How to clean a mango

What kind of exotic things can you not buy now in stores? And avocados, and pineapple, and mango! But how to clean them to get to the desired pulp, not everyone knows. And if, for example, with pineapple is more or less clear, then with mango can not cope without a special higher education. So this handsome man will lay the fruit on the table, teasing his red-green side. And maybe, it generally can not be cleaned, but eat with peel? So how do you do it?


  1. Is it necessary to clean the mango
  2. How to clean the mango

Do I need to clean the mango?

Everyone knows that in the pulp of mango contains many useful substances. And how about the peel? If there is something useful there, then do you need to cleanse these exotic fruits? It turns out that in the skin of mango, useful substances are not less, it is even used for treatment and prevention. But it will not be easy to eat, you will be tired of chewing, and not everyone will like the specific taste.

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In addition, the peel of mango is a strong allergen, unlike pulp, which many allergy sufferers can eat peacefully. Therefore, people who are prone to such reactions, should not use skin. So, if you have any kind of allergy, you need to clean the mango, best by wearing gloves.

How to clean the mango

Ripe mango fruit is difficult to clean, it is painful they are juicy. But there is a way, even not one.

  1. The first one is the easiest - just peel the mango with a knife like a potato, and eat it like an apple. But in this case everything around will be splashed with sticky and sweet juice - and clothes, and face, and hands, and even furniture. In addition, from the peel of the mango remain strings that are stuck between the teeth. True, many of these troubles do not stop, because it is not easy to overpower yourself and not eat this juicy fruit at a time, because not all have the patience to long and tediously cut the fruit.
  2. With another method of cleaning mangoes, you will absorb it more civilized. For this, cut off the fetal on both sides of the fetus, trying to make it closer to the bone. Pieces of mango, remaining on the sides, also cut, and throw the stone. On the resulting halves, make incisions crosswise, not cutting through the skin. Then twist the shard and get a kind of orange "hedgehog".Now cut diamonds or cubes of mango carefully from the skin and spread on a plate. Carry out all the manipulation of the fruit over a bowl or bowl, so that the dripping juice does not disappear for nothing. And, naturally, choose a knife more sharply - it is much easier for them to produce all the actions.
  3. If you get a very soft and ripe fruit, then it will not be easy to clean it as described above. But this kind of "happiness" can be eaten with a spoon, scooping up the flesh from the peel-plate. To do this, with a sharp knife, cut the fruit around the bone, while trying to cut the pulp to the desired depth from the first time, so as not to crumble the fruit. Then gently divide the fruit into two halves and eat the mango with a spoon. Do all this over the plate, mango is extremely juicy fruit. This method of cutting is suitable only for very soft and ripe fruit, a harder fruit to your efforts to disassemble it in half will not yield. As a result, you get a juice-smeared space with unpeeled fruit in the center.
  4. With a very ripe and soft fruit, you can cope with another way, which consists in elementary cutting into parts. But in this case, it will be difficult for you to save whole pieces of mango, so you can do this only when the pulp of mango you include in any food. Cut the fruit into slices, select the pulp with a spoon and send it to the blender to make some sauce.
  5. If you have a ripe fruit, but not too soft, then try to clean it as follows. Take the potato peeler and clean the entire fruit, starting from the top. Then, with a small knife, cut the flesh into bones and cut out the fruit slices. So cut all the flesh in a circle. If the peel is severely separated, and the juice is allocated a lot, then it is better to try the other of the above methods, most likely this fruit for this method of cleaning is too ripe.
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