Plantain, which has been used to us since childhood, is a hardy and very unpretentious plant. It is widely distributed throughout the territory of our country. Everywhere for therapeutic purposes, use various preparations from plantain - from freshly cut leaves and their juice to syrup and tinctures, which are offered in pharmacies. The decoction of the plantain is simple in preparation, but an extremely effective remedy that helps to strengthen immunity and maintain health even in very serious diseases.
Despite its simplicity and prevalence, plantain is a very valuable medicinal plant with a wide range of curative effects on the sick organism. Preparations based on it are effective agents with action:
- diuretic and diaphoretic;
- wound healing and hemostatic;
- antibacterial and anti-inflammatory;
- antitumor and analgesic;
- is sedative and hypotensive;
- secretory and anti-allergic.
On the basis of plantain, galenic preparations are manufactured that successfully protect the internal organs and systems of the body from the destructive effects of chemo- and radiotherapy.
Attention! The best time for collecting and harvesting raw materials is from May to September.
Benefit and harm of plantain plant
The decoction of the plantain leaves, whose useful properties are known from ancient times, is used in the treatment of many ailments:
- parodontosis, inflammation of the gums, scurvy;
- diseases of the throat and respiratory system, accompanied by thick mucous secretions: angina, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma;
- stomach diseases associated with decreased acidity, colitis;
- dysentery;
- increased gas formation in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, hemorrhoids;
- of gallbladder disease;
- hypertension of the initial stage;
- of blood vessel disease, arrhythmia, headaches;
- skin inflammation, rash, acne;
- inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, parametritis;
- Inflammation of the eye;
- urticaria, dermatitis;
- depletion, neurasthenia, insomnia;
- swelling, lymphostasis;
- leukemia, oncological diseases of the stomach and lungs, malignant skin ulcers.
The decoction of the plantain seed has the following curative properties:
- cures of female infertility on hormonal soil;
- helps alleviate the condition in diabetes mellitus;
- gently envelops and soothes gastric mucosa, protecting it from irritating factors, relieves inflammation;
- improves the intestinal peristalsis, cleans it from accumulated harmful toxins.
Caution: Contraindications!
The decoction of the plantain is contraindicated:
- with exacerbation of stomach diseases caused by high acidity - gastritis, peptic ulcer;
- with increased blood coagulability, propensity of blood vessels to thrombosis;
- for hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the preparations of this plant.
Broth from plantain: how to cook?
From fresh or dry leaves
Recipe 1. For preparation of decoction from the leaves of plantain 2 tablespoons will be needed.(10 g) of raw material and 200-250 ml of hot water. Warm up in a water bath under the lid for half an hour, drain.
Recipe 2. 1 tbsp.l.raw materials soak 1 liter of boiling water, soak on a quiet fire for 10 minutes, leave for a day under the lid. Then strain and take as directed.
From the seeds of
Recipe 1( With diseases of the stomach and intestines) .1 tbsp.seeds pour into enameled dishes, add a glass of water and boil for a minute, then insist under the lid for half an hour and filter.
Recipe 2( For hemorrhoids, impotence) .1 tbsp.seeds pour 350 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day.
Tip: For the prevention of impotence, this broth can be drunk to men after 35 years. Regular reception is important from September to March.
Use of the decoction for medicinal purposes
- To get rid of a cough recommend taking a tablespoon of plantain decoction 4 times a day for 20 minutes.before meals. The course of admission is a week.
Tip: With this remedy, you can further relieve coughing attacks, soften the sore throat, taking it as warm tea. It is useful to add 1 tsp to it.honey.
- In case of gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcer take inside a third or a half cup of broth in 15 minutes.before meals 3-4 times a day.
- Decoction of fresh leaves of plantain is effective in the treatment of various skin diseases of a traumatic nature, inflammation, furuncles. It is recommended to rinse them with wounds, apply moist bandages and compresses( 2-3 times a day), do lotions with it.
- Infertility, developed for hormonal reasons, should take 1 tablespoon.decoction of psyllium seeds thrice a day before meals( course 1-2 months).The recipe for this decoction: 1 tbsp. Seeds boil in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes, then 30 minutes.insist and strain.
- With diabetes it is recommended to take 2 tablespoons.broth 3 times a day before meals.
Decoction of psyllium in cosmetology: tips and recipes
Recipe 1. To moisturize dry face skin, compresses are made from decoction or plantain infusion. It will take 2 tablespoons.dry leaves of plantain and 200 ml of hot water. Pour raw materials with boiling water and hold in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, turn off the fire and leave for half an hour, strain, cool. Compress should be applied for several minutes, changing it 3-4 times. You need to start with a hot, then apply a cooler, and at the end of the procedure leave the skin cold for 5 minutes.
Recipe 2. To make cosmetic ice, it is necessary to freeze the plantain broth prepared in the previous recipe in conventional molds-cubes. It is useful to wipe the skin 3-4 times a week. The procedure should last up to three minutes, wipe slowly, on massage lines. After it, you do not need to lubricate the skin with any means.
Recipe 3 . Rinsing dry hair with decoction of plantain will restore their shine and radiance. To make a preparation, take 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp.dry or fresh crushed leaves, bring to a boil and turn off. Leave for 20 minutes, cool to 30-35 ° C and use on washed hair. Do not rinse.
Recipe 4. For the preparation of lotions for the eyes, which will help to remove inflammation and fatigue, and also with regular application smooth out small mimic wrinkles, it is necessary to mix 2 tsp.seeds of plantain and cold water. Then add 6 tablespoons to this mixture.boiling water. Cool and strain the liquid, soak cotton pads on it and put on the eye area for 10 minutes.
Recipe 5. For the preparation of the hand bath, it is necessary to mix the dry ground leaves of the plantain, the flowers of chamomile and marigold in equal parts. To boil with boiling water( 1 glass) 1 tbsp.raw materials, soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. Let cool and drain, add 1 tablespoon.glycerin. Keep hands in this bath 10-15 minutes. After wipe dry and lubricate with a nutritious cream.
On other useful properties of this amazing plant - plantain - you can learn from the video: