The first thing inhaled tobacco smoke encounters is our mouth. Dental smear of a smoker is one of the visible problems and consequences waiting for any lover to smoke. In fact, everything is much more serious.
At the next tightening, the hot air gets into the smoker's mouth, followed by a cold, sharp temperature drop contributes to damage to the enamel. Cracks appear on the teeth, which accumulate poisonous substances. Visually, it takes the form of a yellow plaque, and in a smoker with experience, he becomes brown.
The smell of a smoker is a collection of deposits, which acquire a dirty brown tint. Accumulations from smoking, in contrast to normal deposits formed during the day, can not be removed with the usual means of daily oral hygiene.
- Causes and features of plaque formation
- Diseases that can cause a plaque from nicotine
- How to clean teeth from tobacco plaque?
- Cleaning with professional methods
- How to whiten your teeth at home?
- Opinion of specialists on the removal of plaque at home
- Methods of prevention and hygiene rules
- What can be concluded
Causes and features of plaque formation
The deposition appears as a result of the chemicals contained in cigarettes. First of all, it's nicotine, tar and various pitches. Firstly, deposits appear on hard-to-clean areas, such as the neck of the tooth. Visible plaque is only a smaller part of it, the remaining deposits are under the gum.
It is possible to distinguish the following features of the plaque from smoking:
- is localized in the cervical part or on the inside of the tooth;
- has a yellowish or dark brown color;
- causes an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
Diseases that can cause plaque from nicotine
Cosmetic defect is far from the greatest trouble, the abundance of dental deposits contributes to the development of dental diseases:
- Bacteria that "live" in sediments produce toxins that not only cause bad breath, but alsonegatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Deposits eventually harden and mineralize, which leads to the formation of tartar.
- Plaque is a beneficial breeding ground for bacteria. This leads to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Smokers most often get inflamed and bleed gums.
- Plaque from cigarettes provokes the development of caries.
How do I clean my teeth of tobacco plaque?
You can whiten yellowed teeth from smoking in two ways - ask for help from a dentist or use home methods.
Cleaning by professional methods
Dental clinics use the following cleaning methods:
- Ultrasonic .The procedure is painless, performed with the ultrasound machine. Waves help to remove clusters, both with enamel and under the gum. The hardened tartar is crushed into parts, and then it is washed off. The procedure does not take much time, about 30-40 minutes.
- Air Flow .Cleaning is carried out through a special apparatus that delivers a jet of air with water and special microparticles, as shown in the photo to the right.
- Dry cleaning .It is used less often, only in cases when the ultrasonic or AirFlow technique is powerless. Sufficiently aggressive chemicals are used and there is a risk of damage to the enamel.
- Laser cleaning .Costly procedure, but very effective. In addition to cleansing from deposits and stone, it can remove inflammation of the mucous membrane and does not harm enamel. During the cleaning process, the color of the enamel also changes. To achieve a positive result, several sessions may be required, the cost of one starts from 3000 rubles.and, sometimes, it reaches very considerable sums.
To achieve greater efficiency, a specialist may recommend several types of cleaning( combined cleaning).
The professional cleaning procedure allows you to forget about the brown plaque, however, not for long. Smokers should repeat the procedure twice a year. The approximate cost of professional teeth cleaning with an ultrasonic device, as well as the method of Air Flow will be 100-150 rubles.for one tooth.
Professional cleaning includes several stages:
- Removing plaque and stone.
- Polishing of tooth enamel. The obligatory stage, allows to make the enamel smooth, which will make it difficult to "stick" the deposits again.
- Plating of teeth with fluorine lacquer. The procedure is not obligatory, but very useful: it strengthens enamel, removes hypersensitivity, promotes caries prevention.
Despite all the advantages of professional cleaning its application in some cases is not permissible, namely:
- adolescence and children's age;
- pregnancy;
- breast-feeding;
- herpes;
- HIV;
- hepatitis;
- tooth hypersensitivity;
- heart disease.
How to whiten your teeth at home?
Remove the coating from smoking is possible and at home, however, this process is very long.
Among a large number of folk methods very often there are recipes for bleaching tooth enamel with soda, activated carbon and hydrogen peroxide. These methods are very aggressive and have high abrasiveness. Bleaching such components is dangerous and fraught with serious consequences: destruction of enamel, caries and burn mucous.
The most common among the sparing methods of teeth whitening are:
- Lemon .A small piece of citrus is enough to wipe your teeth no more than 2 times a week. With a strongly entrenched plaque, the method is ineffective.
- Tea Tree Oil .Simultaneously with the cleaning of enamel has a disinfecting effect. After brushing your teeth, you need to apply a few drops of oil on the toothbrush and "brush" your teeth with oil. Rinse the mouth with water and lemon juice. Admissible easy numbness after the procedure.
- Wood Ash .You can add ash as a toothpaste, and use it yourself.
- Honey .It is able to soften the plaque and has an antibacterial effect. Enough 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Rinse daily 3-4 times a day. Repeat the procedure for a month.
- Strawberry .It is believed that the natural components contained in the berry, contribute to the clarification of the enamel. It is enough to wipe your teeth with a berry or brush your teeth with a strawberry slurry.
In addition to folk remedies, there are also cosmetic ways to whiten your teeth at home. The most popular among smokers are:
- Whitening pencils or strips .The main active substance is hydrogen peroxide in 2-12% solution. It is extremely important not to exceed the permissible number of procedures in order not to thin the enamel.
- Caps .Very convenient and popular home method. For making the impression you need to contact a specialist, the rest of the procedure can be done at home. The capa is filled with a whitening gel. A special device was White Light, which includes a silicone cap, gel and light device.
- Whitening toothpastes .Their bleaching property is due to the fact that most of them contain baking soda. Such pastes are not recommended to be used constantly because of the risk of thinning of the enamel. The most common are Lacalut White and Splat.
- Gels .Can brighten the enamel for a couple of tones. The active substance is hydrogen peroxide or carbomide. The first is most effective, but not safe. The most popular gels are from Rocs, Global White and Colgate.
- Audio brushes .Are capable to work in the accelerated mode, as a result of which they efficiently cleanse.
Opinion of specialists on the removal of plaque at home
According to dentists, despite the economics and availability of home methods, there is always a risk of damaging the enamel or gum. Improper or unsuitable bleaching can not only lead to a deterioration of the enamel state, but also cause tooth decay with caries. Specialists do not recommend any manipulation of whitening at home without preliminary examination and consulting the dentist.
Also, dentists recommend refraining from bleaching to people with a bare neck of the tooth( periodontitis) and with any lesions of the oral cavity. Before bleaching and removing plaque, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment.
Ways of prevention and hygiene rules
The quality and daily hygiene of the oral cavity does not relieve the already existing dental deposits. However, it will avoid the appearance of a brown plaque in which bacteria multiply favorably, prevent the occurrence of calculus and other unpleasant complications.
In the fight against dental plaque the most important place is occupied by the following oral hygiene procedures:
- Tooth cleaning .In this aspect, the guarantee of effectiveness is the right technique. Cleansing should be done by sweeping and circular motions. The procedure itself should take about 5 minutes. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. It is important to make a timely replacement of the toothbrush( 1 time in 3 months).
- Cleaning the language. Language is considered a very favorable place for the reproduction of microbes. Therefore, it is important to clean it daily, it is permissible for the same toothbrush to brush your teeth.
- Use of rinse aid and dental floss .Experts recommend using the dental floss daily, always before bed and preferably after each meal.
What can be concluded
The formation of deposits on the teeth with a constant intake of tobacco smoke in the body - is inevitable.
Brown plaque - is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a prerequisite for the development of diseases of the oral cavity.
Cleaning from plaque even in a dental clinic will not last long if you can not get rid of the addiction. Therefore, the main solution to this problem will be smoking cessation.