Sweet peppermint tea is used in folk medicine as an antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Essential oil of a medicinal plant reduces the severity of epigastric pains, eliminates excessive gassing. Use mint for the stomach and with preventive purposes. Regular use of the infusion prevents recurrences of chronic pathologies of the digestive tract - gastritis with high acidity, irritable bowel syndrome. Mint tea quickly and effectively relieves a person from dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea that occur during viral and bacterial infections. The medicinal plant has contraindications to the use, so it is advisable to consult a doctor about the advisability of phyto-drug therapy.
Useful properties of the plant
Of the entire extensive family of JAnotkovs, only peppermint contains in its chemical composition biologically active substances capable of treating gastric pathologies. In a useful plant, a lot of menthol, which exerts an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscle muscles of the digestive tract. A person who is diagnosed with a hyperacid gastritis after a meal experiences painful stomach pains, arising for the following reasons:
- excess amount of hydrochloric acid and pepsin ulcerate the mucous membranes of the digestive system;
- prolonged stay of food products in the gastrointestinal tract provokes the development of putrefactive and fermenting processes;
- increased gas formation causes bloating, a feeling of heaviness and bursting.
Essential oil of peppermint with menthol restores the optimal motor activity of the stomach and intestines, accelerates the progress of the food lump. Spasmolytic properties of the medicinal plant are of no small importance. Menthol has a selective effect only on smooth muscle fibers, without affecting skeletal muscles.
It is interesting: Gastroenterologists recommend the use of phyto-drugs to reduce the activity of Helicobacter pylori. Infection of a person with these spiral-shaped bacteria often causes a hyperacid gastritis. Due to the antimicrobial effect of peppermint, the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms are significantly slowed down.
Menthol has another beneficial effect - it is able to dissolve bile calculi, and then remove the formed sand from the body. But such treatment of cholelithiasis should be carried out only under the supervision of a gastroenterologist after a thorough examination of the patient. Otherwise there is a probability of violation of the integrity of the ducts and blood vessels with sharp edges of the stones that started the movement.
Many patients with gastritis ask doctors whether mint helps with heartburn, or if it is better to use antacids for its cupping. At the initial stage of the pathological process, a useful plant will quickly rid itself of the uncomfortable sensation. And if the antacids simply neutralize the excess amount of hydrochloric acid in the course of the chemical reaction, the effect of mint tea is more productive. Menthol prevents the production of caustic gastric juice by glandular cells located in the mucous membrane. This allows the use of mint drinks not only for the treatment of gastritis, but also for the prevention of excessive production of hydrochloric acid.
The course reception of fragrant tasty tea has a multifaceted effect on the gastrointestinal tract. There are therapeutic effects that answer the question - does mint help with nausea:
- normalizes digestion;
- improves peristalsis;
- is eliminated and intestinal gases are rapidly eliminated.
Stimulation of digestive processes prevents the development of dyspeptic disorders, including nausea. Mint contains bioflavonoids that can improve the condition of blood vessels. Under the action of these biologically active substances, blood circulation is restored, nutrients and molecular oxygen begin to enter the damaged cells.
Advice: Due to the ability of menthol to reduce the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, mint tea has a healing effect. The regeneration of the gastric mucosa is accelerated, heartburn and acidic eructation disappear.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Peppermint infusions are used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, often associated with acute stressful situations. Any psychoemotional disorder provokes acute pain in the stomach, an attack of diarrhea or chronic constipation. In the patient with irritable bowel syndrome, a large number of gas bubbles are formed throughout the day. They become the cause of severity in the stomach, turbulence, rumbling, bloating, disruption of food splitting processes. How mint tea helps in the treatment of pathology:
- eliminates the increased nervous excitability, anxiety;
- optimizes the smooth muscle functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- accelerates the metabolism and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Therefore, the question of patients about whether mint stomach can hurt, gastroenterologists respond negatively. The essential oil of a perennial plant shows analgesic and spasmolytic activity. This combination allows you to stop even the most intense pain.
Useful recipes
Can mint be heartburn - it is likely with improper preparation of therapeutic tea or broth. When brewing excessively concentrated beverages, essential oil does not restore the gastric mucosa, but unnecessarily irritates it. The glandular cells begin to produce an excessive amount of caustic juice - the main cause of heartburn. To make tea it is enough to pour a glass of boiling water with 5 fresh leaves or a teaspoon without a slide of dry vegetable raw materials. After 20-30 minutes the drink is ready for use. The broth has to spend more time:
- in the pan you need to put 10 fresh large leaves or a tablespoon of dry grass;
- then you should pour a glass of boiling water and simmer 5-7 minutes, cool and strain.
For the treatment of gastritis, it is enough to drink 2 cups of tea or 100 ml of broth during the day half an hour before meals. With this disease, it is not recommended to use honey or citrus fruits. To improve the taste of drinks will help the addition of a small amount of sugar or pieces of sweet fruit.
Recommendation: The ability of mint tea to accelerate metabolism and prevent putrefactive processes is actively used for weight loss. Regular use of a fragrant drink for 1-2 months will help to lose weight, even if you keep the usual diet.