A decoction of raisins will help the baby's tummy cope with indigestion and diarrhea

Raisins are dried grapes. However, not every kind of grapes is suitable for making this dried fruit: it can be light or dark grapes, but an indispensable condition is a sweet fleshy fruit pulp containing at least 20% of sugars and a thin skin.

The production of raisins has a long historical tradition. For example, when excavating ancient Greek policies, modern archaeologists find a handful of charred dried grapes. Drying is a proven food technology that allows you to save the crop. From dry grapes prepare a lot of meat dishes, bakery products, drinks, healing is a decoction of raisins, which by virtue of its qualities is not inferior to vitamin juice from fresh grapes.

Many kinds of raisins are on sale now - a small light "sabza" and almost black dark "shigani", with bones and sultana, a dryish and large fleshy "lady's finger".It is believed that dark raisins are more useful than light.

Raisins - a product with a long tradition of cooking;depending on the place of growth and the grade of raw materials, the categories and flavors of the dried grape are different
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As a rule, the majority of dried fruits that are sold in bulk in bulk or in industrial packaging are covered by special oil substances that prevent drying out of products and preserving its presentation. These substances are badly washed away, so you either need to buy home-made raisins, or carefully rinse dried fruits with hot water until the fat film leaves the fruit.

Tip: If you can buy ripe, sweet, fleshy grapes( preferably without pits), you can dry it yourself. To do this, you need to wash the bunches, tear off the fruits from them, remove the dry stems. To prepare the grapes for drying, they are lowered for 3-5 seconds in hot soda( 1 tsp soda for 1 liter of boiling water).

These "manipulations" allow you to remove the plaque from the fruit. Prepared in this way, the grapes are dried in the sun on wooden pallets, turning the fruit every 2 days. If there is a special dryer, you can use it( cooking raisins at t = 60 ° C will take up to 12 hours).Preparation in a slightly open oven on a baking sheet at t = 70 ° C is more time consuming - you need to monitor the drying process and periodically turn the fruits.

Benefits of the raisin raisin for the body

Useful qualities of raisin water include:

  • rich content of various minerals and vitamins of groups B and P;
  • potassium promotes soft recovery of intestinal motility, promotes the prevention of diarrhea and constipation;
  • thanks to the content of vitamin C decoction of raisins is useful for catarrhal diseases as a plentiful drink;
  • iron allows to normalize the processes of hematopoiesis in anemia;
  • helps the body cope with dehydration and exhaustion during poisoning;
  • decoction of raisins is indispensable for diarrhea and discomfort in the tummy, disturbing the baby;
  • the presence of fructose has a beneficial effect on the baby's body in acetone syndrome.

Warning! Decoction of raisins for babies can be given with the beginning of complementary feeding( optimally - when the teeth are already cut), from 6-8 months. Infants of an earlier age will not benefit from this drink, since it provokes fermentation in the intestine.

Recipes of decoction

Diarrhea is an unpleasant symptom that delivers discomfort to a person of any age. A raisin broth helps to cope with the disorder of the intestine, normalize peristalsis, restore the balance of liquid and minerals( in particular, potassium, sodium, magnesium and iron) in the body. Such a drink is shown even to babies as a safe and reliable remedy for diarrhea. There are several proven recipes of raisins for children.

Recipe 1:

To prepare a drink from diarrhea you need 1 tablespoon.prepared well-washed raisins and 1 glass of boiling water. The broth should be boiled for 15 minutes on low heat, then leave to cool and infuse. Before use, strain it and drink it in a warm form up to 100 ml at a time.

Tip: If the baby is breastfed, Mom's milk can help cope with diarrhea. As is known, the products that feed the mother come to the baby in a form adapted for his digestive system. Taking several times a day, a raisin of raisins, a nursing woman, helps to ensure the good functioning of the intestines of the baby.

Delicious decoction of raisins for babies will help to cope with discomfort in the tummy of

There are several more options for preparing healthy drinks based on decoction from dried grapes.

Recipe 2:

To prepare a drink to restore the health of the stomach and intestines, you need to take a third of a glass of raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Dried fruits should be thoroughly washed in several waters and left in warm water for 10 minutes for swelling. For broth, pour 1 liter of clean water into a saucepan, put the dried fruit in it and cook for 30 minutes. Take warm( about 30 ° C), you can add a little honey. Such a drink has a beneficial effect on digestion, metabolism and circulation.

Recipe 3:

Take 100 grams of washed raisins and 1 medium carrot, cut into large slices, place the ingredients in a saucepan with 0.5 liters of clean water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Give the baby in a warm state for 50-70 ml during the day every 3 hours until the signs of diarrhea disappear. Such a raisin tea for the baby will saturate the growing body with vitamins and minerals, restore fluid loss.

The application of a decoction of raisins for baby food and treatment of toddlers has a long tradition, thanks to the proven qualities and excellent taste of the drink, which even the

will like. These are the recommendations for the reception of raisin water by Dr. E.O.Komarovsky:

  • Mar 18, 2018
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