Healing properties and use of Agaricus in the treatment of various diseases

  1. Description
  2. The healing properties of
  3. The action of the larch tinder for various diseases
  4. Methods of application
  5. Precautions

The parasitic tartar Agaricus belonging to the department of Basidiomycetes can often be found on the trunks of larch, cedar, fir and pine trees in the forests of Siberia, the Far East andEuropean part of Russia. This fungus has very valuable medicinal properties, due to the fact that when interacting with wood, it gradually destroys it, takes away all the nutrients from the tree and accumulates them in itself. It has long been used in folk medicine for wounds and bruises, asthma, tuberculosis, liver diseases, made of cotton wool and even baby powder. Since the end of the 18th century, the fungus has been used as the main component of the "elixir of life".Other names of Agaricus are known, for example, larch sponge, white tinder, larch trut, agaric.


The agaricus consists of a piercing branchy mycelium and a fruit body. The age of the fungus can reach 75 years, at the end of life its mass is of the order of 10 - 12 kg, and length - about 30 cm. Propagated by spores penetrating the bark of the host tree.

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The fruiting body has obtuse rounded edges, a conical or hooflike shape, in some cases resembling an upside-down, wood-pressed plate. It is painted whitish or brownish brown with dirty yellow or brown spots. The outer surface is rough, covered with a thin, hard, cracked crust. On the lower side is a spore layer in the form of small tubules. The characteristics of the inner part of the fruit body depend on the age of the larch sponge. In young mushrooms it is loose, soft, has a white or yellowish-cream color, and eventually becomes dark brown and stiff.

Interestingly: The size of the spore-bearing layer in Agaricus is increased by 5-10 mm annually.

In the section, the interior of the fungus looks like a cork or sponge

The healing properties of

What does a larch sponge treat? The therapeutic properties of the fungus are determined by the high content of substances useful to the human body in its composition. According to the research it was found that in dry condition this tinder contains up to 80% of resinous substances, which is unique for living organisms. It also has:

  • organic acids( citric, agaricic, fumaric, malic, ricinol);
  • fatty oils;
  • phytosterols;
  • mineral salts;
  • pectins and polysaccharides;
  • vitamins;
  • glucose, mannitol.

This composition of biologically active compounds makes it possible to successfully use agaricus in homeopathy and folk medicine. It has cleansing, hemostatic, diuretic and laxative effect, has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, helps with problems with sleep, stimulates the work of the digestive tract, normalizes metabolism, helps with hormonal disorders. Indication for its use may be the following problems:

  • hepatitis and fatty liver disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • ulcers and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory diseases( pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc.);
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • helminthiases;
  • excess of body weight.

The action of the larch tinder for various diseases

The large amounts of laxative and agaric acid, which helps to render harmless and eliminate toxins, ensure that the agaricus has medicinal cleansing properties. It well relieves the body of toxins, carcinogens and toxins, accumulating due to modern living conditions and poor environmental conditions. It is also used in the therapy of cancer, because it can minimize harmful undesirable effects on the body and reduce side effects after radiation and chemotherapy.

Agaricus fungus has found application in tuberculosis. It provides a decrease in the intensity of debilitating night sweats in patients.

With internal use of funds based on the tinder, normalization of metabolism, improvement of liver function, increased secretion of bile and production of enzymes that break down fats are observed. In this regard, he is very effective for losing weight if you need to correct the figure.

A tea drink made from larch sponge helps to reduce and stabilize body weight.

. Also, the agaricus fungus shows therapeutic properties in the fight against various liver diseases( jaundice, viral hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration).It restores the normal work of the organ, cleans it, promotes cell regeneration, has a beneficial effect on the secretion of bile and the production of enzymes, destroys the pathogenic microflora in the biliary tract. The polysaccharide lanolophil, contained in the fungus, contributes to the activation of the processes of the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. In complex therapy, Agaricus is used for cysts and other neoplasms in the liver, stomach, and small intestine. It is effective in violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora and constipation.

Ways of using

For the preparation of medical products, the fruit bodies of a young larch sponge are used. In comparison with old mushrooms, they have a small size, white, loose and soft inside and a lighter color from the outside. The billet should be produced from the beginning of spring and until the middle of summer. For this, the mushroom is cut down with an ax or knocked down with a stick, cleaned of the bark of the host tree, garbage and other foreign impurities. Then dry and store in a room with good ventilation.

Warning: The Agaricus fungus is poisonous, so when handling it, protect hands with gloves.

Infusion with laxative and sedative action

Mushroom cut with a knife into small pieces, 1 tsp.of the obtained raw material is placed in a heat-resistant glass dish or thermos and pour ¼ liter of boiling water. Put in a warm place for 10 hours. At the end of the time, the infusion is filtered and taken warm at 60 to 70 ml during meals.

Infusion with sedative

Dry the fruiting body of the fungus, grate, 1 tsp.of the received raw materials to place in a glass and to fill on third with a steep boiling water. Cover and insist for 4 hours, then filter and take 15 ml with food.

For the preparation of medicinal products from Agaricus, it is cut into small pieces or grated on a grater

Means for liver diseases

Larch fungus agaricus for liver treatment is used as a decoction. To do this, 1 tbsp.l.of the crushed product is placed in a 1 liter pot, add to half the water, brought to a boil and boiled for half an hour. Turn off the gas, cover and insist for 4 hours. Filter and take 15 ml 3 - 4 times a day.

Slimming remedy

Agaricus for weight loss is taken in the form of infusion. To do this, a piece of mushroom weighing 30 g is completely soaked with warm water( 350 ml) for 8 hours. Then the water is poured into another container, and the mushroom is cut into small pieces. Again pour the mushroom with the same water, add another 50 ml of warm water, heat to 55 ° C, pour into a thermos bottle and insist there during the day or night( at least 12 hours).The infusion obtained in this way is drunk in one day, distributing the entire amount to equal parts, which are taken 20 minutes before meals.

Tincture with giardiasis

To the ground mushroom( 1 glass) add ½ liter of vodka and insist in a cool place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. After the time has passed, tincture is filtered and taken 30 minutes before meals three times a day for 1 tbsp.l.

Infusion for diabetes mellitus

Chopped mushroom in the amount( 1 tsp) is poured into 200 ml of hot water with a temperature of no more than 55 ° C, insisted in a thermos for 12 hours. Filter and take 50 ml of the product three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Tip: Therapeutic decoctions and infusions with a larch sponge do not have a very pleasant bitter taste. To improve the palatability of these drinks, you can add mint, cinnamon, lemon, ginger, etc. in them.

Slimming cinnamon with

The ground mushroom( 2 tsp) is placed in a small saucepan and a glass of boiled water is added, placed on a water bath, stand for 5 - 7 minutes. Insist 2 - 3 hours, and then add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, mix and drink.

Decoction for tuberculosis

The ground mushroom( 1 tbsp.) Is poured into a pan with 1.5 glasses of water and boiled for not very intense boiling for 40 minutes. Then cover with a lid, insist for 2 hours and filter. Use the drug three times a day for 1 tbsp.l.before eating.


Agaricus refers to poisonous fungi. In case of an overdose, when taking funds from it, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, general malaise, allergic reactions in the form of rash and itching, vomiting and other symptoms are possible. The use of larch sponges for medical purposes is strictly contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, prone to allergies to people, as well as children under the age of 12, and the elderly. When you use it to lose weight, do not get carried away. Take the money you need no more than two weeks in a row, and then take a break for 2 - 3 months.

Warning: Before using folk remedies from Agaricus, you need to consult a doctor, as with certain diseases you can not take them.

Properties of agaricus and its application for weight loss:

  • Mar 18, 2018
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