Inattentive people are not easy to live.
They do not notice much of what is going on around them, badly remember people's faces, new routes, objects that see, rarely achieve great success at work, become objects of jokes.
That's why many are trying to find effective exercises to develop the attention of to improve their skills to concentrate on what is really important.
Fortunately, such exercises do exist.
What is attention and what contributes to its development?
Tell me, dear readers, what do you imagine when you say the word "attention".
I imagine a flash, which indicates that in the "photograph" in my head will capture an object, a person or something else.
And, this camera focuses very selectively: sometimes capturing what I need, sometimes - some useless muck in return for useful information.
Attention is of two kinds:
- arbitrary - you focus on some object, trying to remember it as detailed as possible;
- involuntary - you are without any effort, just under the influence of emotions remember something, and remember very well.
Attention is a very interesting thing.
Someone by nature is a very considerate person, someone - "scattered from the street Bassein", and someone has the gift of attentiveness is shown selectively.
Effective games for the development of intelligence
For example, my girlfriend Anna excellently remembers to the smallest detail the faces of people, their clothes, the interiors of houses.
Also its care can only be envied when it comes to remembering oral information.
No one ever reproached my girlfriend for inattention: neither teachers, nor teachers, nor colleagues.
Only a few close know her little secret: she becomes completely inconsiderate when it comes to remembering new routes and orientation in space.
Here, Anya needs to collect all her attention to remember the new route or location of the outlet in the market or something else.
And, as she does not try, her attention is constantly on something distracted, and to develop it even with the help of special exercises is not too and it turns out.
Is it possible to develop attention with the help of special exercises?
The answer is clear: yes, you can.
Exercises to develop attention can be very effective, if you choose those that really help and do not be lazy daily to train.
Pump attention like the muscles of the body, you can not, but the process itself is very similar: only regular exercise will help in the development of attention.
In order for the training to be successful, you need to visualize your attention, for example, present it in the form of a glowing beam that hits targets or flashbulbs( as I do).
Here are some more tips on how to strengthen the effectiveness of exercises to develop attention:
Do not combine training with the performance of a case - there will be no sense from it.
You need to focus on one thing.
Make sure that your mental and physical condition is normal.
If you are worried, upset, do not feel well, you will not be able to fully concentrate on the development of attention.
- Create yourself optimal conditions for classes - make sure that nothing and no one distracts you.
- Exercise proper effort and diligence during class.
Do not drop the exercise after a week or two, considering that they are useless.
You will not see their effectiveness in more than a month.
Exercise to develop attention with pictures
You can use any pictures, it is not necessary to search for special benefits.
To begin with, use pictures that are not overloaded with details, but gradually start to complicate your task and use photos where you can see as many different things as possible.
Do this exercise to develop memory - it's easy: look for 10 seconds on the picture, and then describe everything that you saw.
The more detailed your description, the better.
When you begin to show good results, begin to further complicate the task for yourself: use an image with many small details and look at it no longer than 5 seconds.
Well suited for development of attention and loved by many since childhood "Find 10 differences": two pictures, the details of which have differences and it is they that need to be found.
On the Internet you can find a great many such images.
Here, for example, http: // kartinki-najdi-otlichija-dlja-detej.shtml or here http: // Cat = 24 much interesting and useful can be found.
Exercise for development of attention with figures
Numbers are often used to develop attention and memory.
Similar exercises are not suitable for toddlers, because they are quite complex for them and not too interesting.
But adults should not be limited only to pictures, because the attention should be trained in different ways( albeit not always pleasant).
3 exercises with numbers to develop attention:
Read the digital series carefully: 136947385264983574527.
How many are there? How much is 3?How many figures give in the amount of 10?Did you find 3 numbers that give a total of 11?And those that give a total of 13?21?
You can independently come up with questions and look for answers to them, just like changing the digital series at your discretion.
Which of these numbers can be simultaneously divided into 2 and 3?
66, 88, 54, 31, 90, 45, 24, 91, 78, 9, 34, 12, 46.
To make the exercise more effective, do not use the calculator.
The magic square.
Fill this square with numbers so that each of its rows, both horizontally and vertically, gives a total of 50, 80, 130, 180, etc.
Other exercises to develop the attention of
Here are some more exercises that contribute to the development of attention:
Find on TV an interesting program or on a laptop your favorite TV series.
Place a clock next to the screen with a moving second hand.
Within three minutes, look only at the moving second hand, not distracted by what you see on the screen.
If you digress, start everything from the beginning.
- Look at the picture:
And now perform the following tasks:- Name the colors in turn( do not read the words, but call the text colors).
- What is the color of the word? And least of all?
- Is there at least one word with a designation and color that would match?
- Reading a text, simultaneously read the number of words in each sentence.
- Continuously look at some small point on the wall( for example, a speck on the wallpaper), not being distracted by extraneous thoughts.
- When entering an unfamiliar premise, study its interior for a minute or two, and then describe in detail what you saw.
Throw 10 tables or toothpicks randomly on the table.
Look at them for 10 seconds, then, covering the newspaper, draw on the paper their location.
Gradually increase the number of matches or toothpicks.
Go constantly different routes, memorizing the appearance of buildings, the location of road signs, etc.
Write down on the sheet of paper everything that is remembered.
Go again with this route, checking what exactly attracted your attention and whether you remember it correctly.
And in the next video you will find another interesting exercise
for training attention:
As you can see, the exercises for developing the attention of can not be called too complicated.
The main thing, do not be lazy to perform them every day, then the results will not be long in coming.