Regular menstruation( stable cycle) indicates the normal functioning and health of the female reproductive system. That is why any malfunctions cause anxiety and fear. The first thing that most women think about in such situations is pregnancy. But often this opinion is erroneous. The reasons for the delay in menstruation can be completely different.
At a young age, until the cycle is finally settled, the girls do not have to worry. But if two years have passed since menarche( the beginning of menstruation), and similar problems arise, it is necessary to establish the reasons for the delay in menstruation. If the probability of pregnancy is excluded, and the monthly ones do not come on time, you should contact the doctor. It is recommended to undergo a thorough diagnosis in the case when the delay in menstruation occurs regularly.
- 1 What is considered a delay
- 2 Danger to the body
- 3 Possible causes of
- 3.1 1. Diseases causing delayed menstruation
- 3.2 2. Gynecological causes of delay that are not pathology
- 3.3 3. No gynecological causes of delay
- 3.4 Delay of monthly causes:
- 4 Diagnosis for menstrual irregularities
- 5 Features of treatment of cycle disorders
What is considered as a delay of
Features of menstrual qila depend on a large number of domestic as well as a number of external factors. Because of their influence, menstruation can begin a couple of days earlier or later from the target date. This is normal. An alarm signal in medicine is recognized as a delay of monthly 5-6 days.
Several times a year, the delay, as a rule, is for absolutely healthy women. Call it may change the weather or other reasons not related to health problems.
Danger to the body
Those who are interested in the issue of "delaying monthly causes other than pregnancy," also worried whether the cycle is dangerous. Doctors say that the very delay for the body has absolutely no negative consequences. However, its occurrence can signal the appearance of serious dysfunctions, so attention should be paid to this problem.
Having diagnosed the presence of a certain disease, which resulted in a violation of the menstrual cycle, it will be possible to avoid serious consequences and complications. Especially this statement is relevant and important, if it is a question of such serious pathologies as inflammation, fibroids, swelling.
Possible causes of
Often the answer to the question of why there are no menstruation is pregnancy. In this case, the delay of 1 day should not be interpreted immediately, as a sign that the woman is waiting for the baby. But if the menstruation did not occur 5-7 days after the time( expected), a test should be done. In addition to delay, signs of pregnancy include changes in basal temperature, a noticeable increase in breast size, increased sensitivity, excessive irritability, and headaches, frequent dizziness.
If there is no monthly test and a negative reason is to be found in another. It should only be taken into account that the sensitivity of different tests can seriously differ. Often there are situations when even with pregnancy at very early stages the test shows a negative result. In this regard, doctors recommend that after 3-4 days to do a repeat testing procedure.
Having typed in any search engine an exciting question "delay of monthly negative test", you can get quite detailed information about which pathologies provoke the occurrence of this problem.
1. Diseases causing delayed menstruation
- Polycystic ovary - this diagnosis unites a number of diseases that are characterized by severe impairment of hormone production( tarragon and androgen are released in excess), which may be a delay in menstruation. With the appearance of this pathology, ovulation does not occur, which leads even to infertility. Polycystosis occurs in cases of abnormalities not only in the ovaries, but also in the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, hypothalamus. In the presence of this pathology, women often have problems with excess weight( they quickly recover), and also there is excessive hairiness on the legs, above the upper lip, in the groin.
- Cyst of the yellow body of the ovary - when a yellow body formed during ovulation, but hormonal failure occurred before menstruation, in response to such severe stress the yellow body continues to "work".This is the delay of the monthly cause.
- Inflammation of the genitals( internal) - if the internal genital organs become inflamed, the answer to the question of why the monthly periods are delayed is obvious. This disease provokes a violation of the processes of maturation of the follicles, the functioning of the yellow body and ovulation, so menstruation does not begin on time.
- Interruption of pregnancy - after the termination of pregnancy serious enough hormonal disturbances occur. Often happens that in the process of scraping the fetus, the doctor removes too many tissues, so there are no monthly tissues. It takes some time for the woman to recover. However, if 1-1.5 months have passed since the moment of abortion, and menstruation has not recovered, it is important to immediately consult a specialist.
- Admission of hormonal drugs - regular intake of hormonal drugs( combined) leads to the emergence of the syndrome of hypertrophy of the ovaries. This is the reason why do not come monthly. At the end of the course of treatment or a change in medication, the cycle is restored on its own. If this did not happen within a couple of months after discontinuation of medication, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.
- Cycle disorders occur after taking emergency contraceptives designed to prevent pregnancy. Such drugs have an aggressive effect on the functioning of the pituitary and ovaries, as well as the production of hormones. This can spoil the normal menstrual cycle for a long time.
- An answer to the common question, why there is a delay in menstruation, is also the regular use of antiulcer, diuretics and antidepressants.
- Tumor diseases - cervical cancer, cyst, myoma can provoke a delay. Other gynecological diseases also have similar consequences: adenomyosis, urinary-genital system infections, endometriosis, endometritis.
- Incorrect installation of the spiral - it happens that women are wondering why there is a delay in the monthly, after the installation of the spiral. In such a case, it's important to go to the gynecologist right away so that he can check if the spiral is properly installed.
- Miscarriage - after a miscarriage in the body, there is a sharp turbulent restructuring. The hormonal system reacts particularly actively, therefore, menstruation may be absent for several months. In most cases, the cycle is restored independently for a maximum of 2-3 months.
2. Gynecologic causes of delay, which are not pathology
- Delay of menstrual after childbirth - arises from the high level of the hormone responsible for lactation( prolactin).Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the delay or complete absence of menstruation in nursing mothers can last from a couple of months to 2 and even 3 years. If a woman does not breastfeed, recovery of the cycle should occur within a few months after childbirth.
- Climacteric dysfunction of the ovaries - at the age of 40 years( in some a little earlier or much later) in the female body, the extinction of the ovarian functions begins. Ovulation becomes irregular, so the menstruation is significantly delayed or the cavity is absent. This is a normal process. It should not cause concern.
3. No gynecological causes of delay
There are a large number of factors capable of provoking cycle disorders that are not associated with the presence of pathologies. If the weather has changed dramatically or the woman has experienced a serious stress, it is not worth worrying about why they do not go on a monthly basis. After the body adapts to the changed environment or the cause that caused such consequences, it will be leveled, the cycle will quickly recover. For this, no additional measures need to be taken.
Delay of monthly causes:
- Strong emotional experiences( positive or negative), stress, nervous tension - experiences have a significant effect on the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that stressful situations lead to a malfunction of the hypothalamus, which regulates the work of the uterus, as well as the ovaries. As a result, in impressionable women, menstruation can linger or disappear because of problems at work or difficulties in their personal lives, during a session or in the delivery of a responsible project.
- Significant weight change - weight has a significant impact on the menstrual cycle. If a woman sharply grows thin by 20-30 kg, this can lead to a delay or temporary discontinuation of menstruation. This pattern is associated with the appearance of a deficiency of progesterone, as well as estrogen, because a small part of these hormones produces subcutaneous fat. Rapid weight gain has similar consequences. As a result of the formation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the concentration of estrogen in the body increases. This also leads to a delay.
- Compliance with a strict diet - a huge harm to reproductive health can have a long-term compliance with a rigid diet. Restricting their diet, a woman is rapidly losing weight, and the body is experiencing severe stress. The result is a double blow that can lead to a delay and even loss of the ability to conceive. In medicine, there is the concept of "critical menstrual mass" - this is the weight at which adult men can lose menstruation. The majority is faced with a similar problem, sharply losing weight to 45-47 kg. That is why, in an effort to look refined, it is important to observe certain limits.
- Excessive workloads - when there is a lack of monthly causes can hide in excessive physical exertion. Exhausting workouts, especially power, contribute to increasing testosterone and adrenaline levels. At the same time, a deficiency of female hormones is formed, so the monthly ones are delayed.
- Changing weather or climate change - during the off-season or after a trip to a warm country, there are often irregular monthly causes of which in the weather change. After the body adapts, the cycle will be restored.
- Vitamin deficiency - deficiency in the body of certain vitamins, as well as minerals leads to an imbalance of metabolism, and this threatens to violate the cycle.
- Intoxication of the body - the absence of menstruation can be provoked by intoxication of the body, poisoning( chemical, alcoholic).
Diagnosis for menstrual disorders
In order to establish the exact cause of menstruation delay, if pregnancy is excluded, the doctor can prescribe:
- gynecological examination;
- assays, in particular blood on HCG, hormones;
- ultrasound of pelvic organs;
- baseline temperature measurement( it is necessary to draw up an accurate schedule);
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging - is assigned to exclude the presence of a pituitary tumor.
If a woman suffers from concomitant diseases, there is a high probability that the gynecologist will send for examination and consultation to other doctors: a dietician, an endocrinologist, a psychotherapist.
Features of the treatment cycle violation
- Based on the results of the diagnosis, the specialist appoints an individual treatment course that will help to restore the cycle as quickly as possible. Its features depend on the reasons that this dysfunction provoked.
- If the delay is due to stress, fatigue, then you just have to rest, create a schedule of activities, which will have enough time to recover. It is important to try to think positively and not react too emotionally to surrounding events. If you can not cope with anxiety and problems on your own, you should contact a psychologist or take a course of sedative therapy.
- When problems are caused by insufficient intake of certain vitamins and nutrients, a balanced diet, as well as multivitamin complexes, will help. Pick them up will help the doctor.
- Often physicians prescribe treatment with hormonal drugs. Regular use of individually selected medications, mainly hormonal contraceptives, allows you to quickly restore the menstrual cycle.
- Some women choose folk methods of treatment. So, to stimulate the monthly, they use the juice of burdock( 1 tablespoon three times a day), as well as a decoction of parsley( half a cup twice a day).You can also just eat a large amount of parsley. Still, experts recommend drinking decoctions of chamomile, mint, marigold, onion, birch leaves, rue, mother-and-stepmother. Herbal teas help well.
- It is important for every woman to track changes in her menstrual cycle. If there are delays, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice, because they can be caused by innocuous causes and serious pathologies.