Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting - means and methods for obtaining a rich harvest

Gardeners, planting tomatoes, dream not only to get big harvests. I want the fruits to grow large, of excellent quality and excellent taste: juicy, sugary. To do this, you need to know how to supplement tomatoes, what preparations to use for this purpose and why it is important to do it during flowering and fruiting periods.

Top dressing of tomatoes in a greenhouse

Growing in greenhouses has features. Plants are in an enclosed space, it is necessary to create conditions for their normal growth, to provide useful components. Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting sates:

  • with nitrogen, which is necessary at the initial stage, helping bud formation;
  • phosphorus, which forms roots, accelerates flowering, tying fruit, increasing yields;
  • potassium, involved in the formation of stems, contributing to faster maturation of the fruit.

The main thing - how to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse, how to do it right. Experienced gardeners fertilize the plants in the late evening, use only warm water to prepare the solution, pour one liter under the bush. A good harvest requires for a season to do this several times, using root and foliar nutrition. When and how to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse?

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Fertilize plants in this order:

  • The first time the bushes are fed 14 days after planting the seedlings. Apply a preparation containing nitrogen-urea: dissolve the spoon on a large bucket of water. Another option is the use of liquid mullein: 500 grams per 8 liters.
  • The second time the plants are fed in a week with exactly the same compounds.

How to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse next? The third time fertilize, when the fruit begins to be tied - in 2 weeks. Plants need potassium at this time: recommend making grooves along the ridge, sprinkle with ashes, then bury. This will increase the yield. Use the composition, which watered the soil under the plant - two liters for each bush. The facility includes:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • two spoons of ash, one - superphosphate.

How to fertilize tomatoes in the greenhouse next? The fourth time they feed on the blossom of the third brush. Apply potassium humate - one spoonful per bucket. At the moment of fruiting, to improve the ripening process, the fifth - foliar dressing: a weak solution of superphosphate is made. Well stimulates the growth of fruit fertilizer, prepared using yeast. Cooking recipe:

  • take 20 grams of yeast;
  • add 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • pour 10 liters of water;
  • leave for a day for fermentation;
  • dilute in 50 liters.

Mineral fertilizers for tomatoes in the greenhouse

Only organic fertilizers should not be used for top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting. Plants need and mineral preparations. Good care, watering and proper nutrition will provide you with an excellent harvest of mouth-watering fruits. It is recommended to use preparations:

  • nitric: urea, ammonium nitrate - from the beginning of growth;
  • phosphoric: superphosphate - when tying fruit;
  • potassium: potassium sulfate - at the time of maturation;
  • complex, containing all elements: nitroammophoska, nitrofoska.

Top dressing of tomatoes in open ground

Plants planted in an open area are in more difficult conditions than greenhouses. They are affected by temperature changes, they are more sensitive to watering and require special care. Top dressing of tomatoes in the open ground and in the greenhouse is different. If the seedlings are weak - the first time nitrogen can be fertilized after 3 days. In case of good rooting of plants, it is better not to overfeed the bushes. It is worth removing nitrogen fertilizers, when tomatoes are badly tied.

The second time fed potassium during the flowering of the first brush - use the ash in dry form: scatter under the bushes or buried. A green fertilizer, which is obtained with ten days' fermenting of nettle, helps fruitfully. Add a liter of the composition to a bucket of water. On the third, with the flowering of the second brush, apply a solution of the humate of potassium - a spoon on the bucket. Required is a fourth feeding - phosphoric: after 2 weeks using the same amount of superphosphate.

Mineral top dressing for tomatoes

Tomatoes growing in the open area require mineral fertilizers all the time of growth, but especially with flowering and fruiting. Drugs diluted with water or scatter dry. They are used in conjunction with fertilization with organic fertilizers:

  • at the first: 20 grams of superphosphate are added to the solution of the mullein - it improves the formation of roots;
  • the second - complex fertilizer: 5 g of potassium sulfate, 50 g of nitroammophoski per square meter;
  • is the third and the following: once every ten days the composition "Stimul-1" - for the formation of fruits, accelerated maturation.

Foliar top dressing of tomatoes

Summer top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting is done both by sprinkling and spraying. It is held every ten days. Foliar nutrition acts differently:

  • stimulates fruit growth, accelerates maturation, a teaspoon of superphosphate, diluted in a bucket of water, "Humisol";
  • improves the boric acid process in the same proportions as described above;
  • with flowering and redness of fruit is effective ash solution: 0.4 kg of ash, filled with two liters of warm water, "Zircon";
  • from late blight - an iodine vial of 8 liters or diluted in the same volume of a liter of whey.

Than to water tomatoes for a good harvest.

. Gardeners use the proven folk recipes for obtaining an excellent crop. Increases the weight of the fruit, improves the taste of iodine. Water the plants, adding to the bucket 4 drops of solution. It is popular to feed tomatoes with one percent boric acid. A good effect gives fertilizer under the root during flowering, with fruit bearing, self-made complex fertilizer. For preparation it is necessary: ​​

  • to take a barrel for 200 liters;
  • fill one third with dandelion leaves, nettle;
  • put 2 buckets of manure;
  • fill with water;
  • endure for 2 weeks.

From the means that are sold, help to grow generous yield preparations:

  • "Kemira-lux" - used in the period of tomato growth;
  • "Universal" - use only in dry form, contains many trace elements;
  • "Rastvorin" - effective for foliar feeding;
  • Orton Growth - accelerates development;
  • "Krepysh" - promotes rooting, stimulates growth.

Video: top dressing of tomatoes during flowering


Anastasia, 56 years old

Tomato is my favorite vegetable. Whatever the weather was in the summer, my bushes are different fruit, and all because I use yeast for fertilizer. And I use them all season, I add only ashes, in which there is potassium. I have grandchildren, so I grow tomatoes without chemicals. I recommend using this method.

Anna, 65 years old

In summer, the weather is unstable. Very early cold comes, and with them and late blight. The neighbor advised that, starting with flowering, once a week, plants should be sprayed with a solution of iodine and milk whey. How surprised I was when, after this, the number of ovaries increased in the bushes. Fruiting has accelerated, and late blight appeared much later.

Zoe, 61 year

I'm a summer resident with experience, everyone admires my tomatoes. All because I use folk remedies for top dressing. I start with watering a mullein, I spray it with boric acid with a concentration of 1 percent. Twice in a season: with flowering and fruit bearing I fertilize with yeast. Tomatoes grow in weight by kilogram. Neighbors take an example from me.

  • Mar 18, 2018
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