Among foreign languages, English remains today the most popular and popular, the knowledge of which helps you navigate anywhere in the world, helps out in some delicate situations.
New time dictates new conditions - now the knowledge of English is increasingly found in the list of employers' criteria for employment.
There are many modern technologies that allow you to master grammar, reading rules, master complex constructions, and learn thousands of necessary words in short terms.
However, without practice all these methods will be in vain.
Learn your language for years, but when meeting with an English-speaking citizen, you can quickly get lost, realizing in an instant that one theory is not enough.
This is why the important step in the process of teaching a foreign language is the application of the knowledge gained in practice.
How to improve spoken English skills?
Learning English in theory and in practice is two different things.
You can learn fluent communication with speech speakers, ignoring the elementary rules of grammar, having in the lexicon a couple of hundred necessary everyday words.
At the same time, having perfect knowledge in grammar, with a vocabulary of twenty thousand words, it is difficult to understand English speech by ear.
This defect is usually due not only to the lack of listening experience.
The fact is that English-speaking citizens, firstly, speak quickly, and secondly, they use simplified conversational constructions that differ from the classical principles of constructing sentences.
Of course, for those who know the basics of grammar, it is much easier and faster to learn colloquial English than to learn from scratch.
The main condition is to create a language environment, for which it is no longer necessary to go abroad or to attend special expensive courses.
With the advent of the Internet in our life, the task has become much simpler: you can immerse yourself in the language environment through online communication, visiting any webinars, thus improving language skills remotely.
And at the same time get rid of false stereotypes, fears and unnecessary complexes.
But before you start trying to communicate with foreigners, it is important to acquire at least a minimum or a basic level, and then develop the perception of speech by ear, taking the rule:
- start the day with a cup of coffee, listening to news on the BBC to hear the perfect English speech;
- view familiar movies in English with subtitles or without them - this helps to gradually catch in the dialogues of familiar words and phrases, to guess their meaning;
- use karaoke programs with your favorite or popular English songs, developing the correct pronunciation.
Then proceed to more effective stages:
- to organize online chat video chat with real aliens ready to help you;
- listening to audio lessons is a rather boring but useful lesson that can be combined with other interesting things - pumping muscles on the simulator, or doing household chores;
- finally, social networking, or Skype.
Learn English by Skype: advantages and disadvantages
Skype training today is successfully used by business people who do not have time to attend courses, why they prefer a remote form.
Now independent selection of the suitable program and choice of the teacher of English on Skype without intermediaries at the price arranging the pupil and the teacher became available.
At the disposal of those wishing to improve their conversational speech with a mentor - a huge number of sites offering such services.
A good example for learning English by Skype - here you can find teachers and native speakers for colloquial practice.
Advantages and disadvantages of learning English via Skype:
The practice of improving the language using the Skype communication method has its pros and cons:
Internet erases the border.
In small towns, where to find a highly qualified teacher is the number one problem, Skype is a real find!
Great opportunities are now available to everyone equally, regardless of where they live - the villager and megalopolis, the student and the student of the university.
Training is available in free time for the subjects of the process, which is very convenient for two, the main thing in this matter is to agree on everything in advance.
Classes occur in convenient conditions and in principle, should not cause discomfort;
English courses are cheaper than lessons with a personal tutor, in addition, the frequency of classes you regulate yourself, paying them on time.
Almost always the first lesson is free - you can assess whether this type of training suits you or not.
Change the instructor if you wish, if you do not like it.
The opportunity to expand the vocabulary completely free of charge - dealing with familiar foreigners who are interested in communicating with you and want, for example, to improve the skills of the Russian language.
This method will allow you to train yourself and teach others.
- You can record your lessons with the help of a simple standard soundtrack, and then play as much as you need to fix the material.
Less of such lessons is the quality of communication, the inaccessibility of some interactive methods.
The cost of some courses and lessons is a very cheap service, so it is important to discuss financial issues in advance.
Where to start learning English: tips for an expatriate?
Where can I find an interlocutor in English?
Find an interlocutor for skype can:
- using the search settings, program menus laid down;
- communicating in social networks, special communities, groups or forums;
- visiting special sites with ads about finding a language partner.
Resources for learning English online
Today, there are a lot of online sources where you can find training programs and teachers for learning English online.
Find them will not be difficult.
Virtual schools, fan clubs open their doors every day, where there are free group sessions on various topics with teachers - native speakers from English-speaking countries.
How to pass an interview in English?
There are also websites offering online courses.
An example of a free service of this kind is the Livemocha website, where you will be asked to take a test first.
This will help determine the level of English proficiency, then follow the training - an exercise program, the results of which will be evaluated by the system itself.
Paid services offer more advanced functionality.
This is, for example, the site English Town, implying a relatively inexpensive monthly fee for teaching with teachers and an interesting program that includes a lot of exercises that develop spoken language.
If there is a desire to find a language partner, then you can do it on the following resources:
- - the site requires registration and filling in the profile, indicating what languages you know and what you want to learn, if you want, you can specify your Skype.
Partners from all over the world will be available to you;
- - a similar site, plus everything equipped with audio and video online chat with the display of all users who want to communicate;
- is another site where you can practice, but only English.
We also recommend that you watch the following
video with tips for quick learning English:
Useful tips for learning English
Knowledge of English grammar is the key to proper beautiful speech and writing.
Therefore, if you plan to study it seriously, start with an important point - learning the rules of reading and the basics of grammar.
- It is desirable to begin the education under the guidance of an experienced teacher, and continue - with the help of self-instruction manuals.
Listen and listen again and again to the same material - the golden rule for those who want to learn colloquial speech!
Remember the young children, ready to listen to the same fairy tale again and again, it is the repeated listening of familiar material that helps them learn to talk.
- Find friends on the social network and practice together, share information and have fun.
In conclusion, we add that, like in any other science, systematic practice is important in speech practice.
You can not stop for a long time, because speech skills are acquired with great difficulty, and weathering out of your head is very easy.
And vice versa: regularly communicating with native speakers, you will not notice how to start thinking in English.