How to get rid of bitterness in eggplant

Summer is not only a holiday period, but also a generous vegetable, fruit and berry season. For example, in the summer, you can always eat snacks, as well as salads from eggplant. However, the taste of this vegetable can be bitter, and if nothing is done, the dish will turn out to be tasteless.

How to get rid of bitterness in eggplant?

  1. Using
  2. salt By soaking
  3. Having peeled the skin

Each housewife most likely has her own, time-tested secret to remove bitterness from eggplant. Here you can see the most popular of them. Perhaps, among these councils there is yours, and maybe you will find new, interesting information for yourself, something that you yourself could never have guessed.

Remove bitterness from the eggplant with

salt. The selected eggplant should be washed well, the tails removed. The method of slicing you choose yourself. Already sliced ​​blue carefully rubbed with salt and coarse in a deep bowl. Further for 20 minutes, and if vegetables are needed whole, then for 60 minutes more, the eggplant should be left alone.

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Crystals of salt will dissolve - and liquid will appear on the surface of the pieces of the vegetable. After the specified time, the blue must be rinsed under the tap with cold water, and after that you can prepare the intended dish from them.

Get rid of bitterness by soaking

In order to remove bitterness from eggplants, you can simply hold them with water. To this end, vegetables should be washed, cut into the way you need, put in a bowl and add to them water and salt for 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp.l.salt. A bowl with aubergines is closed with a lid, pressed down on top by a load, for example, a three-liter jar full of water.

Soak the eggplant about 30 minutes. Further they are washed with cold water and added to the dish. Vegetables prepared by this method, during the frying, almost do not absorb the oils, which means they will turn out to be more delicate and appetizing.


Another method that helps to remove bitterness from eggplant.

To say frankly, usually blue is not so bitter. However, if, in your opinion, the eggplants purchased in the store are not sweet enough, you can take off the peel from the vegetables, if the cooking technology of this dish allows. After such actions, be completely sure that the bitterness of eggplants will go away at all, and the dish will taste good.

In the end I want to note that as a rule, there are bitter vegetables. Since young eggplants do not bitter, they usually do not need any preliminary preparation. What is the difference between young blue and old vegetables? To define it is simple: at young aubergines a skin smooth, with shine, dark maculae on it or her are absent, rotten places are not present. Such blue ones are medium in size, quite heavy. The cut of the young vegetable is light, without dark seeds. If at least one of these parameters is violated, obviously, before you are already middle-aged specimens, from which it is better to refuse.

Preparation of food for preparation
  • Mar 18, 2018
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