How to extend on Beeline speed - tips on Beeline

Most Beeline tariffs for a phone or modem do not provide completely unlimited Internet. As a result, when the traffic threshold is reached, the speed mode slows down or the device does not load any page at all. To avoid such a situation, learn several ways how to extend the speed of the Internet on the Beeline.

How to extend the traffic on the Beeline

Almost all tariffs for the Beeline modem operate in the same way as for mobile phones. It consists in providing access to high-speed Internet for a certain subscription fee. When the limit is over, communication with the network will become slower. The speed indicators will fall to 64 or 32 Kbit / s. With this restriction, it's very difficult not to load the browser page, but even to enter any messenger or social network.

To solve the problem of how to extend the Internet on the Beeline, there are several ways. The package is increased by connecting the special functions that the operator offers. Their activation allows you to raise the speed indicators, but only until reaching the next threshold. The volume can be different - 1 or 3 GB.There is also an automatic extension of the high-speed mode. You can connect any option in several ways:

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  • consult the nearest operator's operator salon;
  • call the toll-free 24-hour technical support number 0611;
  • send USSD-request or SMS by special number;
  • go to the user's personal area where it's easy to add or disable any option.

Ways to extend the Internet Beeline

The way to restore normal network access is very similar to trust payment. They are classified according to the volume of the provided Internet package, as well as from the activation method. The latter can be manual or automatic. The options themselves, how to extend the speed on the Beeline, look like this:

  1. Activation of the additional function to add 1 GB.
  2. Connecting an option that provides an Internet package of 3 GB.
  3. Add automatic extension of high-speed mode.

Extend the speed of 1 GB

If you have slowed Internet surfing due to exceeding the limit, and not enough time to write off the next subscription fee according to the tariff, it will be rational to connect the option that provides an additional 1 GB.This is done by 2 methods:

  1. dialing number 0674093221 and calling it;
  2. by sending a USSD-request * 115 * 121 #.

If you are just approaching the threshold value, you can easily activate such an additional feature in your account. So you do not have to be annoyed by the fact that the browser page is not loaded at all. As after the call or command, the size of the Internet package for normal network usage will immediately increase. If necessary, you can include this function more than once, because the volumes are summed up.

Extend speed 3 GB

If you still think how to extend the speed on Beeline, consider the following option. It will increase your traffic by 3 GB.The methods for adding it are practically the same as the activation of the previous option. The difference is only in the called number and USSD-command, which must be typed. In general, the ways how to replenish traffic on Beeline by 3 GB are as follows:

  • make a call to 0674093222;
  • dial * 115 * 122 # and press the call key.

Auto-speeding Beeline

Judging by the feedback of subscribers, the method of auto-extension of the Internet package is more convenient. Having connected it, you can no longer check several times when the traffic is over, and do not worry that you will soon have to put money on the SIM card again. In this case, you just need to refill the balance and continue surfing in the familiar mode. Here is an instruction on how to extend the speed on Beeline in this way:

  • Call 067471778.
  • Send USSD-request * 115 * 223 #.

After this, the Internet service is activated, and 70 MB will be added to the account. If you do not have enough of this, use the following instruction to additionally extend the speed on Beeline:

  • Type the combination of symbols and numbers * 115 * 230 #, press the key to ring.
  • Make a call on the number 0674717780.

Cost and terms of service delivery. Extend the speed of

. Before extending the speed on Beeline, you will be able to understand the cost and terms of providing the connected services. The function to add 1 GB will cost 100 rubles. The subscriber receives the packet for a month, i.e.when you squander this volume, the surfing process will again become slow. Extension to 3 GB is already 200 rubles.and operates under the same conditions. Auto-renewal involves payment for every additionally connected 150 MB.The amount of payment is 20 rubles. Until the account becomes zero, the service will work and withdraw money for such an Internet package.

For 2G network, the high-speed mode is characterized by 236 Kbps, for 3G - 14,4 Mbps, and for 4G - 73 Mbps. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the provided package is valid until the next cancellation, according to the connected service from the Highway family. In addition to Internet options, the additional features described above work with a tariff called "Everything".The conditions remain the same.

Among the general points of service are the following:

  • A package of any size is valid for 30 days from the date of addition.
  • Options work only within the home region.

Video: how to increase the speed of the modem Beeline

  • Mar 17, 2018
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