It is quite often that back pain occurs in those who are engaged in physically hard work, engaged in heavy sports or, conversely, leads an inactive way of life. One of the reasons for which shooting pain arises is the infringement of the nerve in any segment of the back. If you do not contact a doctor in a timely manner and do not begin treatment, the patient's condition will only worsen.
- Causes of
- Symptoms of
- How to treat
- Exercises of
- During pregnancy
Causes of
The most common pinching of the spinal nerve occurs during exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilage lead to a narrowing of the lumen between the vertebral bodies and compression of the nerve roots emerging from the spinal cord.
In addition, the causes of infringement are:
- injuries, bruises, hematomas of soft tissues, dislocations, subluxations, fractures of vertebral bodies, ribs;
- congenital or acquired abnormalities of the structure of vertebrae or curvature of posture;
- protrusion or herniated intervertebral disc;
- tumors of various etiologies, adhesions, scars formed after surgical interventions on the spine or back muscles;
- inflammation or spasms of the spinal muscles;
- other diseases of the spinal column( spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, arthrosis and arthritis, instability of the vertebrae, growth of osteophytes, etc.).
- In this case, in almost all of the above pathologies, not only the jamming of the nerves occurs, but also the squeezing of the blood vessels, which is why the nutrition of the affected area is disturbed. It is formed in this way, the "vicious circle" - the slowdown and insufficiency of metabolic processes further aggravate the painful sensations, inflammation and spasm of tissues, the stiffness of the movements.
Symptoms of
The main sign of nerve impairment in the spine is piercing, shooting or burning pain in the back and / or along the nerve path. The spread of pain and its nature depends on the location of the pathology. She can overtake irregularly by lumbago or, conversely, be chronic and aching, without leaving the patient even during sleep. Increases pain syndrome with increased physical activity, sudden movements or bends of the trunk. Initially, the pain is felt on one side of the body( with which the nerve gets stuck), then it spreads to nearby soft tissues.
Symptoms of pinching of the nerve in the cervical spine, except pain and mobility restrictions, include: headache, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements and functions of the organs of vision and hearing, swallowing and vocal possibilities, general weakness, periodic sensations of blood flow to the face or vice versa - pallorskin.
Pinch in the thoracic segment is manifested by intercostal neuralgia, stabbing and shooting pains in the sternum and heart region, which are often confused with the pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
The defeat or inflammation of the nerve roots in the lumbar region is called radiculitis. Sciatica or infringement of the sciatic nerve is characteristic for pinching in the sacrum. In this case, in addition to pain, there is a specific gait( crouching on the aching leg), the spread of pain to the buttocks, the back of the thigh, the knee, the shin and the foot. Quite often, caviar from the affected side grabs convulsions. The sensitivity of the skin can be weakened until it falls completely and numb, and on the contrary it becomes aggravated to the impossibility of tolerating touch.
to contents ^How to treat
First of all, you need to save the patient from pain. This can be achieved with anesthetic( Nimesil) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Ibuprofen, Voltaren), various gels, creams, ointments that are applied externally( for example, when pinching in the waist).Sharp and intolerable pain can be stopped with the help of local novocaine or lidocaine blockades, which are injected into the affected area. In addition to the analgesic effect, they have a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect. And the same properties have and Menovazine.
In the acute period, the patient should adhere to bed rest, sleep on a flat and firm surface, with a small roller under the head or without a pillow. With the weakening of pain syndromes, massages, curative gymnastics, physiotherapeutic procedures( electrophoresis, UHF, shock wave therapy, etc.), as well as methods of unconventional and manual therapy( reflexotherapy, acupuncture, relaxation therapy) are added to treatment.
The main goal of the treatment is decompression of the strangulated nerve and strengthening of the muscular corset of the back. For these purposes apply traction( stretching) of the spine. These can be exercises in water, hardware procedures, passive Thai massage or yoga.
It is also recommended that patients reconsider and change their diet, eliminating from it acute, salty, smoked food, fatty broths. It is desirable to increase the intake of fresh and baked vegetables and fruits, foods rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, other vitamins and trace elements.
First aid for pinching the nerve in the lower back: when the first attack of pain and dizziness take place, find a reliable support( for example, two tables or chairs).Lean on them with your hands on level hands or elbows, relax the lower part of the body, allowing it to hang freely. Thus, the strangulated nerve will be released and the pain will subside. Try not to make sudden movements and go to the hospital.
To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is recommended to start each morning with a special charge, lead an active lifestyle and visit the sanatoriums and resorts every year.
Regular gymnastics( for example,by the method of Bubnovsky) is useful both for the speedy disposal of the effects of nerve impairment, and for prevention:
- Relaxation. The starting position is on all fours. Hands and feet are shoulder width apart, back is straight. We try to relax your back as much as possible.
- Cat. The starting position, too. On inspiration slowly and smoothly we bend our back down, on an exhalation we bend an arch upwards. We repeat 20 times.
- Stretching step. The starting position is on all fours. We fall on one of the legs, the second pull back. The opposite hand is pulled forward. Smoothly moving forward, alternately changing hands and feet, trying to maximally sink to the bent leg. Number of movements is not less than 20.
- Bleed. The starting position is on all fours. We move our hands slightly forward, feeding the pelvis to the floor, perform balancing movements back and forth, feeling how the muscles of the waist stretch.
- Back stretching. We lower our buttocks to our heels, press our breasts against our knees, our hands are stretched out forward. Relying on his hands, we carry the body as low as possible above the floor and fall on the stomach. Then we carry out the reverse movement. We repeat at least 20 times.
- Press. We lay down on the back, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees. On exhalation we try to lift the upper part of the body as much as possible and reach to the knees. The chin touches the chest. Exercise is performed until the sensation of burning and tension in the peritoneum. Repeats 2-3 approaches.
- Pelvic lift. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, the arms are lowered along the body. On exhalation tear off the buttocks from the floor and perform jiggling movements with an amplitude of 1-2 seconds, until the sensation of burning in the lower back, then sink to the floor. It is carried out in 3-4 approaches.
When Pregnant
It is often enough to pinch the nerve observed in women during pregnancy. This is due to the increased body weight, additional load on the spine, displacement of the center of gravity. Pressing the nerve roots and pelvic bones can also itself an overgrown fetus. Back pain responds to old injuries of the spine or back muscles, troubled by future motherhood.
To eliminate unpleasant symptoms( pain and inflammation), the doctor prescribes painkillers, ointments, gels. Tablets are rarely used because they can harm a baby. Recommended special sets of exercises, stretching the back muscles, water gymnastics, long walks in the fresh air. Massages, physiotherapy, manual therapy can be used.