Pain and discharge in the nipples before menstruation

Throughout the reproductive period, the physiology of the female body is regulated by the action of sex hormones. If a woman's nipples are badly hurt before menstruation, then most often this is one of the variants of the norm. Representatives of the fair sex need at least in general terms to imagine the essence of the processes occurring in the female body under the influence of hormonal factors, because not always everything is not so simple. Allocations from the nipples before menstruation and other unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands can be symptoms of various pathological processes of the female breast.

Contents of

The main natural causes of pain

  • 2 Diseases that cause discomfort in the mammary glands
  • 3 What you need to know about the sensitivity of the nipples
  • 4 Discharges from the nipples before the monthly
  • 5 What to do if there is a problem
  • The main natural causes of pain

    The overwhelming number of women have regular nipple discomfortsin the middle of the menstrual cycle. Symptoms of this condition are very different. Some patients swell nipples before menstruation, other women notice that the color of the nipples changes abruptly.

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    All these phenomena in the mammary glands occur under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen. In normal times, the action of this substance on the patient's body is leveled by other hormones, but during the maturation of the fetal egg its percentage ratio with them increases by 2-3 times.

    First of all, estrogen affects the mammary glands, as nature provides for its participation in the preparation of the female breast for the lactation and feeding of the baby. Under its influence, the lumen of the blood vessels sharply increases, supplying the breast tissue with blood, the breast of the woman swells, increases in size and begins to ache, the color of the nipples before the menstruation becomes darker.

    The basis of mammary glands is fatty tissue, which is necessary for a woman, as a reserve of nutrients during pregnancy and lactation. The increased level of estrogen stimulates the growth of fat in the female breast, the gland increases in size and becomes dense upon palpation. The peak of this process is 14 to 15 days before the month. At the same time, the swelling of the breast becomes worse, which causes pain in the nipples before menstruation.

    Symptoms of mammary edema are quite diverse and depend on the physical condition of the woman, the presence of diseases of the female sexual sphere, age and lifestyle.

    Diseases that cause discomfort in the mammary glands

    If there is no clear relationship between unpleasant sensations in the nipples and the phase of the reproductive cycle, it is necessary to think about the presence of the disease in the female breast. First of all, it can be different mastopathy. Benign breast tumors often cause a big problem for a young woman.

    In this pathology, the pain in the nipples can also be tied to the menstrual cycle, as the adipose tissue is replaced by a joint. The number of blood vessels in the chest increases, and their lumen decreases. The swelling of the breast persists longer, which leads to a pronounced pain syndrome or mastodynia.

    For some forms of mastopathy, a situation characterized by the release of liquid from the nipple before the menstrual period. In the case of such a manifestation, it is urgent to seek medical advice, especially if there are traces of blood in the discharge from the breast.

    In addition to mastopathy, pain in the nipples before menstruation can cause various inflammations of the mammary glands, violations of the endocrine system in the female body and cancer. Many diseases of the female sexual sphere increase the sensitivity of the nipples before menstruation. This problem also worries many women.

    What you need to know about the sensitivity of nipples

    The skin of the mammary glands is a fairly delicate organ, it is all pierced with nervous plexuses, and the surface of the breast is no exception. In general, sensitive nipples before menstruation cause violations of personal hygiene rules, excessive physical effects on this area of ​​the female body with narrow underwear, coarse bath towels and direct sunlight. This is rarely a sign of any disease. Such sensations are deeply individual and connected with an increased reaction of female nerve receptors to external stimuli.

    Possible adverse effects and chemical irritants on the female breast. Many means for skin care are purely individual and can lead to a situation where the nipples are scratched before the monthly. Washing powders can also cause impaired nipple sensitivity. If the hormonal factor and so enhances the perception of the female breast to external stimuli, then disregard of the rules when washing and rinsing the underwear will only aggravate the situation.

    If you exclude from the daily life of various chemical factors that affect the sensitivity of the nipples, the problem will be solved in 70% of cases. In addition, dermatologists can advise a woman to use constantly special ointments and creams that moisturize the skin of the breast and nipples.

    Discharge from the nipple before the monthly

    More than half of all women report having a discharge from their nipples before the month. Most often they notice traces on underwear of different colors and consistency. The cause of this condition is the production of fluid in the mammary ducts of the mammary glands under the influence of an increased content of progesterone and estrogen in the blood. These hormones are responsible for preparing the female sexual sphere for feeding the baby.

    After the ripening of the fetal egg, the fluid from the milk ducts is gradually absorbed back into the vascular bed, but with the swelling of the mammary glands in the middle of the menstrual cycle, this process slows down, and excess fluid can go out.

    Usually this substance has a slightly cloudy pale color and does not have any sharp odor. In addition to premenstrual syndrome, the cause of such secretions can also become large physical exertion or strong psychoemotional arousal.

    There are several signs in which the patient should seek advice from a specialist:

    • if the nipples darken before menstruation, and their skin becomes very inflamed and itchy;
    • secretions from the nipples are permanent, appear independently and do not depend on physical effects on the breast;
    • secretions from the nipples are accompanied by a change in the shape of the breast, painful sensations, can be colored. Bloody discharge is particularly suspicious.

    The presence of secretions from the mammary glands during menstruation should not be left without attention.

    We recommend reading the article about the breast during menstruation. From it you will learn about the causes of discomfort and pain, pain after menstruation, their elimination with the help of medicines and herbal medicine.

    What to do if there is a problem

    Many women complain that before the monthly increase the nipples. In addition, some patients pay attention to the fact that around the nipple before the menstrual period of compaction was formed. All these symptoms are quite common and are signs of a premenstrual symptom.

    Most of all young ladies in this period are concerned about pain, often they are pronounced and permanent. What should I do in this case?

    There are some simple tips that will help the fair sex representatives to cope with the discomfort in the nipples:

    • It is advisable to avoid any stresses and physical strains during this period, because under their influence the level of estrogens in the blood increases and the swelling of the mammary glands increases.
    • Very important diet. From the daily diet, coffee, tea, chocolate, fatty and spicy food are completely excluded. There can be no question of alcohol or tobacco. With severe pain, you need a lot of drinking, fresh vegetables and fruits.
    • For mammary glands during this period, comfortable temperature is important. It is important to avoid hypothermia and you can not excessively overheat the chest. Physical irritants for the mammary glands are highly contraindicated.
    Non-steroid hormones, analgesics, B and E vitamins can be used to relieve the pain syndrome. A good effect of cupping the of the premenstrual syndrome is given by complexes with a large amount of magnesium.

    The attitude to the application of thermal procedures and various physiotherapeutic methods of treatment among specialists is still quite different. Voices of fans and opponents of these events were divided almost equally.

    If a woman is interested, if the nipples can be aching before the month, then she should understand that in 80% of cases it is a physiological process. But if the clinical picture of the changes persists for some time, the patient should always seek the advice of a specialist. The risk of breast cancer remains high, and only timely diagnosis of the pathological process will allow full and timely assistance to the patient.

    • Mar 18, 2018
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