It's not a secret for anyone that viburnum is an excellent remedy for many diseases. Probably everyone has a memory from childhood, in which a caring grandmother prepares tea with berries of this plant or spreads a fragrant clay jam on a piece of fresh bread. And this taste can not be forgotten. Today we suggest that you consider several alcoholic variants of this amazing medicine, besides, the tincture made from Kalina is quite easy.
Advice! Kalina is better to collect after the first frost, when its fruits will become sweet and aromatic. Otherwise, you risk ruining the taste of home tincture, giving it unnecessary bitterness.
Popular recipes for fragrant medication
By combining with other ingredients, the curative berries of Kalina become the strongest immunostimulant and an excellent remedy for fighting beriberi. Home remedy, prepared by own hands, will relieve the body of toxins, will lead to normal metabolic processes, as well as will have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect.
Warning! Use this infusion with caution. This is especially true for people suffering from chronic kidney disease, high acidity and hypotension.
So, let's figure out how to make a tincture of viburnum.
On vodka
To create a fragrant drink, you only need to prepare two ingredients: a half kilogram of viburnum and a half liter of vodka.
The technology is as follows:
- the berries must be carefully sorted, rinsed in a large quantity of running water and dried;
- the viburnum is transferred to a glass container - the berries must fill half the volume;
- pour vodka so much that it completely covers the viburnum;
- close the container with a tight fitting lid and transfer it to a warm place;
- after a day of potassium tincture, get and pour the rest of the liquor;
- return the container to its original place and insist for a month;
Tip! The longer you insist the remedy, the more useful it will be as a result.
- after the specified time the drink should be filtered and it is completely ready for use.
Tincture on viburnum and vodka can slightly bitter, but at the same time have a pleasant tart taste. It perfectly improves appetite and is suitable for any solemn feast.
It's important to know! A small bitterness is an integral part of the silicate infusion. This is due to the presence in the berries of a special substance - viburnin, which allows the human body to effectively combat infections and has an antibacterial and analgesic effect.
The infusion prepared according to this recipe will gently calm the central nervous system, help to overcome stresses, get rid of depression and restore night sleep. This effect is due to the presence in the calamine of valerian acid, which copes well with the consequences of various kinds of psychological trauma.
Tip! If you use this drink only for medicinal purposes, then the number of berries can be increased. But remember that in this case the infusion will turn out to be more concentrated.
With honey
Tincture of viburnum with honey has earned a huge number of positive reviews. To prepare this remedy you need to do the following:
- two kilos of viburnum sorted, washed and dried;
- add the viburnum to a large jar;
- add half a liter of quality cognac;
- put 500 g of natural honey;
- pour in 1.5 liters of boiled water;
- close the tight lid and put it in a dark cool place;
- after 6 weeks drink filtered and bottled.
The received product should be taken in small portions literally one tablespoon at meal time.
Useful properties of this drink are unique. In a short time the tincture of the viburnum normalizes the pressure and strengthens the entire body.
With it, you will improve the digestive system and the entire gastrointestinal tract. This tincture is recommended for use in edema caused by impaired renal and cardiac function, as well as gastritis with low acidity.
Important! A drink made with this recipe can last for a long time, as cognac and honey will act as preservatives.
With sugar
Tincture of viburnum with sugar or fill is prepared very simply:
- 700 g of viburnum sorted, washed and dried;
- 300 g of granulated sugar dissolve in a glass of warm water, cool;
- syrup pour into a glass container, add berries and a half-liter of vodka;
- the jar tightly close and shake the contents;
- put the mixture in a cool shaded place for infusion.
After six weeks the drink is filtered and it is ready for use.
But cooking tinctures from viburnum is only half the success. To benefit your body, you should use it correctly. For preventive purposes, the resulting composition is drunk in small portions of 20-30 ml before meals.
If you suffer from insomnia, then this drink can be added to warm tea. It will be enough literally a couple of spoons, and you will be able to sleep soundly again, and in the morning feel vivacity and a surge of energy.
Warning! When hypotension and the presence of heart disease, this drug should be used with extreme caution. It is better to consult a doctor beforehand.
Since all of the above recipes tincture of viburnum contain alcohol, the children this drink is contraindicated. Babies after six months can be given calyx fruit drinks and compotes of low concentration. Their regular use contributes to the strengthening of the child's body and the treatment of allergic reactions.