Changes in the composition of hormones that caused the extinction and termination of the reproductive function, affect literally all organs and systems. Bone is no exception.
It weakens, which leads to consequences in the form of difficulty of movement, trauma. But they can be avoided. Prevention of osteoporosis in menopause will reduce many of the threats to a minimum, if you do it on time.
Contents of
- 1 About the disease and the mechanism of its appearance in the menopausal period
- 1.1 About specific causes of the
- 2 problem How to calculate osteoporosis?
- 3 How to deal with the disease?
- 3.1 Secondary prevention
About the disease and the mechanism of its appearance in the climacteric period
Fortress bones are given by minerals, the first of which is calcium. His admission and retention in the tissues depend on the correctness of metabolic processes, largely controlled by hormones. Sexual maturation in girls means not only the development of the childbearing system. In this time interval, bones are actively growing.
As young women mature, the stable, although cyclically changing, composition of hormones maintains tissue strength. After all, some bone cells have estrogen receptors. This set of substances provides an opportunity to perceive and maintain calcium.
Osteoporosis is diagnosed in the late stage of menopause. But the process of loss of calcium and weakening of the structure of bones exists from the initial phase. This is confirmed by medstatistics, which indicates the majority of their injuries in women aged 45 and older.
. About the specific causes of the
problem The main culprit in the weakening of bone tissue has already been mentioned - the drop in the volume of estrogen. But some women suffer an ailment harder and find it earlier than their peers. Sometimes they bring it closer, exacerbate manifestations.
In other cases, there are objective factors that do not depend on a person. Other causes of osteoporosis in women with menopause:
- Unbalanced power supply. First of all, it is a lack of products carrying calcium and vitamin D, without which it is impossible to perceive it with tissues. This mineral makes bones strong, and its deficiency even at a young age, when there is no problem with sex hormones, is able to form them incorrectly. Vitamin D is formed in human skin, due to the influence of ultraviolet rays. Another aspect of osteoporosis-provoking nutrition is an excessive amount of fats and carbohydrates. It carries excess weight, that is, creates excessive pressure on the bones;
- Problems with digestion. Disability of the intestine with chronic ailments to absorb useful elements means that it is impossible to obtain bone-binding tissue for calcium strength;
- Rheumatoid arthritis in the past or present. This ailment in itself deprives the bones of the right substances, unhealthy joints also create an increased load on them;
- Diseases of the thyroid gland. It is involved in the regulation of mineral metabolism throughout the body, including bone tissue. Problems that are caused by failure of the gland, not for the benefit of the strength of the skeleton;
- Heredity. The fragility of the bones of the grandmother and mother increases the risk of the same problem for the granddaughter and daughter twice. This should convince a woman that her prevention of osteoporosis is especially necessary in menopause;Tobacco and alcohol. Both harmful addictions strike on bone tissue, making its destruction more rapid and inhibiting the absorption of calcium in the intestine;
- Involuntary long-term reception of glucocorticoids. These hormones, unlike genitalia, interfere with the restorative processes in the bones, as well as inhibit the functions of the intestine, preventing absorption of its calcium walls and the introduction of the mineral component into the blood.
How to calculate osteoporosis?
Awareness of the onset of the disease is complicated by the fact that the signs of osteoporosis with the climax in its beginning are erased. Identify the problem is capable of professional diagnosis, in particular, densitometry. This method will measure the density of the structure of bones, which normally has definite values.
Some women may have:
- Weak sensations of tension and pain in the spine, limbs, discomfort even at rest;
- Impossibility of the former level of motor activity, rapid fatigue;
- Discomfort with long standing in one position, even if it is recumbent.
Over time, osteoporosis with menopause symptoms reinforces and adds to the new ones listed:
- Chronic pulling pain in the spine;
- Disorders of posture, up to the appearance of a hump or, at least, curvature of the spinal column;
- Damage to bones in circumstances that previously did not lead to serious injuries. Some break their hands or feet more than once. The weakest parts of the osseous system are the wrists, clavicle, hip neck, sacrum, ribs, sternum, pelvic area and shoulders;
- Slow fusion of tissues. For example, a fracture of the femoral neck in menopausal age, one-third of women sit in a wheelchair. Sometimes the fusion of bones without surgery does not work.
We recommend reading the article about hair loss with menopause. You will learn about the cause of problems with curls, the relationship between menopause and hair growth, ways to restore the density of hair.
How to deal with the disease?
Given the many unhappiness due to the reduction in strength of bones, the most important aspect of the life of women is the prevention of osteoporosis in menopause. All actions have their turn, divided into primary and secondary.
With the approach of this age range, which is counted from 35 years, it is important:
- Ensure sufficient intake of calcium in the bone tissue with food and reduce protein volume. The necessary mineral component is found in dairy products, almonds, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, sardines, watercress. It is worth giving up coffee, which interferes with its assimilation. Rational nutrition without overeating and fasting is important for maintaining the optimal weight. Excess fat does not contribute to the preservation of bones from damage;
- Maintain muscle tonus. This requires sports, but moderate, without sudden movements, the risk of falling. The muscular framework will help support the bones, it also helps improve metabolism, that is, calcium absorption;
- Refuse from smoking and alcohol, able to neutralize all other efforts to maintain bone density;
- Take medications with calcium in the amount of 900-1000 mg per day, as well as 2.5 μg of vitamin D.
Osteoporosis can be removed, reducing its signs using medicinal herbs. The effect of the compounds on their basis is to normalize the work of the sex glands, to stabilize the hormonal background.
To reduce the leaching of calcium from the bones help teas from nettles or rose hips. A teaspoon of one of the plants in the dried form is brewed 150 ml of boiling water, insisted 5 minutes and drink once a day. There are also more complex recipes:
- Equal shares of the chernobylnik, sleep-grass and ash-tree of odorous are mixed. Taking 2 tablespoons.composition, pour 500 ml of hot water, insist 2 hours. Drink half the glass a day several times. The drug slows down the destruction of bone tissue and removes tenderness when moving;
- For 1 tbsp.morbid goiter and cones of alder, stirring, boil 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, you need to drink a quarter cup three times a day after meals. This recipe will be especially useful for complexities with the thyroid gland.
Secondary prophylaxis
Prevention of osteoporosis with late menopause should be more serious, although primary measures do not lose relevance. It is necessary not only to maintain a dense structure of bones, but to try to slow down their inevitable weakening.
This requires a set of medications and conditions that are determined by a specialist:
- The use of preparations with synthetic hormones that provide for the replacement of vanishing estrogen and progesterone. These can be Divina, Klimonorm, Proginova, Premarin, Estriol. In addition to preventing the destruction of bone tissue, they relieve nervousness, eliminate insomnia, dizziness, that is, remove the possibility of falling and getting injured. At the prohibition to take these funds because of contraindications use phytoestrogens Klimadinon, Remens, Tsi-Klim, Klimaksan;
- Reception of biophosphonates. Preparations actively stimulate the recovery processes in bone cells, balance the mineral metabolism, suppress the work of substances that damage the structure of tissues. Some of the drugs have analgesic properties. Biofosfonates are divided into two groups: containing nitrogen( Zolendronate, Clodron, Bonifos, Bondronate) and dispensing with it( Tiludronate, Xidiphon, Pleoostat).But the last means are used mainly in severe pathologies, tumors. All biophosphonates well restore bone tissue, but poorly affect digestion, have many side effects. Therefore, their choice, dosage is prescribed only by a doctor;
- Application of vitamin sets with calcium Natekal, Vitrum Calcium, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Kaltsinova. These are complex agents that have vitamin D in the composition, and other useful elements. There are also stronger medicines that can supplement the body with calcium: Bonviva, Osteogenon, Aquadetrim.
Osteoporosis in women in menopause is inevitable. But do not put yourself in a wheelchair. Actions to prevent the disease can reduce the hormone-deficient effect on the body so that the mature age will be perceived as another youth.