Headache. .. from eating?

Scientists have proved that individual drinks and food products, including widespread ones, which we use literally every day, can cause headaches. This is because in their composition there are substances that directly affect the blood vessels.

Headache-causing products

For example, chocolate contains tyramine, which provokes quite a lot of pain in sensitive people. There is a lot of tyramine in other products, especially in smoked meat, fish( marinated and salted), sausages, in any preserves, yoghurts and cheeses with long aging.

In this variety, sausages stand out. They are the culprits of a kind of headache, called "sausage".Due to the sodium nitrite entering into the body( their obligatory component), the vessels expand, the face turns red and swells, an unpleasant throbbing pain appears. By the way, Chinese cuisine can cause a similar reaction, because they often use another "bad" substance - sodium glutamate.

Dangerous drinks

As for drinks, most often the provocateurs of the attack are liquids with caffeine, which we so love to use to spur work: coffee, tea, coca-cola. In many cases, the reverse effect, called withdrawal syndrome, is observed. That is, when a person regularly drinks coffee for five working days, on weekends he may have a headache due to the restriction or complete exclusion of this drink from the diet. Approximately in 12 hours from the moment of the last drunk portion this unpleasant effect can be expressed very brightly.

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Who is not familiar with a severe headache the next day after a festive feast? It is generally believed that the worst hangover is caused by cognac and red wine. True, everything depends on the dose taken. If alcohol was too much, then intoxication begins, accompanied by a headache - one of the main symptoms of poisoning. The quality of the drink plays a role.

How to prevent a headache "from the plate"

All this makes you think and start to control your diet. In addition, doctors recommend eating a little, but more often - this will prevent a sharp drop in blood sugar.

It is worth remembering a useful micronutrient such as iron. It helps our blood to better absorb oxygen, which means there must be enough of it. Essential help will be provided by vitamins of group B. According to the results of studies, they suffer from a shortage of people suffering from chronic migraine.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 18, 2018
  • 65
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