Features of the application of the gel for remineralization GC Tooth Mousse

How often it happens that inhaling frosty air causes pain in the teeth. Same and sweet, sour, hot or cold dishes cause you to experience unpleasant pain.

These symptoms indicate an increased sensitivity of the teeth: for a number of reasons, the inner sensitive layer of the tooth( dentin) is protected by enamel and dental cement.

Any external stimulus causes the dentin tubule filled with liquid to contract or expand, which causes a painful reaction of the nerve endings. Whatever the reason for the sensitivity of the teeth, the enamel needs to be restored.


  • How to repair the enamel
  • Composition of the
  • tool Who is recommended to
  • How to apply
  • Is there an opinion

How to repair the enamel

The question of excessive tooth sensitivity can be solved with the help of a special remineralizing gel Tooth Mousse. Since its inception in 2002, it has not lost its popularity among dentists, as an effective tool with a broad profile of application.

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The main purpose of the gel Tus Mousse - restoration of the enamel of teeth after bleaching procedures. This is due to phosphorus, calcium, vitamins, which are contained in the therapeutic gel.

Penetrating through the damaged enamel, the constituent components of the agent replace the lost minerals and create a thin protective film. This allows you to use a therapeutic gel in order to prevent the development of caries.


For tooth enamel loss of calcium and fluoride ions is normal. It occurs under the influence of acidic or other corrosive environment of external( food and drinks) and internal( increased acidity of the stomach and, accordingly, aggressive saliva) origin.

GC Tooth Mousse is a water-soluble dental gel-mousse without sugar.

The remineralization agent contains the registered original substance Recaldent CPP-ACP( casein phosphopeptide - amorphous calcium phosphate), which restores the mineral balance of the oral cavity. Being a professional dental product, the gel is convenient for use by applications in the home at the doctor's prescription.

To whom is recommended

Tus Mousse has a wide range of applications. Dentists recommend using it for the following purposes:

  • after professional teeth whitening - applying the gel twice a day for a week minimizes the sensitivity of the teeth and provokes a pronounced improvement in their aesthetics;
  • after correction of occlusion with the help of braces, the use of the gel helps to remove white spots, which certainly arise during the treatment;
  • restoration of enamel as a result of professional activities or diseases, for example, in wine tasters;
  • underdevelopment of tooth enamel;
  • rapid erosion of teeth, erosion;
  • for the normalization of salivation, especially in the elderly.

Healing gel can be used by everyone, in particular, children under the age of 1 year and especially sensitive category - pregnant and lactating women.

A palette of five different flavors makes it possible to choose the remedy for the most capricious and fastidious consumers.

Mousse does not contain sugar, so it can be used by diabetics. But with extreme caution, you should apply the gel to those who have a milk protein that causes an allergic reaction.

How to use

Detailed instructions that will help you to use Tooth Mousse as efficiently and safely as possible:

  1. Brush your teeth in the usual way. It is necessary to use a toothbrush, paste and floss. It is recommended that after this rinse the oral cavity with water and pat the teeth with a tissue.
  2. Apply the gel on the entire dentition or only the damaged teeth in any way: squeeze out on a dry finger, use a cotton swab. On particularly sensitive areas, apply a layer of gel a little thicker.
  3. Do not cover your mouth for at least three minutes( to avoid saliva washing in your teeth).
  4. Rub the tongue over the entire oral cavity. Excess mousse spit, do not rinse your mouth.
  5. Drinking and eating is recommended after a minimum of 30 minutes, it is better to maintain an hour.

Depending on the condition of the teeth and the recommendations of the doctor, the procedure should be performed 1 to 3 times a day.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use a special silicone gadget. The order of application is the same:

  • brush your teeth, as usual, using a toothbrush and paste;
  • gel is applied from the tube to the cap, which is worn either on the upper or lower teeth for 5 minutes;
  • remove the kappa and rub the gel over the surface of the teeth, spit the excess and do not rinse the mouth.

Dentists warn that the use of the gel in no case replaces the usual way of oral care in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. Thorough brushing of teeth at times will enhance the therapeutic effect of the remedy.

In case of accidental ingestion of the gel, it will not cause any consequences - an environmentally friendly product is harmless to the body.

There is an opinion

Tooth Mousse is popular among consumers, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

My daughter is two years old and she often cringed when she eats strawberries or raspberries. It shows that the teeth hurt. We went to the doctor, he said that we have demineralization, but it's not scary and advised us to use gel-mousse. A week passed, and I noticed that my daughter is not often naughty. Now I'm calm for the teeth of the child.

Marina, 35

Gel has bought or purchased under the reference of mum. She is already at a very respectable age and on the advice of a doctor she solved a number of problems with teeth and saliva with the help of Tus Mousse. And I bought this gel for my son, who in winter began to complain that it hurt him to breathe on the street. In two weeks everything was normal, we are happy.

Katia, 40

My adult son has recently become addicted to Coca-Cola, which has brought about its deplorable results: tooth enamel has become very sensitive to 's external effects.

For two months of using the gel, the sensitivity to cold, hot and sour has passed. I studied the instructions and also tried this tool on myself. Very satisfied with the result: discomfort disappeared when eating and drinking, teeth became more white, and the smile - natural and attractive.

Buy GC Tooth Mousse can be in pharmacies, dental clinics or order online, the price of the tool ranges from 962 rubles.for a tube( 35 ml) to 1284 rubles.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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