Treatment of joints with plantain: a healing effect and useful properties

Biologically active substances from the plantain have anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. This combination of beneficial properties is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of joint diseases. Fresh leaves and infusion from dry seeds of perennial plants help to eliminate pain in arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout, arthrosis, radiculitis. Treatment of joints with plantain is also an excellent prevention of degenerative-dystrophic changes in bone and cartilage tissues. But the chemical composition of a useful plant includes essential oils and organic acids, which can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, one should consult a neurologist about the safety of such therapy.

For the treatment of joints in folk medicine, leaves and seeds of plantain are used.

Use of plantain for joints

In the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, young large burdock leaves and dry seeds ripen in the summer in spicate inflorescences. An unpretentious plant contains a high concentration of bioflavonoids, accelerating the regeneration of soft tissues. The use of plantain is very important in cases of severe bruises, when not only the joint is damaged, but deep scratches or wounds are formed on the skin. Not without reason, dark green leaves are considered a means of first aid after falls or other traumatic situations.

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The curative effect of plantain on diseased joints is based on its multicomponent balanced composition:

  • bioflavonoids, which improve blood circulation in damaged bone, articular, cartilaginous tissues;
  • vitamins, macro- and microelements, accelerating metabolic processes and healing inflammation-affected structures;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, providing the delivery of nutrients and molecular oxygen to all parts of the spine;
  • phytoncides, quickly stopping inflammation, removing the end and intermediate products of the pathological process from the joint tissues;
  • essential oils, which show analgesic and spasmolytic activity, effectively reducing the severity of discomfort after long walks or performing monotonous manual work.

In most cases, inflammation of the joints is visualized as edema. For example, with the onset of destructive changes in the left knee, it looks much larger than the right one. The plantain contains organic acids( oxalic, malic, lemon), which remove excess fluid from the joints.

Recommendation: External use of fresh leaves of medicinal plants helps to remove from damaged tissues not only excess water, but also harmful salts. This ability of plantain is actively used by folk healers in the therapy of gout, which develops as a result of excessive accumulation of minerals.

Compression with a plantain leaf will help to stop inflammation in the damaged joint and reduce the severity of the pain syndrome

Basic principles of treatment

Plantain for joints is used in the therapy of degenerative-dystrophic changes only as an additional means. Unlike most medicinal plants, osteopaths and neurologists recommend using it simultaneously with pharmacological drugs, and not at the stage of rehabilitation. This is due to the presence in psyllium of a small number of contraindications and the external method of application. A perennial plant does not have a negative effect on the therapeutic effect of NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids and muscle relaxants.

Warning: Cure arthrosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernia only leaves or psyllium seeds is impossible. When even mild pains appear in the knees or back, seek qualified medical attention. The fact that the pathology of the musculoskeletal system is always rapidly progressing.

The main contraindication to the use of plantain in therapy in patients with joints is the individual intolerance of its biologically active substances. After a few minutes or hours after the application of compresses or lotions, an allergic reaction may occur as a hives. On the skin are formed swelling, redness and rashes, there is a strong itch. In this case, it is necessary to apply antihistamine ointment( Gystan, Fenistil) to damaged areas and use other methods of joint treatment.

After the application of crushed plantain leaves to the diseased knee, even extensive swelling of the

quickly disappears. Useful recipes

All biologically active substances of the plantain's chemical composition have the ability to accumulate in joint tissues. Their therapeutic effect is enhanced gradually, so the duration of treatment is 2-3 months. Then folk healers are advised to give a joint to rest for 2-3 weeks, and only then again to start therapy. To eliminate pain and relieve inflammation, it is necessary to use parts of the plant that did not grow on the roadside of large roads and in the courtyards of multi-storey houses. Such plantain is saturated with toxic substances and will do more harm than good.


For lotions apply dry seeds of plantain. They include a large number of tannic and mucous substances that provide analgesic and anti-edematous effects. Such medicinal raw materials are rarely sold in pharmacies, so it must be harvested independently. For lotions, a strong decoction of seeds is used, which can be prepared as follows:

  1. In a small container, pour 2 tbsp.tablespoons of seeds and pour 1.5 cups of hot water.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Cool, drain.

Then in a cool broth, moisten a layered bandage in several layers, attach to the affected joint and keep until completely dry. The procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day.

Seeds with decoction of psyllium seeds are used to treat gout, arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis


For compresses it is better to use young, undamaged leaves. The simplest method of treatment is to apply a plant raw material to the joint affected by inflammation for a couple of hours. But experts of traditional medicine recommend a more effective way:

  1. Rinse large sheet under the stream of water and knead well until the juice is isolated.
  2. Lubricate the surface with a thick flower honey and attach to the affected joint.
  3. Cover the top with cellophane, cotton cloth and secure with bandage.

Keep psyllium in the joint area for about an hour. Often, after removing the compress on the surface of the sheet, a white coating is visible. It is formed by the smallest particles of mineral salts extracted by bioactive substances from the diseased joint.

Tip: Instead of a whole large plantain leaf, you can use the mashed gruel prepared from it. Such a compress has more therapeutic activity, but the patient during the procedure will have to spend an hour in a horizontal position for better absorption of useful compounds.

  • Mar 17, 2018
  • 52
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