MegaGen Implant: Features and Benefits of the Korean Implant System

Implantology is one of the dental areas that helps the patient regain lost teeth and again have aesthetic beauty.

Dental implantation MegaGen is a breakthrough in dentistry. A technique that involves inserting into the missing root tooth from titanium, and a denture is directly placed on it. Thanks to the regeneration process, the bone tissue fuses with the implant, forming a strong structure.


  • MegaGen Implant
  • Features of the implant system
    • Surface of the implant Xpeed
    • Thread of the Knife Thread
    • Surplus of the implant
  • Implantation techniques
  • Advantages of the implants
  • Video catalog from MegaGen Implant

MegaGen Implant

MegaGen is dental implants made by the Korean company MegaGen Implant.

MegaGen is the most technologically advanced product from the implant solutions of South Korea. Invented in 2011 and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. It takes 3rd place in South Korea and is among the top ten European products.

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The very Prime Minister of South Korea honored the designs of AnyOne and AnyRidge with his gratitude.
MegaGen has proven itself in the procedure for replacing the missing amount of bone tissue by using Xpeed nanotechnology and KnifeThread and their design features.

Features of the implantation system

MegaGen Corporation was created by practicing qualified specialists in surgery and dentistry. Their main goal is the birth of a universal implantation dental system, which makes it possible to restore the naturalness, functionality and harmony of the original teeth, even in complicated situations.

MegaGen systems include innovative biotechnology research and leading engineering solutions. There are up to 55 kinds of products, different in length and diameter, and also possessing uniqueness and high quality.

In the manufacture of MegaGen, titanium of the purest quality and zirconia are used, giving aesthetic beauty after installation.

Reliability when fixing implants is achieved with the help of a unique design solution of the product by increasing the volume of the surface area( diameter 3.3 mm) and deepened thread with rounded edges( 4 mm in length).

An essential feature of this product is the ability to perform installation without additional drilling and bone plastic. MegaGen has the function of spontaneous expansion of the bone with the ability to survive for 3 months. After that, casts are taken, and prostheses are installed. Problems with loosening or unwinding are excluded due to a five-degree connection with the abutment.

The procedure of implantation lasts about a minute without disrupting the integrity of the gum.

Implant Surface Xpeed

The company uses titanium( Ti) and titanium-aluminum-vanadium( Ti6Al4V) alloys for the production of intraosseous implants. This is due to the biological compatibility of the components, mechanical characteristics and bioinertness( no direct reaction to the bone tissue).

The surface of the implant megajet is called Xpeed. It is rough and embossed, which strongly affects the activity and stability of osseointegration, stimulating the process of tissue regeneration.

Implant is processed in a special concentrate of calcium oxide( CaO) and sodium hydroxide( NaOH), creating an innovative-structured layer with calcium( CaTiO3).Then, a series of complicated processes take place to create a certain relief shape by using SLA technologies.

The upper layer containing calcium increases the response of bone tissue and provokes the effectiveness of osteoblasts, which are actively involved in the creation and bone mineralization.
Thanks to SLA technology, implants have a large reaction area with bone tissue and increased biocompatibility.

Knife Thread Thread

The MegaGen implant system uses a deep Knife Thread threading, which has a special design of a narrowed shape with rounded edges.

Curls are arranged along the body of the product and have the same size, allowing even distribution of the load function. As a result, there is a gentle divergence of the bone ridge and a reliable seal.

Adaptability of the implant

Regeneration of bone tissue occurs as quickly as possible due to the special coating of the surface of the system with calcium ions.

There is an excellent preservation of bone tissue, excluding discomfort for the patient. During the procedure, one single small-diameter drill is used, so the jaw bone injury is minimal.

Methods of implantation

The procedure for implant placement is carried out in two ways:

  • classic;
  • one-stage.

A one-stage procedure is applied after amputation of the tooth or after a long time after its removal. Assumes a sequence of actions that take place in one step:

  • makes a small hole for the implant by using a special drill with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • local anesthesia is performed;
  • installation of the implant by screwing the rod into the jawbone( the entry of the infection hole is excluded);
  • further healing period and the installation of permanent implant elements;
  • requires a visit to the implant dentist during rehabilitation to assess the degree of regeneration of the implantation of the MegaGen system.

The whole process lasts about 30 minutes. Advantages of implants

Products MegaGen more than 2000 titles.

The most popular and used are implant systems:

  • AnyOne;
  • AnyRidge;
  • MiNi.

Key advantages over other implantation systems:

  • aesthetic characteristics and improved quality standards;
  • a wide range of options for solving dental problems;
  • installation without drilling;
  • thanks to a unique coating, tissue healing is faster;
  • is used for any type of bone tissue;
  • wide assortment of dimension series and a single tapered abutment connection;
  • can be performed immediately after tooth extraction;
  • The ultra-high cutting efficiency of drills enables the immediate collection of bone tissue residues during installation;
  • complete bone preservation during the procedure;
  • implant installation has no contraindications and does not cause serious complications and consequences.

Video catalog from MegaGen Implant

More information about the technology of creating and installing implants can be found in the video:

  • Mar 17, 2018
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