The tooth of wisdom is cut - what symptoms will the prankster give out?

According to statistics, only in every fourth adult human wisdom teeth do not erupt. In all other people, this process is often associated with various complications.

How and when wisdom teeth grow, what symptoms point to the cutting process and what kind of problems can occur?

Third molars can begin to erupt at different ages. In some, this process is practically painless, in others it is accompanied by pain, inflammation and considerable discomfort.


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  • Features of the growth of wisdom teeth in a person
  • When, and how long do wisdom teeth grow?
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  • Get rid of the pain - an urgent problem
  • You will not get problems. ..
  • To remove or not to delete is a difficult question
  • Teeth of wisdom: what do we know about them?

How eight figures climb: the main symptoms and signs

Symptoms of what wisdom teeth grow, each person can have their own. Sometimes a person does not experience any discomfort.

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And sometimes all this is accompanied by rather painful pain, significant swelling in the oral cavity, and even a general malaise of the body.

We list the most common symptoms that appear when the wisdom tooth grows:

  • is an easy scratching in the area of ​​the "germination" of the tooth;
  • aching pain in a specific jaw area;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • puffiness of the gums and mucous membrane in the place of teething;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • slight chills of the body;
  • increase in the size of the lymph nodes that are located in the submandibular zone.

To understand that the wisdom tooth is growing. ..

Some of these symptoms( for example, pain when swallowing or fever) to ignore is highly discouraged, because they can talk about the onset of serious inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

In this case, it is best to consult a doctor who will help the patient effectively and efficiently. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to more sad complications, such as an abscess or osteomyelitis.

Why does the growth of wisdom teeth give such a wide and varied symptomatology? The fact is that in the immediate vicinity of the growing "eights" there are lymph nodes, blood vessels, and also nerve endings.

Thus, the infection can easily and quickly "migrate" through the body, and pain can often be felt even in the neck and head. Frequent cases when wisdom teeth during eruption caused more serious complications.

Therefore, many doctors insist that they need to be removed from the mouth of a person.

Features of the growth of wisdom teeth in humans

Absolutely no problems wisdom teeth erupt seldom. This fact is easily explained: the third molars, as a rule, begin to form exactly when the remaining teeth have long grown, and the jaw itself narrowed slightly.

It is worth noting that, the later the G8 is cut, the more painful and problematic this process will be.

The main problem that arises when the wisdom tooth is cut is the lack of sufficient space in the oral cavity of an adult.

Its lack most often leads to the development of pericoronitis - inflammation of the gums and mucous membrane at the base of the problematic tooth.

In such a situation, the growth of the third molar is even more complicated. In some cases, the formed "hood" of dense, swollen tissue must be removed surgically.

Another, fairly common feature of teething wisdom, is called in the environment of dentists a dystopia.

This is the wrong position of the growing tooth in the oral cavity, as a result of which it can "break through" with great difficulty, or rest against adjacent teeth, gradually destroying them. Sometimes dystopia can lead to sad consequences, when it is necessary to remove not one but two teeth( including neighboring, damaged).

When, and for how long do wisdom teeth grow?

Third molars, as a rule, appear at the age of 18 to 30 years( most often in 20-23 years).To hope that the wisdom tooth will grow after 30 years of age is not worth it. Such cases are extremely rare.

The rudiments of wisdom teeth, according to X-ray studies, are formed in the human mouth at the age of seven.

The roots of these teeth are formed already in adolescence( about 14-15 years).The rate of growth of the so-called "eights" depends on many factors. This is heredity, and the general condition of the organism, and the peculiarities of the structure of the dentoalveolar system.

How to accelerate the process of

Third molars, as a rule, grow for a very long time. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the particular organism.

Is it possible to speed up the cutting process? Doctors and dentists are categorical here: you can not. You can only hurt yourself by some actions.

For example, in no case should the area of ​​the jaw or cheek be heated. Heat, as is known, is the best friend of infection. And if in the oral cavity the inflammatory processes become more active, warming will help spread the infection to nearby tissues, including the bone.

Get rid of pain - a vital problem

What can be done if the wisdom tooth cures to relieve pain and swelling in the oral cavity?

Hot springs from herbs will help in this situation. So, the chamomile medicinal has an excellent effect. A good antiseptic may be a solution of salt and soda, which should be slightly cool. It will not only help alleviate pain, but also perfectly disinfect the oral cavity.

If too severe pain can take more powerful painkillers. Here Tramadol, Analgin or Ketanov will help.

Categorically, do not apply tablets to the sore gum. All these drugs are effective only if taken internally.

If a dense "hood" is formed over the growing wisdom tooth, the doctor should be contacted immediately. The dentist will carefully remove it, thereby facilitating the subsequent growth of the G-8.

No problems. ..

According to the observations of dentists, in about 75% of cases the eruption of wisdom teeth is accompanied by various kinds of problems or complications.

These complications include:

  • pericoronitis( purulent inflammation in the area between the tooth and gum);
  • tooth decay, destruction of neighboring healthy teeth;
  • normal bite disorders;
  • neoplastic processes;
  • damage to mucous membranes, etc.

Very often wisdom teeth do not have enough free space for normal growth in the oral cavity. In this case, they can erupt incorrectly, occupying unnatural positions, traumatizing the area of ​​the cheek.

To remove or not to delete is a complex question

Many people ask themselves: is it worth removing wisdom teeth? There is no unequivocal answer to it. In each individual situation it is best to consult your dentist.

If the wisdom tooth has formed under normal conditions and has grown healthy, then it should not be removed. In the future, it can successfully play the role of a supporting tooth in prosthetics.

However, there are several reasons( indications), in which the operation to remove the "eight" is still worth resorting to.

These reasons include:

  • acute pericoronitis;
  • severe tooth decay;
  • impossibility of root canal filling;
  • deficiency of free space in the oral cavity;
  • wrong position of the tooth( tilt it to one side).

Teeth of wisdom: what do we know about them?

A wisdom tooth, or the third molar( scientifically), or the "eight"( in common speech) is the eighth tooth in a row. Their complete set consists of four teeth, one on each side of each jaw. In some cases, wisdom teeth may not erupt.

It is interesting that in men they are often absent on the upper side, and in women, on the contrary, on the lower side.

Modern anatomical science believes that the wisdom tooth is another rudimentary organ of the human body.

In more ancient times, when a person was eating harder and stiffer food, third molars in the oral cavity were very in demand. Now they are practically useless, and therefore, there are more and more frequent cases when the rudiments of wisdom teeth are completely absent.

Why are these teeth called that way? Here everything is simple: the "eight" appear in a person much later than all other teeth, just at the moment when a person begins to gain wisdom and life experience.

A wisdom tooth is one of the rudimentary organs of the human body, in which today it practically does not need. Eighth of the teeth begin to grow at the age of 20-23 years.

In this case, the eruption of third molars is very often accompanied by various complications: caries, pericoronitis, destruction of adjacent teeth, and damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. In some cases, dentists recommend resorting to the procedure of removing wisdom teeth.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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