Is it possible to treat myoma with homeopathy?

Among the methods of treatment of myoma are more known medicamentous and surgical, the first of which consists of the use of hormonal drugs. But there is an alternative way to reduce the tumor, making it possible to avoid surgery. Homeopathy with uterine myoma is not so widely used, but it has some advantages over traditional treatment.

Contents of

  • 1 When to use homeopathy for the treatment of myoma
  • 2 What is so good about homeopathy
    • 2.1 How do homeopathic remedies for myoma
  • 3 Homeopathic remedies used in the therapy of myoma

When to use homeopathy for the treatment of myoma

Myomas of different species are known for their ability to develop, during which there are no noticeable manifestations. They can reach such a magnitude that there will be no other way to get rid of the nodules, except the surgical operation. And after it is more problematic return of reproductive function, and even with the intervention itself, removal of the uterus may be required. And this completely excludes the chance of having a child. Therefore, it is important not to give the neo-formation time for development.

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Homeopathic treatment just takes a long period of drug use. We must not allow the allotted time to become an opportunity for tumor growth. Therefore, alternative treatment can be used only in the following cases:

  • myoma has a small or medium size;
  • tumor is not seen in the propensity to rapid growth;
  • there is no risk of degeneration of fibroids into a malignant tumor.

What is so good about homeopathy

Some women choose myoma treatment as homeopathy as the best way to reduce the tumor for several reasons:

  • Drugs from this range are not seen in the negative effects on the body as a whole, which can not be said about the hormonal agents used in therapy for neoplasm. The use of homeopathy does not threaten changes in appearance, weight gain and the formation of tumors in the mammary glands.
  • Alternative medications gently return the balance of many substances back to normal. First of all, this concerns the composition of sex hormones, the violation of which is one of the causes of myoma development.
  • Homeopathic remedies have significantly fewer contraindications than hormones. Actually, only individual intolerance of individual components can hinder their reception. At the same time, treatment with homeopathy does not force you to give up traditional therapy.
  • Requires an individual examination of each case of the disease, which increases the probability of getting rid of it. The scheme of taking homeopathic medicines takes into account not only the age and features of the tumor, but also the state of the nervous system, and even character traits.
  • Alternative drugs do not cause an adverse reaction, giving the opportunity to go through the entire long course of therapy with them without severe manifestations. This is due to the natural composition of medicines, in which there are only plant and animal components, tiny doses of poisons, minerals.

We recommend to read an article on the treatment of uterine fibroids using a boric uterus and a red brush. From it you will learn about the effect of medicinal plants on the disease, interesting and proven cooking recipes.

Homeopathic remedies for myoma

Homeopathy with myomas, if used for a long time, provides a multidirectional effect:

  • Returns to normal the psychological state. It is proved that excessive nervousness stimulates the growth of the neoplasm, since it even more violates the balance of hormones.
  • Aligns the work of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood circulation. It is impossible that the tumor is actively supplied with oxygen, this gives speed to its development. Homeopathy helps to reduce blood flow in the zone of myoma localization.
  • Stimulates the production of progestins. It is their deficiency, coupled with hyperestrogenism, which triggers the appearance of a neoplasm. Restoring the ratio of hormones deprives myomatous nodules and stimulus to growth.
  • Reduces blood loss. This characteristic sign of the existence of fibroids is caused by imbalance of substances, damage due to the pressure of the tumor of a large number of vessels. Homeopathy improves the coagulability of the biological fluid and excludes the causes for bleeding.
  • Treats anemia. In homeopathic remedies, there are components that stimulate the production of hemoglobin. This improves overall well-being.
All listed options of alternative drugs lead to a decrease in tumor activity, its decrease and the disappearance of symptoms.

This effect is possible and will be persistent with long-term use of drugs( up to six months or more).All this time it is necessary to monitor the condition of the uterus and fibroids by ultrasound and examinations at the doctor.

Homeopathic remedies used in the therapy of fibroids

Homeopathic preparations for uterine myomas are used differently.

The drug for the treatment of fibroids Features of the selected homeopathy
Mammosan This remedy is based on arnica, cuttlefish ink and starfish."Mammosan" exists in granules, it is taken on 5-7 pieces three times a day. They need to be kept in your mouth until they melt. The treatment scheme can be different if the doctor deems necessary.
Epigallate The drug is of vegetable origin. Its main component prevents excessive cell division and tumor processes in the tissues. Take capsules 2 times twice a day. A similar effect on the tumor has the means "Buplerum" and "Milona-5", although their composition differs from "Epigallata".
Indium Is indole-3-carbinol, which stops the development of tumor processes and the excessive production of estrogens. Produced in capsules, which are swallowed, washed down with water, 2 pieces 2 times a day. Strengthen the effect of the use of "Indinol", his joint reception with "Epigallat".
Milife The product is a set of amino acids and minerals that can normalize the immune, endocrine and metabolic processes in the body. Due to this, the anomalous division of the myometrium cells stops, the growth of the tumor is restrained."Milife" for this purpose drink according to certain schemes worked out by the doctor depending on the size of the tumor. They include taking a quarter, half a pill with a further increase in dose and a gradual decrease. The amount of the drug is also linked to the days of the menstrual cycle.
Wild Yam A herbal preparation containing natural gestagens. It helps suppress the stimulating tumor effect of ovarian estrogen, normalize the work of the sex glands. Take the drug from the second half of the cycle of 2 capsules per day. It can also be combined with other homeopathic remedies as directed by a specialist.
Aurum This is a group of alternative medicines based on gold. They cope with myoma if the neoplasm is accompanied by other pathologies of the reproductive organs, including changes at the level of the ovaries, impaired blood supply to the pelvis, hemorrhagic syndrome."Aurum" fights qualitatively with the bleeding caused by the tumor, and its growth.
Calcium The agent is available in 3 forms, each of which is shown in certain combinations of fibroids and other diseases of the reproductive system. "Calcium fluoricum" homeopaths appoint if, in addition to a benign tumor of the uterus, there is mastopathy, chronic adnexitis and varicose veins."Calcium jodatum" is used in the treatment of fibroids with cystic formations on the ovaries. "Calcium silicatum" is indicated for women whose tumor development is caused by greatly reduced immunity.
Conium The homeopathic remedy is an extract from a hemlock blotchy, known for its antitumour properties."Conium" is used in the therapy of fibroids and fibroids, which are characterized by high tissue density. The drug exists in granules and drops. Dosage is determined by a homeopath, since exceeding it can be dangerous.
Thuja The basis of the product is extracting the plant thuya, that is, it contains glycosides, organic acids, flavonoids. The drug copes with low immunity, bleeding and is a good painkiller. In therapy of fibroids, "Thuja" is used in conjunction with "Conium", "Calcium" or "Aurum".The drug is quite toxic, so the dosage is selected by a specialist, based on the weight of the woman and other significant factors.

Treatment of uterine myoma by homeopathy is not always welcomed by official medicine. But it should take place in cooperation with professionals, regular examinations, which can detect the effect of the use of drugs or its absence. The causes of myoma development are not fully revealed, so the latter is also possible.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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