Treatment and restoration of enamel by spraying special compounds on teeth

I want everyone to have a snow-white smile. But not everyone can boast of whiteness of teeth from nature. In addition, with age, enamel darkens from external factors.

The most often yellowing enamel sufferers are lovers of strong tea and coffee, as well as those who abuse smoking. How can you achieve a whiteness of a smile?


  • About dental spraying
  • What are the objectives pursued?
  • What does modern dentistry offer?
  • Price issue

About dental spraying

In dentistry, there is a method called sputtering, its essence is to apply a specific dye to the teeth. It firmly adheres to the surface and creates the effect of a snow-white smile. Most often, this procedure is performed after prosthetics and dental treatment.

During treatment, the doctor applies a whitening compound to the treated part of the tooth. Application is made by laser or any other dental light device. The result becomes visible immediately after the procedure.

The color of the enamel depends primarily on its thickness. The thinner it is, the darker the teeth will look. Sputtering will give it a thicker layer.

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On the surface of the enamel, cracks often appear, in which food or drinks enter. This is what gives a dark color to the teeth, at the same time, this plaque is very difficult to clean with a toothbrush. No whitening paste can return a snow-white look to a smile. Sputtering the teeth with artificial white enamel smooths the surface of the teeth, removes chips and cracks.

The spraying procedure allows not only to make the color of the enamel whiter, but also strengthens the teeth. They become stronger and less exposed to caries. That is why this procedure is carried out not only with an aesthetic purpose, but also in the process of treatment and prosthetics.

What are the objectives pursued?

Spraying is not very popular. A person who has a wholly healthy oral cavity, most often uses other methods of bleaching. Spraying is suitable primarily for people with damaged enamel or those who need to install artificial limbs.

This modern method of cleaning teeth is suitable not only for color restoration, but also for renewing the enamel layer. The applied preparation contains an optimal amount of calcium in its composition. In addition, during the application of layers of a composition, the surface is polished, which gives the effect of a "Hollywood smile."

After carrying out all the manipulations, a person receives: a charming snow-white smile;

  • strong, healthy crowns;
  • enhanced sensitivity threshold by increasing the enamel layer;
  • reliable protection against tooth decay.
  • The procedure is considered absolutely safe and is recommended for carrying out on a permanent preventive basis.

    What does modern dentistry offer?

    The spraying technique is very often used during prosthetics. Very popular is the application of a special composition to metal crowns. By giving a certain color, you can imitate the natural color of the crowns.

    One of the most common methods of spraying is coating with fluorine-containing elements, fluorination. This is the most acceptable procedure for cost. The only inconvenience is that it needs to be carried out several times.

    Fluorides create a protective film on the enamel. The application is very accurate, since getting the drug on the mucous membrane can cause complications.

    One of the most successful and practiced methods is the application of zirconium. It is applied to the metal surface of the crown.

    The zirconium layer has characteristics similar to that of the enamel. Through this layer metal is not visible at all.

    Flawless appearance can be achieved with the use of veneers. This covering of teeth with plates, which are made individually for each client.

    For children's teeth, one of the most common methods of sputtering is the silvering of baby teeth. During the procedure, enamel areas, which are affected by caries, are applied with a special composition that protects the teeth from further destruction.

    This is provided by a special composition. The procedure is not expensive, therefore it is very popular. But there is an important point, it can only be carried out if the child has "milk".


    As mentioned above, silvering of children's teeth does not belong to the class of expensive procedures. The cost of manipulation varies from 600 to 1200 rubles. It is due to its availability that this type of spraying is very popular.

    But the procedure for adults already refers to the expensive. Cleaning and whitening in the dental office will cost the patient in the amount of 12 000 to 16 000 rubles. The establishment of one metal crown with a spray will cost 1500 rubles. The same costs a cast metal tooth with a special compound applied.

    The spraying technique is safe and effective. But the main problem is its high cost. This is what is becoming an obstacle for most clients of dental clinics.

    • Mar 18, 2018
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