Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of tooth abscess

Often, the root of the tooth appears inflammatory process, accompanied by painful sensations, as well as purulent clumps in the gum area. This inflammation is an abscess of the tooth.

This disease can not be cured independently. At the first sign of a violation, you should contact an experienced dentist to provide timely assistance. After treatment, the painful symptoms will disappear.


  • Mechanism for the development of a disorder
  • Provocateurs of the disease
  • How will it manifest itself?
  • What does modern medicine offer?
  • Preventive measures to prevent the problem
  • Complications and consequences

Mechanism of development of the disorder

Abscess of the tooth develops as a result of the appearance of an infection in the body. It can arise because of improper treatment of diseases of teeth, gums or mouth, and also because of weak immunity.

Conductors of infection in the body are lymphatic and venous vessels, as well as intermuscular and interfascial fiber. On them the inflammation spreads by breaking through and melting the surrounding tissues.

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The development of dental abscess depends on the level of pathogenicity of microflora and immunobiological features of the body.

Depending on these signs, the disease can take place in different ways:

  • is very active, with dangerous violations of general and local nature;
  • with moderate activity or lethargy;
  • slowly developing and flowing long enough, without having significant clinical manifestations, in which case the abscess acquires a chronic form.

Provocators of the disease

The causes of the abscess are various diseases of the teeth, in which bacteria enter the pulp and surrounding tissues.

It can be:

  • neglected dental diseases: caries, tooth cyst, periodontitis;
  • tooth injuries, resulting in chipped or fractured;
  • common infectious diseases, such as angina or influenza, in which an infection occurs in the body;
  • cutaneous or mucosal lesions in the oral cavity;
  • appearance of purulent lesions, furuncles, in the oral cavity, in particular on the jaws;
  • infections resulting from injection during analgesia;
  • facial trauma, such as a dislocation or fracture of the jaw.

All factors are associated with a violation of the integrity of the tooth and enamel, which contributes to the onset of the inflammatory process.

If the treatment is not timely started, the infection can penetrate the alveolus that holds the tooth, and cause much more serious diseases, such as phlegmon of the oral cavity.

How will it manifest itself?

Abscess of the tooth - an unpleasant and painful process, the main symptoms include:

  • permanent pain in the tooth and gums region, which has a aching and pulsating character;
  • sensation of pain when chewing or pressing;
  • tooth reaction to hot and cold;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • poor health and discomfort;
  • poor sleep, lack of appetite;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • bad breath;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • swelling and redness of the gums;
  • appearance on the gums of open wounds with the release of pus;
  • appearance of a facial tumor in the jaw area;
  • frequent headaches.

As a result of the death of the roots of a diseased tooth, some of the symptoms may pass. But the improvement is only temporary. Since the infection itself has not disappeared, on the contrary, it is actively developing. In this case, the destruction of the deep tissues of the tooth and bones of the jaw occurs.

Pain, poor state of health, swelling of the face can also occur as a result of breakthrough purulent formation. However, one should not hope that after this the abscess will pass by itself.

Conversely, from an acute illness, it will go to the stage of chronic. In the future this will lead to fistula development and frequent exacerbations.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to contact a dentist if any symptoms of the disease appear, even if they do not appear all the time.

On a photo the abscess of a tooth complicated

What does modern medicine offer?

The diagnosis is very simple: the patient has reddening of the gums, purulent wounds, pain in the tooth. Sometimes there is a need to make an X-ray that helps clarify the diagnosis.

To begin treatment of tooth abscess is necessary with the elimination of the inflammatory process and the cause of its occurrence, that is, with the elimination of infection.

The main goal is to preserve the tooth and prevent possible complications.

There are several ways to treat:

  1. Draining channels - an abscess is opened and purulent foci are cleaned, after which the oral cavity is washed with a special disinfectant solution. In case of successful treatment and preservation of the tooth, a crown is put on it. If the treatment has no effect, the patient's tooth must be removed. After the procedure, the wound in place of the tooth is also cleared of pus.
  2. To conduct the tooth drainage and cure the abscess can with a low intensity laser .The opening of the abscess and its further purification is less painful than with the traditional method.
  3. The procedure for surgical intervention of is performed if it is impossible to purge purulent inflammation through the canals. In this situation is necessary to cut the gum at the site of inflammation and only after that to clean and disinfect the wound.
  4. To the medical treatment of can be attributed the use of antibiotics. They stop the infection and prevent it from spreading. These drugs include Trimox, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole. To alleviate pain symptoms, pain medications are used.
  5. After the dental treatment for a faster wound healing is prescribed to rinse the mouth of the .For this procedure, you can use saline or decoctions of the bark of oak, aira. If, for some reason, there is no way to use special products, you can rinse your mouth with warm water. The more rinsing occurs, the faster the wound will heal. Therefore, the procedure should be done after each meal.
  6. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the teeth of .To do this, they are thoroughly cleaned twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Preventive measures to prevent the problem

Treatment of tooth abscess is a complex and painful process. Therefore, the best way to avoid such unpleasant procedures is the prevention of the disease. First of all, it consists in observing the hygiene of the oral cavity.

For this it is necessary: ​​

  • to visit the dentist regularly, at least once every six months;
  • in time to sanitize the mouth and treat any gum disease;
  • use a toothpaste that contains fluoride for tooth cleaning, do it better every time you ate, if this is not possible, at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening;
  • regularly use a special dental floss, which removes the remains of food between the teeth, the procedure must be done every day;
  • remove tartar from the tooth surface;
  • in cases of damage to the tooth enamel, wobbling of the tooth or its cleavage, it is necessary to contact the dentist in order to prevent the occurrence of infection.

Complications and consequences of

Untimely or improperly treated dental abscess can lead to a number of complications. The most common are:

  1. The appearance of the fistula , from which pus may drain into the buccal cavity.
  2. Dissemination of abscess into bone tissue .This leads to the spread of infection throughout the body and the damage to tissues and nerve fibers surrounding the diseased tooth.
  3. The acute form of can penetrate the bone and grow in the soft tissues of .This can lead to the appearance of osteomyelitis, which is expressed in the inflammatory process of the brain, or cellulite, which is a skin infection.
  4. If the is completely absent, the disease can lead to jaw corrosion and tooth loss of .It is not excluded distortion and deformation of facial features. This can lead to the manifestation of diabetes, blood poisoning, breathing problems, heart disease, vascular infections.
  5. Sometimes, in case of abscess penetration into various organ systems, may develop brain abscess or meningitis, as well as pneumonia .

The need for a visit to a dentist causes fear in most people. Therefore, most often the visit is postponed, and the diseases of the gums and teeth become neglected, which leads to serious complications.

Therefore, it is worth remembering that a timely visit to the dental office will bring much less discomfort and pain.

  • Mar 18, 2018
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