The most noticeable in the cycle of menstruation is menstruation, which is the rejection of the inner covering of the uterus. There is in him and not so obvious, but significant event - the ripening of the egg. Determine when ovulation occurs after menstruation, as it goes, the ways of calculating the timing is important to everyone. Because only in this period there is a chance for conception.
Contents of
- 1 How the female gamete develops in the
- 2 cycle What day does ovulation occur
- 3 How long does the
- 4 last? Signs of onset of ovulation
- 5 Define auspicious days for conception
- 5.1 Calendar method
- 5.2 Basal temperature control
- 5.3 US
- 5.4
test Howthe female gamete develops in the cycle
Since adolescence, a number of follicles have been formed monthly in girls in the sex glands, one of which dominates. This is led by the hormone FSH.Normally, in all cycles, the process takes place only in one of the paired organs. On its surface a bubble is designated, under the shell of which the egg lives.
Further description of what will happen will help to understand when ovulation occurs, before or after menstruation. The follicle grows, forcing the surface layer of the organ to stretch. Once he breaks through, and the egg is in the abdominal cavity. This is ovulation. In the area of the opened follicle there is a yellow body that produces hormones. It prepares conditions for the vital activity of the fetal egg, if the female cell manages to connect with the male. Without this, fertilization does not happen. And if so, the egg degenerates, the yellow body disappears. Uterine mucosa also fades, preparing for rejection. The volume of hormones gradually decreases. It ends with all menstruation, during which the endometrium is renewed. And hormones prepare the reproductive system for isolation from the general mass and development of the next follicle.
On what day ovulation is noted
Ovulation after menstruation occurs 10 to 18 days later. This inaccuracy is caused by the variety of cycle time in women. If it totals 21 days, the egg will be released somewhere on the 10th. With a 30-day cycle, this will happen on the 14th-15th. In short, ripening it to the condition required for conception lasts about half of the menstrual period.
But this is if the loop exists without failures. For those who can not boast of such an advantage, it is more difficult to calculate the maturing of an egg. After all, the cycle is divided into 2 parts - follicular and lutein. One of them is capable of dragging out, the other is shortened. And the date for the release of the female gamete exists just between these stages. The difference in their duration often raises the question: can there be ovulation immediately after menstruation? This is found precisely when the "jumping" cycle. But even if it is sufficiently clear, early ovulation can not be completely denied. After all, it can move because of:
- stress,
- fatigue,
- drugs,
- sudden changes in nutrition and climatic conditions.
Ovulation immediately after menstruation with a regular cycle is also likely. The egg develops only in one sexual gland. But in any of the cycles it is possible that a similar process will hurry up and in the remaining ovary. While the first in time female gamete will degrade, the other will begin to develop. And to stop menstruation, she will come out of the shell.
Ovulation immediately after menstruation may appear in the disorder of the hypothalamus. This area of the brain controls the production of hormones that stimulate the activity of the pituitary and ovaries. If there are too many of them for the luteal section of the cycle, the egg can form at the initial stage of the next menstrual period.
How long is the
Since conception is real only with a developed egg, wishing to become mothers, you need to know what time period is at their disposal. Female gamete is suitable for the process, while traveling through the tube to the uterus. Immediately after opening the shell, it slips into the abdominal cavity, where it is not for long. Then the fallopian tube pulls it into itself. Promotion to the main female body lasts from 12 to 24 hours( maybe a little more, since it is slow).At this time, the egg has enough nutrients to exist and preserve its properties. If the active spermatozoon meets with it and joins, conception is assured.
Signs of onset of ovulation
It is possible to reveal when the egg becomes fertile, knowing the length of the menstrual cycle. But in some women( about 20%) there are very noticeable signs of ovulation after menstruation:
- Soreness in the lower segment of the abdomen. It is expressed in the zone of the gland, in which the follicle ripens. Pain grasping or aching, normally not intense.
- Small discharge with blood from the genital tract. They are caused by damage to the vesicles upon rupture of the membrane of the graafovian vesicle.
- Amplification of colorless vaginal discharge. This phenomenon is caused by hormones. Nature facilitates the way of the sperm to the female gamete. Cervical mucus becomes more fluid.
- Increased libido. This mechanism is aimed at the realization of conception. Particularly noticeable is the increased traction to the opposite sex in this segment of the cycle at the age of 25 to 35 years.
- The presence of a short time of nausea, discomfort in the stomach, dizziness.
Define auspicious days for conception
Because the chances of having a baby in each cycle are less than "flying" with these plans, it is important to calculate on what days the conception will turn out. Serious information is important for those who have obstacles to motherhood and fatherhood. After all, if you take too much effort in planning, the quality of the seminal fluid is reduced. Therefore, it is better to calculate when attempts are more likely to succeed. And you can do it yourself, with the help of affordable pharmacy devices and ultrasound.
Calendar method
How to count ovulation after menstruation is determined by the clarity of the cycle. If it is stable, the egg will be able to connect to the spermatozoon in the middle of the period. With a 28-day cycle, it can be ripe for the 14th or 15th day. It is impossible to reject 13th, 16th and 17th days.
The spermatozoon is usually active for 3 to 4 days. A female reproductive cell is still a day after the release. To the interval of 5 days, which was calculated above, it is more correct to add another 4. Hence, conception is most real from the 9th to the 17th day of the menstrual period.
If monthly come through unequal intervals, establish the shortest in a year cycle and the greatest. From the first number you need to take 19, from the second - 10. The figures indicate the beginning and end of a more happy period for conception. Count from the first day of the last month.
Control of basal temperature
Find out BT in the morning, lying in bed. The tip of the thermometer is injected into the rectum or vagina.
A more correct method in comparison with the previous ones for the establishment of ovulation is used in the clinic. It is based on data obtained by ultrasound. Calculating the approximate period of ovulation based on the date of the previous menstruation, a survey of the ovaries is closer to it. On the screen the doctor will see in which of them the main follicle was formed, how it develops. You can study the glands from the 6th day of the cycle. Changes in the follicle are visible every 3 days. Doing periodic examinations, it is not difficult to correctly call the day the egg is ready.
With the help of pharmacy devices used at home, you can also identify the ideal for conception days. Tests for ovulation function based on the detection of hormonal changes. They are reflected in the composition of urine or saliva. One of the liquids is applied to the strip. If it clearly shows a trait next to the control, this means a high concentration of LH, which is present when the egg is released.
When to do an ovulation test after menstruation:
- at any time, except morning and night, is optimal from 11 hours to 20.00;
- the first sample is carried out 5 to 6 days before the middle of the cycle.
We recommend reading the article about determining the day of ovulation. From it you will learn about the effectiveness of each method and their proper application, the maturation of the egg during and after menstruation.
If finding out the date of egg ripening is done at home, it is better to combine several methods at the same time. This is especially true for those who have a floating cycle. Control of the process will help fulfill the desire to become a mother soon. But we must not forget that 1 - 2 cycles per year can be anovulatory, that is, do without an egg.