Chinese musk ointment - an eastern remedy for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the twenty-first century. The culture of the active way of life has exhausted itself due to the decrease in the need for the population to engage in active labor.

If before the norms of labor law were strictly regulated, today the working day of many citizens does not have a time frame, especially for office employees.

Sedentary lifestyle, lack of elementary sports activity, high stress load, use of strong alcohol, regular smoking, irrational nutrition are the causes of hemorrhoids.

Doctors distinguish several stages of the disease. At the initial stages, a conservative solution to the problem is possible. If we talk about neglected forms of hemorrhoids, then in this case we can talk about surgical intervention as the only effective method of therapy.

Contents of

  • Ointment from China - a worthy alternative to
  • operation Briefly about the
  • tool The whole secret is in the unique composition of
  • Who needs ointment?
  • Advantages - undoubtedly
  • instagram viewer
  • Features and application scheme
    • Not ointment unified
  • Clinical trials confirm the strength of the drug
  • Opinion of consumers and specialists
  • In a step from a full life

Ointment from China - a worthy alternative to the operation

Today, eastern medicine is looking for more options for treating various diseases withusing exclusively herbal preparations, without the use of surgical manipulations.

In particular, Chinese medicine has a large number of recipes that allow you to restore health only by natural methods, which include ointments and natural ingredients.

One such remedy is Chinese musk ointment, which is an alternative to medical and surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. It consists of natural components and is able to quickly relieve the disease and its symptoms.

Briefly about

Musk ointment is a medical preparation, packaged in tubes of 10 grams, with attached tips to insert the remedy into the rectum.

Ointment is white in color and does not have a thick consistency. It has a pleasant smell, wound healing and blood-restoring effect.

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Allows you to get rid of the pain syndrome in one procedure. It improves blood microcirculation in the rectum, destroys the pathogenic flora in it, and has a preventive effect. Stops hemorrhage in the rectum and dries.

Store the tube in a cool place, not accessible to sunlight with a temperature regime of up to plus thirty degrees. Shelf life - up to three years.

The therapeutic effect of the ointment is due to the presence of a large number of active natural components that in the tandem give such results:

  • treatment of hemorrhoids of all forms, cracks in the rectum, eczema;
  • heals, but does not hide symptoms;
  • curative effect persists for a long time;
  • does not leave greasy marks on your underwear.

Ointment does not contain harmful and chemical elements, it is made according to all the requirements of modern pharmacy on the basis of ancient recipes. Its effectiveness is confirmed by many years of practice in proctology and quality certificates.

The whole secret is in the unique composition of

The composition of the Chinese ointment includes:

  • nois of artificial origin relieves spasms, kills pathological flora, removes inflammatory processes, anesthetizes;


  • pearly powder provides a healing and haemostatic effect of long-acting;
  • calamine creates wound healing film, prevents penetration of microbes into the wound surface;
  • artificial musk removes inflammation, improves blood flow in the rectum;
  • drill destroys microbes and bacteria, prevents their repeated reproduction;
  • amber promotes the acceleration of protein synthesis, strengthening of rectal tissues and microcirculation in them;
  • borneol destroys staphylococcal and streptococcal foci, restores areas of the rectum damaged by inflammatory processes;
  • petroleum jelly is an auxiliary component that takes on the function of disinfection and reducing sensitivity;
  • dimethylsulfoxide has analgesic effect for a long period, the effect is achieved very quickly;
  • lanolin - restores the tissues of the rectum.

Who needs ointment?

Indication for the use of musk ointment is hemorrhoids both internal and external of different stages of development, rectal fissures, inflammatory processes in the rectum, eczema.

Only the attending physician can prescribe this medication. Self-medication may not be effective.

Contraindication to use is the individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug.

Allergy sufferers and asthmatics should be treated with caution.

During lactation and pregnancy, before using a Chinese miracle remedy, consult your doctor.

Advantages - undoubtedly

Chinese ointment with musk not only can completely rid of hemorrhoids, but its application contributes:

  • pain and itching disappear after the first application;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect on cones of hemorrhoids;
  • has an anti-cancer effect;
  • reduces hemorrhoidal cones in just a couple of applications;
  • prevents bleeding and promotes complete healing of wound surfaces;
  • promotes regeneration of affected areas;
  • destroys pathogenic flora and bacteria;
  • dries and prevents the occurrence of complications;
  • is an indispensable preventative.

Features and application diagram of

The first thing to do before using musk ointment is bowel emptying, either by natural means or using a cleansing enema.

Next, you should thoroughly wash the area of ​​the anus with warm soapy water. After that, it is necessary to dry the area with a soft napkin.

Ointment is applied a thin layer directly on the affected area, both with external and internal hemorrhoids.

Apply the ointment several times a day. After applying, bed rest is recommended for about thirty minutes.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids complete with ointment are medical attachments, which must be put on the tube and carefully inserted into the rectum. Do not enter more than a gram of substance.

After this procedure, it is necessary to cover the area of ​​the anus with a soft napkin and lie down for about twenty minutes until the ointment is absorbed. Use Chinese remedy is not less than one week.

Not ointment is unified

Parallel with the use of the drug, the patient should thoroughly revise his lifestyle. It is necessary to exclude the use of fried, fatty and spicy food. It is worth to give up alcohol.

Food should be only natural and contain a large amount of fiber.

Doctors recommend in parallel with the main treatment to increase motor activity, thereby strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis.

It is also recommended to minimize the impact of stressful situations. This will avoid relapse of the disease during treatment.

Clinical trials confirm the strength of

The clinical trials of ointments have been carried out in many countries around the world. In particular, in Moscow clinics tested the drug in late 2013.

The therapeutic effect of using ointments for internal and external hemorrhoids in 500 patients was studied. Clinically, the effectiveness of Chinese ointment was proved.

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. "

It was noted that the therapeutic effect in the vast majority of cases occurred after the first three applications of the remedy.

In this case, the preventive efficacy of the drug has been proven.

Opinion of consumers and experts

The last doubt disappears after studying reviews of consumers and doctors who use musk ointment to get rid of their patients from hemorrhoids.

While purchasing this ointment, I knew about the excellent results of applying it to hemorrhoids, but did not think that the remedy was so strong. After the first application the pain was gone, the itching stopped. The East is power! I will use it for prevention.

Serega, 39

I have suffered from hemorrhoids for several years. But after using this drug - life began anew. I could not believe that it was that simple. Now I advise everyone familiar with musk ointment from China.

Vitaliy Leonidovich, 46

When I prescribed other drugs for hemorrhoids to my patients, I never saw such colossal results from their use, as from the use of musk ointment.

It is only necessary to take into account the peculiarities of each human organism and possible allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Ruslan Piven, proctologist

In a step from the full life of

Chinese musk ointment is available for purchase on the official site, it is now impossible to buy an original remedy in the pharmacy.

You have the opportunity to place an order with a discount. Store managers will contact you to clarify the details of the order.

Our partners offer the lowest possible price for musk ointment and fast delivery to anywhere in Russia.

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  • Mar 18, 2018
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