How to start the day right: 5 valuable tips

Most people have no idea, is the right way to start the day !

That's why they do not have time to do anything, suffer under the collapsing of constantly accumulating cases and generally do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It turns out that it is not too difficult to repeat the beginning of a successful man's day.

The main thing is to know 5 rules.

It's time to start the day correctly Laura Vanderkam

You've probably noticed that I'm punching you with useful information based not only on my own knowledge, but I'm always looking for practical advice from practicing psychologists and successful people who have implemented these very tips in practice.

Today to teach us, how to start the day , will be an American journalist specializing in the topic of time management Laura Vanderkam.

She actually proved that it's possible to tame time.

Raising three children, Laura writes not only articles, but also books, makes broadcasts on television and radio, sings in the choir. That is, this American lady knows what she's talking about.

instagram viewer

In addition, these 5 tips, which you will soon learn, it did not form itself, but with the help of Tim Ferriss, Charles Dahigg, Dan Arielli, John Perry and Cal Newport.

Numerous interviews helped Laura Vanderke to understand how the day of a successful person looks.

People that will teach you how to start the day correctly

Who is Laura Vanderkam, you already know.

But a few words I would like to say about the people she called as experts.

Tim Ferriss is an American writer that is revered as the god of productivity. He speaks with lectures, does business, makes profitable investments, bringing him millions, and also - sponsors young geniuses.

Dan Arielli is an economist and psychologist, acting professor at the University of Duke, USA.The main theme of his research is the effective distribution of material wealth.

Cal Newport - the genius of computer science, the doctor of electronics. Writes books that help students become popular at university and succeed in life. His advice is so effective that they have already begun to study at lectures in universities.

Charles Dahigg is a successful reporter who works in one of the best newspapers in the world: The New York Times. He writes books, speaks on the radio. The subject of his study is procrastination and methods of combating it.

John Perry is a philosopher and teacher at Stanford University, USA.Like Dahigg, he studies procrastination and ways of using it wisely. He is the author of the best-selling book, The Art of Procrastination.

It's possible to start the day right if you do not have a reactive

The morning of the majority of working people begins with the fact that they jump up and immediately begin to fuss.

Well, how else, because you have so much time to do today!

That's a pancake, a letter came from the bank - it means that they will have to call on them too.

Oh, and my sister on Skype wants to have dinner together, and in fact I was not going to leave the office today.

But my sister is uncomfortable refuse.

Again a failure in the plans. ..


This is the morning madness you create for yourself.

Tim Ferriss teaches that the first 1-2 hours of each day should be as much as possible.

Do the usual actions, do not start doing things that can destroy your plans: no mail, social networks, skype.

All this will allow you to establish control over the routine of your day.

It's possible to start the day right if you plan to execute daily the 3 most important cases of

. Cal Newport does not know what are the fumes and 12-hour working days.

At half-past six in the evening, he's already resting every day.

And all because Cal always plans three important tasks that he must perform during the day, without being distracted by anything.

These three tasks are the guarantee of our success, without which there would be no achievements.

Cal shares all our tasks with:

  • Small ( correspondence, some meetings, purchases).
    Their execution takes a long time, but shows our superiors our usefulness, not letting him fire us.
  • Global ( script writing, enticing an important client, successfully implemented business plan).
    It is global tasks that require the maximum use of all knowledge and skills, lead us on the career ladder.

You can start the day correctly if you correctly use your magic watch

Every person during the day has 2-3 hours, when his strength is at the peak of performance.

Most people have a magic watch coming in 1-3 hours after waking up.

Here's what Dan Ariely says: "Waking up at 6 o'clock, dedicate time from 8.00 to 11.00 to implement the most important cases out of the planned for today.

Do not waste it on any empty calls or unnecessary correspondence. "

It's in the magic clock that the body is ready to mobilize all the forces to perform tasks, learn something new, your productivity increases by 30%.

You have to find your magic watch so that not a single day is wasted!

How does a person's biological clock work?

It's possible to start a new day correctly if we develop a ritual signaling the start of the

activity. Charles Dahigg assures that one of the main reasons for procrastination( permanent postponement of cases) is the fear of the first step.

A ritual can help you overcome this fear, after which you will not go backward.

Repeat this ritual constantly, and you will develop a habit.

It's the same with the beginning of a new day.

For example, on my previous work there was such a ritual: 15-20 first morning minutes, we dedicated coffee drinking and making plans for the day.

Then immediately started work.

If for some reason the day started with coffee did not work, then the work moved sluggishly.

And one more little advice from me: start your day with charging!

At least a few minutes in the morning and a rush of vivacity is guaranteed!

How to start charging, see in the video:

It's possible to start a new day properly if you use the procrastination of

. Yes, you did not misinterpret: the permanent postponement of cases can benefit if you use it for your own purposes.

John Perry teaches you how to compile lists correctly:

"Put the first number of your daily to-do list that is unrealistic.2-4 points are really important things that you are quite capable of doing. Looking at the list, postpone the first item and proceed immediately to the second. "

The first thing that frightens you and for which you do not want to tackle will spur you on other important tasks.

You see? Not so complicated is wisdom.

Laura Vanderkam has taught you, how to start the day correctly.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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