Products useful for eye health

Do you care about the health of your eyes? Then start eating delicious and healthy foods that contain the nutrients and vitamins needed to preserve eye health. And we'll tell you what kind of products you need to get in abundance of substances useful for sight.

Zeaxanthin and lutein

These plant antioxidants are probably the world's most famous natural pigment carotenoids. These substances are present in all fruits and vegetables of a dark green color. Scientists have found that lutein and zeaxanthin are also present in the retina of the human eye, where they take part in the work of the visual analyzer.

These antioxidants can reduce the possibility of development in the eye of macular degeneration( destruction of the retina located in the retina center).Also with their help it is possible to struggle with development of a cataract( a clouding of a lens).Scientists believe that the influence of these antioxidants on the state of the eye is due to the fact that they are most active in combating the problems caused by the actions of free radicals, namely, these diseases are these.

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The richest lutein and zeaxanthin vegetables are: cabbage( all kinds), spinach, dark green lettuce leaves. In addition, they are in eggs and grain bread.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3

Without these acids, it is impossible to function not only the eyes, but the entire body. Our body is not able to form omega-3 fatty acids, so the diet must contain products containing them. Most of all, this role is suitable for oily sea fish( especially if it is herring or mackerel), seafood, vegetable oils and nuts.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is one of the water-soluble. Its constant use reduces the risk of cataracts, it is also useful in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin C contain a variety of vegetables and fruits, especially well-known for all known citrus fruits. A lot of vitamin C in sweet pepper, parsley and spinach.

Vitamin E

It is one of the strongest antioxidants. With his help, the body struggles with age-related macular degeneration and the development of cataracts. The most vitamin E is found in nuts, cereals, potatoes, lettuce, vegetable and butter.


This mineral is of great importance in many metabolic processes, both in plants and in higher animals. Copper can be obtained from nuts, sunflower seeds, beans and liver.


Without this mineral, the normal life of a single cell of our body is impossible. Without it, the work of the immune system and healing of wounds, as well as the functioning of all sense organs: taste, smell and visual analyzer is unthinkable. Most of all zinc is found in poultry and red meat. Also it can get their seafood, beans and nuts.

If, summing up, try to name some of the most-most useful products for eyes, then first of all it is necessary to highlight nuts, fresh vegetables and legumes, as well as seafood, fish and vegetable oils.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 17, 2018
  • 90
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