Features of the diet( non-recommended products - I)

Features of the diet( non-recommended products - I)

The yogic view on nutrition is very different from the generally accepted dietary rules, but its review can help to understand some nutrition issues.

Yoga nutrition is aimed at internal cleansing and involves the adoption of clean food. This term implies not only the choice of means of obtaining and cooking, but also a careful dietary selection of food products, with the exclusion of harmful and useless elements from the diet, as far as possible.

Some products are recommended to be excluded from the diet, or at least reduce their intake.

It is recommended that all products of animal origin , such as meat, eggs, fish, poultry and their products be excluded from the diet. The refusal to use these products is motivated not only by moral considerations, which include the killing of animals, but also because of their harmfulness to the organism( from their point of view).

For example, yogis believe that meat contains a large number of different toxic substances and chemicals eaten by animals along with food. Also, meat causes rotting processes in the intestines, which causes poisoning of the body. The purine compounds, formed as a result of processing meat, are difficult to neutralize by the liver of a person and make him angry, irritable and aggressive, which in turn greatly affects his character and behavior. Sexual maturation in meat-eaters occurs much earlier, but the ability to conduct sexual activity in them disappears also earlier than it should be - and this is a characteristic sign of aging of the body.

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The general structure of the digestive tract of a person, the peculiarities of the structure of his teeth and the presence of an appendix completely correspond to the structure of the digestive system of monkeys, which, being very close to a human evolutionary species, feed almost exclusively on plant foods. In predatory animals that consume meat, the structure of the digestive system is very different from the human.

As a result of microscopic dental studies in fossil anthropoid apes, it was found that the features of their ultrastructure are typical for animals that eat fruits and nuts. Hence we can conclude that man is prepared for evolution to vegetarianism.

However, yogis recognize that Western people have objective reasons for using them to eat meat products. Cells of their body are already genetically poisoned due to the consumption of meat for many generations. Living in a colder climatic zone forces them to make up for the loss of calories by consuming meat. Their way of life is also much more mobile than the inhabitants of the East, which in turn again forces them to fill the wasted calories from meat. Also, one can not ignore the existence of a whole group of people who love some meat dishes and do not want to give them up. Given the above factors, it is difficult to completely abandon the meat, but it is recommended that during the day, and preferably for several days, do not eat more than one meat dish. If a person consumes meat at breakfast, at dinner, and at dinner, it directly leads to the emergence and development of various diseases. Hence the need for a gradual refusal to eat food of animal origin. ...more

Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"

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