A cyst in the nose is a benign tumor that damages the paranasal sinus. It is characterized by the presence of a shell and liquid contents. As for the size and thickness of the walls, these characteristics are determined taking into account the cause and duration of the disease. If you do not start therapy, the pathological process will take a chronic form.
- 1 Is it possible to get treatment without surgery
- 1.1 Medications
- 2 Folk recipes
- 3 Reviews
Is it possible to have a treatment without surgery
Today there is no such miracle drug, having drunk which, the cyst could dissolve. But scientists all over the world are working on the creation of a resorbable phytodrene spray. Thanks to the innovative achievements in the field of medicine, you can completely get rid of cysts in the nose with the help of such a technique as laser. But no national means and even the most expensive means will not get rid of the cyst. Thus, to cope with the build-up only by resorting to surgery.
With the help of medications, one can only slow down the growth of neoplasms and alleviate the condition of the patient. But completely get rid of it. To remove unpleasant symptoms of the pathology, it is possible with the help of pain medications:
- Analgin( And here it is better to use Paracetamol, Analgin, Aspirin for cold, it is told in this article)
- Aspirin,
- Ibuprofen( Here's how to use Ibuprofen for coldswithout temperature, is described in this article.)
- Acetaminophen.
Nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect can also be used:
- Vibrocil( but what is the price of such drops, it is described in this article),
- Sanorin,
- Drops Nazivin for children.
Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect can directly affect the cyst.
This group should include a spray for the nose of Isofro, Polidex. Patients are also given solutions to facilitate mucus outflow and stopping edema.
If the situation is only complicated when using these drugs, and the inflammatory process is formed in the nasal cavity, non-surgical treatment should be stopped. In this case, you can not do without surgery.
Why there is a rumble in the ear and nasal congestion, as well as what means should be taken first.is described in this article.
Why there is a burning sensation in the nose and throat, and what drugs can be gotten rid of it, is described in this article.
Why there is inflammation of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, and what are the main reasons for this, is described in this article: http: //prolor.ru/n/simptomy/ vospalenie-nosoglotki-i-lechenie.html
Why there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ear without pain, and what can be done with this problem inhome conditions, is described in great detail in this article.
Folk recipes
And although the traditional medicine is considered to be the most effective, they will not be able to get rid of the cysts in the nose. Their purpose is to relieve the condition and prevent inflammation from affecting the remaining parts of the respiratory system. Such recipes are considered effective:
- Root of the cyclamen .Crush the raw materials using a meat grinder. Separate the juice from the gruel, add water in a ratio of 1: 4.Apply the drug every morning for 2 drops in each nasal passage.
- Aloe .This plant is considered universal, as it is used in the treatment of various pathologies. For the treatment of cysts, it is worth to take freshly squeezed aloe juice and to drip into each nasal passage of 2-3 drops. The course of therapy should be about 7 days.
- Mummy. It is necessary to take raw materials in an amount of 20 g, add 10 g of glycerin. All mix and drip into the nose 2 times a day. Dosage will be 3 drops in each nasal passage.
- Golden Horn .Crush the raw materials using a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice and drip it into each nasal passage of 3 drops. It is necessary to do such procedures in the morning and in the evening for 10 days.
- Onions and beets .It is necessary to take the juice of onions, beets and aloe. All components take 10 ml. All mix and drip into each nasal passage 2 drops 3 times a day. The product can not be stored for more than 1 day.
- Honey and eucalyptus .This remedy is effective with nasal congestion. It is necessary to take firmly brewed tea in an amount of 20 ml, combine with the same amount of honey and tincture of eucalyptus. The resulting composition drip 3 drops 2 times a day. Onion and potato juice .It is necessary to take these products in equal quantities and add liquid honey to them. The resulting solution to drip the nose into each passage of 3 drops. Total such manipulations per day should be 3.
- Aloe can be used not only to prepare drops for the nose. Need to take a few leaves of the plant, finely chopped. To the resulting gruel add the juice of grapes and honey. Receive the medication to be taken 20 g 3 times a day.
- You need to put 300 g of raisins in a half-liter jar. Add the vodka and wait 14 days. When the composition is infused, you can take it 20 ml 3 times a day. The course will last for 30 days.
- Marina, 45 years old: "I had a cyst in my nose diagnosed 4 years ago. And it turned out that because I needed to treat sinusitis. Before that time, there were no symptoms indicating the presence of pathology. For several years I actively used drops based on aloe. This allowed me to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that arose. But then I began to notice that the tumor began to increase in size, as a result of which it became difficult for me to breathe through my nose. I went to the hospital for help. The doctor said that the cyst can not be cured by conservative methods and it is necessary to resort to surgery. I was assigned a laser removal. The procedure is low-traumatic and painless. Now six months have passed, all the unpleasant symptoms have disappeared, and I can breathe normally without the use of vasoconstricting drops. "
- Andrey, 36 years old: "I have a cyst in my nose for 5 years, but I have not been sent to the operation yet. The fact is that it does not increase in size, does not prevent me from fully breathing. Of course, I use a number of drugs that my doctor has prescribed to slow the growth of the tumor. I do not have any such symptomatology. I live fully and normally. So I do not think that the cyst should be removed immediately. After all, such operations often bring complications. "
- Xenia, 39 years old: "Of course, it's impossible to cure a cyst without surgery. But here domestic ways you can not let it grow. When I found a cyst, I reviewed a lot of information and found the perfect way for myself. I used the juice of potatoes and onions. These two products are found in each house. Just connect them in equal proportions and apply them as drops. This remedy helps me also with a cold during a cold. I also use vasoconstrictive drops when there is stuffy nose. I do not hurry to remove the build-up, since I do not see the need for it. "
A cyst in the nose is a tumor, which can only be removed by surgery. Applying pharmacy and home remedies, you can simply alleviate the general condition and prevent the tumor from increasing in size. When conservative medicine has led to worsening, the only way to remain therapy is with surgery.