All women know that menstruation is normal. But what if she is not sure that it is, monthly or bleeding? How to distinguish between menstruation and bleeding? There are a number of such manifestations of the body that indicate the presence of pathology.
- 1 Meningues for menstruation
- 2 Abundant monthly
- 3 How to distinguish the monthly from the pathology?
- 4 Allocations for implantation
- 5 Postpartum lodges
- 6 What should I do?
- 7 How is treatment carried out?
- 8 Conclusion
Allocations for menstruation
On average, the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days apart. Period of the monthly - from 3 to 7 days. Anything not within the specified boundaries is considered a pathology.
All women have signs of menstruation similar to each other. Usually, menstruation starts in the form of scant excretions, which gradually increase. By the end of menstruation, the discharge gradually comes to naught. Bloody discharge first have a bright red color. Gradually they change to dark brown or black, which according to experts is considered normal.
Clots during menstruation - this is also the norm, because during this period women have thrombi. The color of the clots is dark or bright red. If blood is excreted without clots, you should consult your doctor. There may be some pathology in a woman. A doctor's help is necessary if the woman already doubts: her period is bleeding, and also in the case of constant soreness in critical days.
Abundant monthly
Not always menstruation is normal. In some cases, there is a change in the appearance, consistency and volume of bloody discharge. It turns out that there is bleeding and during menstruation. In a number of cases, this may indicate a pathology.
Bleeding during menstruation may occur due to a number of the following diseases:
- bleeding disorder( tendency to thrombosis);
- pathological bend of the cervix;
- endometriosis;
- fibroids;
- polyps;
- abortion and abortion;
- chronic diseases;
- of gynecology;
- abscesses;
- use of intrauterine spirals;
- lack of vitamins of group B.
In medicine there is a concept - bleeding during menstruation. The following conditions are distinguished:
- Menorrhagia - plentiful and prolonged monthly;
- Metrorrhagia is an irregular discharge of blood that can occur between menstruations;
- Menometrorrhagia - irregular prolonged discharge of blood;
- Polymenorea - when critical days start earlier than 3 weeks after the end of the previous ones.
How to distinguish between monthly and pathology?
How to distinguish the monthly from abnormal bleeding, there are a number of characteristic symptoms. They indicate abnormal discharge from the uterus during menstruation: the
- gasket has to be changed very often, somewhere one in an hour or two throughout the day;
- duration of the monthly is more than a week;
- an abundance of blood clots;
- poor state of health, severe fatigue and weakness;
- strong and repetitive pain in the lower abdomen;
- appearance of blood after intercourse;
- anemia.
The doctor should be consulted under such circumstances, if a woman has:
- pale skin color;
- hair loss, brittle and pale nails;
- rapid fatigue, fatigue after normal physical activity;
- irregularity of menstruation;
- bleeding between menstruation.
Allocations for the implantation of
The sign of pregnancy is not only the absence of a monthly or minimal amount, but also implantation bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle. Fertilized ovum, penetrating into the surface of the uterus, can cause its microdamage. A small allocation of blood while not all pregnant women can watch, but only 20-30%.
Postpartum lochia
Blood discharge after labor is normal physiological process and lasts much more than monthly. This is due to the separation of the placenta from the uterus. The duration of postpartum lolids is up to 8 weeks. To suspect pathological bleeding from the uterus that is not associated with postpartum secretions, it should be in such cases, if:
- after the completion of lochia, the discharge started again and their color became bright red;
- lochia have an unpleasant smell;
- discharges are liquid, not having clots;
- fever, headache, pressure drop, general weakness and slow heart rate;
- change of hygienic napkin occurs every hour or two;
- a woman doubts that she had: a period or bleeding.
What should I do?
To stop too many months, you can do without medications and take advantage of the following recommendations:
- drink plenty of water;
- not engage in heavy physical labor, do not lift weights;
- should rest a lot;
- you can not swim in the bathroom, visit the sauna and steam room;
- it is necessary to refuse alcohol and coffee.
To reduce the abundant secretion of blood, you should apply a cold water bottle to your stomach. Keep it should be up to 15 minutes to not catch cold. Consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory.
How is treatment carried out?
At the slightest suspicion of abnormal uterine bleeding, it is very important to stop it quickly and correctly. Bleeding is dangerous anemia and other complications. The help of a gynecologist in such cases must be immediate.
In cases of severe bleeding, haemostatic drugs and hormones are used as the primary means. The latter are necessary if absolutely necessary, and sometimes also as a long-term treatment. Most often, these are oral contraceptives, the regimen of which is prescribed only by the attending physician. These drugs are necessary in order to restore the broken hormonal balance. If their reception is not performed correctly, new uterine bleeding and other negative consequences may appear. In a complex to the basic methods of treatment national means can appoint also.
To stop bleeding for any pathology from the uterus, scrape the uterus. This procedure is applicable to women of reproductive and postmenopausal age, which allows not only to reduce bleeding, but also to find out the cause of its appearance. Scraping in adolescence and in women who do not give birth is done only for a very vital need.
Symptomatic treatment is performed to eliminate uterine bleeding. The patient is given an infusion therapy to compensate for the loss of blood in the body. Also, drugs for the treatment of anemia are relevant. If the hemoglobin is too low, the woman is prescribed intramuscular injection, and in case of minor anemia, oral administration is recommended.
Without fail, with a strong blood loss, a course of restorative therapy is prescribed. It can be vitamins, immunomodulating agents and antioxidants.
Sometimes the cause of uterine bleeding is a wrong lifestyle, emotional shocks, stress and other provoking circumstances. Therefore, sedatives are always prescribed.
It is very important to visit the gynecologist regularly, especially if the woman has a gynecological problem. But, despite the need to comply with preventive measures, many women do not have time to eliminate problems in their health. More often go to the doctor when already postpone visit simply it is impossible.
It is very important to know how to distinguish menstruation from bleeding, since the latter are dangerous not only anemia and deterioration of the general condition. Bleeding with copious menstruation threatens with more serious consequences. It all depends on the cause of too abundant bloody discharge. Therefore, it is better to pass the examination and begin treatment in the initial stage. Only this way: you can protect yourself from all kinds of complications, including death.