intercourse.
The pathology of the thyroid and other endocrine organs
The thyroid gland, more than other internal secretion organs, affects the functioning of the genital organs and the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, with its pathology, there are often violations, including intermenstrual secretions.
Presence of the
IUD The intrauterine device may cause spotting on the eve of and after menstruation. And sometimes they last up to 3 - 5 days, which brings considerable discomfort to a woman. All this can be accompanied by copious monthly. So the body reacts to such a foreign body. Only by removing the IUD, it will be possible to get rid of the symptoms.
What the color of
tells about Bloody discharge can have a different color. But only on this basis it is impossible to say what is the cause of the violations.
So, it is possible to allocate the following:
- brown,
- very dark, practically black,
- brightly scarlet, bloody.
Smear after sexual intercourse
"Contact" spotting that appears in a woman immediately or a few hours after sex, always alert doctors. This is one of the most frequent and first signs of cervical cancer. That's why in case of occurrence of such complaints it is necessary to undergo a full examination in order to reveal the pathology still in an unopened form.
But not only with cervical and vaginal cancer, brown discharge appears between menstruation, causes can be hidden in the cervical canal or uterine cavity polyps, erosion, inflammatory process and some others. Finally, only a doctor can examine it after the examination.
Diagnosis of the presence of pathology
Dark and light brown discharge between the months can indicate both a pathological process and some functional malfunctions in the woman's body. What should be done to detect or exclude the pathological process? The main diagnostic procedures:
- examination of the cervix and vagina in the mirrors;
- smears on oncocytology, in addition, colposcopy and biopsy are possible when a suspicious focus is detected;
- study of the flora of the vagina and cervix;
- ultrasound examination of pelvic organs;
- if necessary - diagnostic scraping or hysteroscopy;
- blood test for sex hormones, thyroid.
We recommend reading the article about ultrasound with monthly. From it you will learn about carrying out of ultrasound of small pelvis, chest and abdominal cavity, and also whether it is possible to carry out diagnostics during menstruation.
Intermenstrual secretions in women should not be left without attention. Especially if they tend to recur or are supplemented by other symptoms. Particular caution should be given to contact bleeding, as this is most often hidden malignant pathology. In any case, to understand the problem and identify the cause can only specialist after a comprehensive survey.