Appointment of drugs with menopause 7

The extinction of reproductive abilities in women sometimes goes with big problems. Changes in the hormonal background are natural, but cause disorders of the endocrine, cardiovascular, neurological nature. Drugs with menopause are able to relieve or soften most of the symptoms.


  • 1 Hormones
    • 1.1 klimonorma
    • 1.2 Divina
    • 1.3 Klimov
    • 1.4 Cyclo-Proginova
    • 1.5 Hormones for continuous use
  • 2 Homeopathy
    • 2.1 Remens
    • 2.2 Klimaksan
    • 2.3 Klimadinon
    • 2.4 Chi-Klim
    • 2.5 Feminal
  • 3 How to live with menopause?


Gynecologists for the elimination of menopausal manifestations prefer to appoint funds that have a 100% effect. These are drugs that consist of synthetic hormones. Climax also arises from the decrease in the volume of these substances, which provokes all the most serious manifestations: discomfort in the genitals, hot flashes, violent negative emotions.

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Tablets with menopause will not restore the previous functions of the ovaries, but improve self-awareness, reduce the risk of emerging in the background of menopause diseases. Since there is a deficiency of sex hormones in the body, the basis of the preparations is made by the derivatives of estrogen and progesterone.

Ways how to get out of menopause are chosen taking into account existing ailments. It is important that they are appointed by a professional on the basis of a preliminary examination. Arbitrary choice can aggravate manifestations of menopause, lead to the development of tumors, bleeding. Hormone replacement therapy is contraindicated in certain diseases.


With this remedy, the symptoms of menopause are relieved by the active components of estradiol valerate and levonorgestrel. It has the following capabilities:

  • Eliminate vascular and emotional manifestations;
  • Regenerate the epidermis and mucous membranes;
  • Normalize the function of the urinary tract;
  • Reduce leaching from the body of calcium.

Climonorm take 1 dose per day, the package is designed for 21 days. If menstruation is still on, start it on the 5th day of the cycle. After 1 course, take a break.

The drug can be used in the case of distant ovaries, but contraindications of the physician refer to circulatory disorders, tumors, endometriosis, diabetes and a number of other diseases.


When wondering what to do with menopause in women, it must be remembered that this condition is primarily caused by estrogen deficiency. As a substitute, the divin preparation containing estradiol and medroxyprogesterone is used.

This means of continuous action, with its help you can restore the picture of the menstrual cycle, as well:

  • Get rid of hot flashes and sweating;
  • Lower cholesterol and the threat of atherosclerosis;
  • Remove the risk of endometrial hyperplasia;
  • Prevent osteoporosis.

It is taken according to the scheme, calculated for 21 days, once a day. A bleeding similar to monthly bleeding is observed in the week-long break. Do not drink Divina with thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, tumors, endometriosis. There are ailments that allow its use with reservations.


How to deal with menopause in women, those who take the drug Klimen know. This dual-action agent contains estradiol valerate and cyproterone acetate( progesterone derivative).The method of application is similar to that of the previous preparation. Klimen:

  • Relieves the nervous manifestations of menopause and the disruptions to the heart that occur on their background;
  • Struggles with tides and insomnia;
  • Favorably affects the sexual desire and restores the mucous membranes;
  • Relieves urinary incontinence;
  • Prevents loss of calcium bones and collagen skin;
  • Reduces the likelihood of endometrial cancer.

The drug is unacceptable for use in oncology, incomprehensible bleeding, severe liver damage, thrombosis, heart attack, stroke.


Solving the problem of how to alleviate symptoms of menopause in a patient, doctors often prescribe CyclO-Proginova. As active substances in it are estradiol valerate and norgestrel. The drug does not interfere with the development of the body's own hormones, but it has the following properties:

  • Restore blood circulation, relieving hot flashes, and sweat glands;
  • Relieve blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol;
  • Relieve pain in the muscles and head;
  • Eliminate discomfort in the vagina;
  • Return to normal operation of the urinary system.

The drug is drunk 1 tablet a day for 21 days in accordance with the scheme of reception. After a week-long break, during which menstrual bleeding occurs, a new package is started.

Cyclo-Proginova is contraindicated in cancer diseases, liver ailments, thrombosis, diabetes, myome, endometriosis.

Hormones for the continuous use of

Previous funds are mainly intended for those who still have irregular menstruation, but also worry about the clear manifestations of menopause. Which pills are most effective in menopause, if the menstrual period does not come a year or more, and the bad state of health worsened? These are preparations containing mainly estrogens.

They are also prescribed for a high risk of complications associated with menopause, after removal of the uterus. The most effective and therefore widespread:

  • Proginova. Contains estradiol valerate, relieves hot flashes, dizziness, dry mucous, urinary incontinence;
  • The Guinodean Depot. Contains estrogens and gestagens, facilitates all signs of menopause. The drug is administered intramuscularly every 7 days with a break of 2 weeks;
  • CleiGest. In its composition, estradiol and norethisterone acetate, due to which the drug fights against osteoporosis, pain and nervous manifestations of menopause;
  • Premarin. The drug is based on estrogen, prevents age-related degradation of mucous and bone tissue, eliminates the increased elimination of fluid, heat attacks.


Among the products that require menopausal syndrome, treatment, drugs not only containing hormones. There are homeopathic compounds, most of them of plant origin. Some have synthetic components as well. But their advantage is the possibility of using a ban on the use of hormones. Homeopathy is often supplemented by HRT.

The natural origin of these funds is not a basis for self-designation. And they are capable of doing harm if they are not applied correctly.

Drugs that affect estrogen receptors and plant compounds stimulate the production of hormones by the body, strengthen the body, relieve the symptoms of menopause.


The product contains herbal ingredients, extract from the cuttlefish glands and snake venom. The drug acts on the manifestations of menopause:

  • Relieving irritability and tearfulness;
  • Relieving from pressure surges, sweating, hot flashes;
  • Stimulating the metabolism;
  • Preventing excess weight gain.

Remens with climacteric can be used in drops and tablets 2-3 times a day for six months. Contraindications for women at the age of menopause can only be allergies.


The active ingredients of the product are of natural origin and have an estrogen-like effect on the body. Climaxan has the following properties:

  • Suppress hot flashes, dizziness;
  • Eliminate unnecessary emotionality;
  • Restore heart rate.
  • Normalize sleep.

There are pills from menopause under this name and granules. The first do not drink with water, and dissolve 2 per day through a large period of time 15 minutes before meals. Dosage is permissible to increase to 3-4 pieces per day.

The granules are placed under the tongue of 5 pieces twice in 24 hours. To drink or chew, take with food they can not, you have to wait until they melt in your mouth.


The main component of this remedy is the extraction of the root of the cymifuge, which is complemented by its vitamins and microelements that restore the body. Klimadinon, thanks to them, manages:

  • With neurovegetative manifestations of the transitional state;
  • With increased urination and incontinence;
  • With spasms in the muscles;
  • With insomnia, migraines;
  • With increased pressure.

How to relieve menopause with it? It is enough to drink 30 drops 2 times a day, after drinking a sip of water, or take 1 tablet in the morning and at bedtime, without chewing. Decrease in signs of menopause becomes noticeable after 2 weeks, you can take the same drug for up to six months, and then start again after a 2-month break.

Similar in composition and impact with it is Climadinon Uno, but it has more auxiliary components. It is taken on a pill every day for 3 months, then it should be followed by a break.


The basis of the Qi-klim are substances of plant origin that affect the pituitary gland. How to deal with the climax with it, it is easy to understand, if you recall how the body works in this period.

The drug acts on the pituitary gland to suppress the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormones. Reducing their volume leads to a decrease in the production of LH and FSH, which cause most unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Qi-Klim is able to:

The drug in tablets is drunk 1 twice a day for 3 months.


Trying to defeat menopause, what should be done, do not forget about phytoestrogens. Feminal - one of the drugs containing them in its composition. It is created on the basis of red clover, i.e. isoflavonoids, therefore

  • Eliminates hot flashes;
  • Eliminates frequent running to the toilet;
  • Makes emotional manifestations more smoothed;
  • Prevents loss of bone tissue by calcium.

Feminal take 1 capsule per day with food, washing down with liquid.

We recommend reading the article about the difference between menopause and pregnancy. You will learn about the difference in the composition of hormones in a woman's body, sensations and the state of the body, as well as the possibility of using a pregnancy test and its effectiveness.

How to live with menopause?

For those who have already overtaken the menopause, how to alleviate it with the help of modern medications is the main problem. But all homeopathic and hormonal means will not have the full effect, if you do not stick to a certain lifestyle. A woman in a state of menopause should:

  • Have a good rest;
  • Have sufficient physical activity;
  • Observe some principles of nutrition.

The latter is especially important. After 45 years, the danger of gaining excess weight increases. Fat synthesizes estrogens, it is a protective reaction of the body to reduce it. But it also increases the pressure on the vessels, heart, joints, which leads to an increase in climacteric manifestations. Therefore, the diet needs mainly vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, a minimum of fat.

Bones require calcium, the best drugs with menopause with it in the composition and improving its assimilation:

  • Calcemin;
  • Bonviva;
  • Aquadetry;
  • Osteogenon.

They are also accepted after consulting a specialist.

Drugs used in menopause also have side effects. Therefore, when appointing their doctor, monitoring is necessary. The gynecologist needs to walk regularly, as before.

  • Mar 18, 2018
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