

You can also mention two alkaloids contained in potatoes. These are substances such as solanine and hakonin, belonging to the group of steroidal alkaloids .In the peel of potatoes and the greenish part of the tuber during its germination and greenery, the level of solanine( as well as hakonin) increases more than 16 times and can reach 500 mg / kg. Solanine is a medium of medium toxicity. If ingested in high doses, it can cause typical signs of poisoning, such as shortness of breath, diarrhea and nausea. Fortunately, these alkaloids have a strong bitter taste, and when cleaning potatoes from the skin, cyanogenic glycosides are usually removed.

In some other types of fruit, glycosides ( ie, substances that contain sugar) occur, which lead to the formation of prussic acid, which causes poisoning of the nervous system. Cyanic acid is formed during the enzymatic or acidic cleavage of these glycosides.

Amygdalin is the most known substance from a series of cyanogenic glycosides. It is found mainly in fruit bones. For example, in almonds, its content is from 5 to 8%, and in peach, plum and apricot bones - from 4% to 6%.Therefore, do not be too carried away with pleasant apricot and almond kernels. The use of bitter almonds in confectionary factories is limited.

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Hydrocyanic acid, is dangerous for human health, it is formed in various fillings and tinctures obtained with fruits with seeds( cherries, peaches, apricots, etc.).Therefore, it is not recommended to store such fillings and tinctures for a long time( over 1 year).However, compotes and jam from stone fruit are safe foods in this regard. The heating accompanied by their preparation leads to the inactivation of enzymes hydrolyzing amygdalin, as a result of which the formation of prussic acid is prevented.

In addition to the above, in some species of plants there are other natural toxicants. For example, some leafy vegetables contain coumarins .

Increased diversity in nutrition can protect against undesirable effects of natural toxicants. A rich menu of consumed products eliminates the accumulation of unwanted toxins in a hazardous concentration.

Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy Nutrition"

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