How to overcome fear and self-doubt

  • 1 How to overcome your fears
    • 1.1 Ways to overcome insecurity in yourself fear and restraint
  • 2 Fear of death how to overcome
    • 2.1 How to overcome fear of heights
    • 2.2 Ways to overcome fear of fighting
    • 2.3 How to overcome the fear of driving a car to a newcomer and a woman
    • 2.4 How to overcome the fear of childbirth
    • 2.5 How to overcome depression and fear
  • 3 How to overcome your fears with your child
    • 3.1 Tips for defeating fear of acting in public
    • 3.2 Fear of thosemashti how to overcome

Every person has his own fears and phobias, even the most ardent daredevils. Fear is a natural emotion that warns of danger and is a reflection of the instinct of conservation.

But, along with fears, many people still feel insecure about themselves and in their abilities - a feeling that needs to be dealt with. How to overcome anxiety, restraint and doubts in yourself before any life situation and return to a full and happy life?

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How to overcome your fears

advice Oppression, indecision and inner fears do not depend on gender and are inherent in both women and men. An insecure person, experiencing anxiety, restraint in communicating with people, fear of being ridiculed in society, can not realize his talents, abilities, declare himself as a person worthy of respect.

As a rule, such people always remain in the shadows, are afraid to take up a new business or make important decisions, avoid public appearances, dare not express their opinions and thoughts.

The problem of insecurity in itself, which prevents living and achieving success in adulthood, stretches from childhood. The main reason is constant criticism and devaluation of any actions of the child on the part of his close and native people.

Later, to the generation of fear, development of the inferiority complex is added criticism of teachers, peers ridicule and the problem is even more rooted. How to overcome fear and self-doubt?

There are effective and simple ways that will help increase self-esteem, cope with constraint, anxiety over difficulties and overcome internal insecurity in their abilities.

Ways to overcome insecurity in yourself fear and restraint

The following effective ways and advice of psychologists will help you to get rid of feelings of insecurity, fear, anxiety and restraint :

1. Exiting the familiar circle of ( comfort zones)
An uncertain person feels easy andconfident in the usual environment, but as soon as he has to leave his comfort zone, he experiences panic. Accustom yourself to gradually make atypical and unusual to you deeds and deeds. Go to places where you have never been, transfer the elderly person across the road, ask the passer-by how to find the road, etc. Write down each of your actions and achievement in the diary of the winner over your negative emotions. Over time, what caused fear, will become commonplace.

2. Change your image. With gray or black tones in clothes. Buy bright things that you feel comfortable with. Attractive appearance gives confidence to both men and women.

3. An effective way to get rid of is to register for theatrical courses , dance studio, where you can throw away all doubts, reincarnating in a completely new, confident person. Learn to own your emotions, feelings and body.

4. Do not avoid the noisy companies , public events. New impressions, dating will bring pleasure and will not let you dwell on the problem.

5. Positive attitude to life .Most people who can be found on the street - have sad and dull faces. Stand out from the crowd, smile, bear positive and optimistic.

6. Determine the purpose of , find motivation and boldly go to the dream.

Fear of death how to overcome

It is peculiar for a person to fear death. Both men and women can experience panic anxiety and an obsessive fear of losing loved ones, death and illness.

In particularly difficult cases, a person needs specialist help in order to overcome the fear of death.

How to overcome the fear of altitude

One of the most common phobias is a fear of heights, especially for air travel. To get rid of the fear of flying on an airplane, convince yourself that the plane is the safest transport.

Being in the plane, switch your attention to food, magazines, music. Close your eyes and imagine those beautiful places where you are heading. Only positive thoughts should be present in the flight!

Ways to overcome the fear of a fight

Often, a man tends to experience anxiety before a fight. To overcome uncertainty in the forces in a stressful situation helps a way of transformation of alarm into anger.

Sports anger will help a man become confident and get out of the fight winner.

How to overcome the fear of driving a car to a newcomer and a woman

It's very hard for a woman and a man to overcome anxiety before driving a car, especially a beginner.

Advice for novice drivers: Continuing training and gaining experience help develop a sense of confidence behind the wheel.

How to overcome the fear of childbirth

Women during pregnancy often can not overcome the anxiety before the first birth. Fear of a child's life is normal.

The main advice - do not be afraid of the birth itself, because this is a natural process, listen to the recommendations and advice of doctors who will always help.

Remember that your child needs your confidence and positive attitude.

How to overcome depression and fear

Uncertainty, anxiety can cause depression in a person, disheartening. Get out of this state will help physical exercise, walking in nature, communicating with people pleasant to you, as well as doing what you love. Do not shut yourself up and "eat" yourself from the inside.

How to overcome your fears with your child

Children need help from parents and adults to overcome embarrassment, anxiety and insecurity. One of the most common phobias a child faces is fear of speaking in public and fear of darkness. Below are a few tips on how to overcome your shyness in public.

Tips on how to defeat the fear of acting in public

The fear of the stage in front of the audience must be overcome together with the child. The main advice to parents is not to force crumbs, give them the right to choose. Always explain to the children that it is not scary at all to speak to the public, if you are well prepared.

In case of unsuccessful performance - do not scold, do not criticize and always encourage the baby.

Rehearsal is the best way to combat embarrassment and anxiety. Arrange home speech before the people familiar to him.

Inspire the child with self-confidence, increase his self-esteem and over time the fear of the public will pass.

Fear of darkness how to overcome

Children tend to experience fear of the dark.

Overcoming it will help the following tips:

  • include a night light in the children's bedroom;
  • let the baby sleep with his favorite toy;
  • talk about his fears, ask him to draw it. Painted on paper "monster" tear or paint in bright colors so that it becomes funny and cheerful. But is it possible to be afraid of ridiculous?
  • do not call the child a coward, if he called you for help, hug him, let the kid know that he has nothing to fear from you and he is completely safe. Remember that our self-confidence is born as a child.
  • Mar 18, 2018
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