Irregular menstrual cycle is a problem for many women of reproductive age. Failures can be caused by both external factors and various diseases. The work of the organs of the reproductive system also depends on the development of communication between it and other organs of endocrine secretion, as well as with the structures of the brain - the pituitary and hypothalamus. Violation of this balance often leads to disruption of the cycle. The time factor with monthly irregular, painful, and also in the case of pronounced premenstrual syndrome has proved its high efficiency. What is this preparation? To whom and when is it shown?
Composition of
Many women note that the time factor came monthly in time. It is also recommended to take the drug when planning a child. All this is possible due to the competently selected composition of vitamins and microelements in combination with biologically active substances. The essence of the standard cyclic vitamin therapy is embodied in the capsules of the drug, which are easy and convenient to drink, since they have a different color.
The package includes four types of blister:
- Pink tablets. Contain iron, folic and glutamic acid, rutin and ginger extract.
- Tablets are yellow. Include nicotinamide, folic and glutamic acid, broccoli extract.
- Orange tablets. Consist of vitamins C and E, as well as extract of the angelica.
- Tablets of beige color. They contain magnesium, zinc, extract of ginkgo biloba and sacred vitex.
Capsules from the first blister are intended for the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. Iron( 100% of the daily required dose) and folic acid( 65%), included in the composition, compensate for the volume of blood loss. Rutin affects the properties of the vascular wall, strengthening it. This helps to reduce the volume of lost blood, reduce the number of critical days and prevents long-lasting spotting after critical days. That's why sometimes there are scanty monthly periods against the background of the time factor. Ginger extract has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, which leads to the removal of the pain syndrome. Ginger also has an immunomodulatory effect. And, as is known, during the period of the month, the body's defenses are reduced.
Capsules from the second blister are suitable for the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. Nicotinamide( vitamin B3) is involved in the biosynthesis of the major hormones, without which the correct functioning of the genital organs is impossible. The broccoli extract reduces the excessive effect of estrogens on both the uterus and other systems. Folic and glutamic acid are involved in the growth processes of the endometrium.
Capsules from the third blister correspond to the beginning of the secretory phase. Vitamin C enhances immune responses. On the eve of a month's reserve of protective forces of the body is depleted, which manifests itself in recurrent labial herpes and exacerbation of other chronic infectious diseases. Also vitamin C increases the sensitivity of the endometrium to the hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, whose destruction also reduces vitamin E. Extract of angelica has an antispasmodic effect. It also stimulates the formation of progesterone. Thus, the prevention of deficiency of this important hormone for bearing is created and pains that can be present on the eve of menstruation are eliminated. If a woman drank the time factor, and the monthly did not come, the probability of pregnancy is not ruled out.
Capsules from the last, fourth, blister are aimed at ending the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. Included in the magnesium is relaxing and "anti-stress".It reduces such manifestations of premenstrual syndrome as increased irritability, nervousness, excitability, and also improves memory and attention.
Ginkgo biloba extract improves microcirculation, has anti-inflammatory effect and improves antioxidant defense of the body. Vitex sacred normalizes the level of prolactin, which is important for the normalization of the cycle, and it also establishes direct and feedback in the pituitary-hypothalamic-ovary chain. This property is especially important when a time factor is assigned in the absence of monthly for a long time.
When prescribed
The drug can act as an initial therapy for any disorders of menstrual function - for prolonged and profuse menstruation, with an increase or decrease in the interval between cycles, etc.
Also effective is the appointment of the Time factor in the pronounced premenstrual syndrome, pains in the mammary glands on the eve of critical days.
As a complete vitamin complex can be appointed during pregnancy planning. If the cycle is lost, but until this moment the time factor was taken, the delay of the monthly may indicate the occurred conception, when the drug should already be canceled.
How to take
The dosage regimen depends somewhat on the type of menstrual irregularity.
If the regularity is 28 days and the time factor is prescribed for other purposes, it should be drunk as follows: 5 days for two capsules of pink color, 9 days for yellow and orange( for a total of 18 days), and 5 for two beige tablets.
There may be a question, how to take a time factor, if there are no monthly ones for several months already, and it is not known when they will be. In such a situation, you should use the drug according to the scheme for a 28-day cycle, without taking breaks. If taking a time factor, the menstruation started earlier than the blister or packing ended, you need to start with the first method - with a pink capsule.
In case the duration of the cycle is more than 28 days, after completing the procedure, you should wait for the onset of menstruation without using the drug.
If the length is less than 28 days, then as soon as the menstrual period starts, the blister should be stopped, no matter how many capsules remain. And then start a new package or just stop drinking the drug.
Advantages of
Time factor is not a medicine, but a biologically active food additive containing vitamins and trace elements. Having absorbed all the positive aspects of cyclic vitamin therapy, the regimen does not require the simultaneous use of several drugs.
Whether the cycle of
will help. If the cause of the menstrual function disturbance is of a functional nature, the probability that the given drug will regulate the cycle is quite large.
In the case when there is no monthly period after the time factor, and the whole course is completed, more serious problems should be suspected, continue examination and treatment with other effective medications.
How long to drink
The usual duration of the course of admission is three months. According to the indications, the time can be increased or shortened by the attending physician. If the breast has increased, there is no monthly after the time factor at the usual normal cycle, pregnancy should be excluded, since the drug favors conception.
We recommend reading the article about the reasons for the absence of menstruation. From it you will learn about the types of malaise, the natural and pathological causes of the absence of menstruation, the normalization of the work of the reproductive system of a woman.
The agent should not be taken if there have previously been pathological reactions to the components of the complex. Also, you do not need to drink capsules during pregnancy and lactation.
Adverse effects of
Negative effects from admission are generally not observed. If the drug is combined with the use of other medications, as well as with a single use of a large number of capsules, hypervitaminosis may occur in one or several components of the complex.
Time factor - a modern non-hormonal drug aimed at regulating menstrual function in women. The agent can be used in various clinical situations as monotherapy, or enter into other complex schemes. To explain how to drink the time factor, if there is no monthly, long or short cycle, the doctor will always be able to. The course of admission can be extended to 6 - 12 months at the discretion of the gynecologist. When the result is achieved in most cases, the effect is fixed for a long time.