Milk with honey is a mixture of unique in its composition products, which in combination have a powerful effect on the human body.
Useful properties of
The components of honey include:
- vitamins;
- microelements;
- antioxidants;
- carbohydrates;
- amino acids, including and irreplaceable;
- carbohydrates, etc.
A set of these substances gives honey unique properties, but its antibacterial and diaphoretic actions are considered particularly strong and useful. This allows you to use this tool to combat all sorts of inflammatory processes, the cause of which have become various infections.
At the same time, the composition of milk includes the essential amino acid tryptophan, without which the human body can not function normally. It is from this substance that the synthesis of serotonin, a hormone responsible for maintaining a normal psycho-emotional state and a normal sleep, largely depends. The importance of this hormone is difficult to overestimate, because even the slightest deficit in the body, caused by one or other of the causes, leads to the development of depression and the occurrence of difficulties with falling asleep.
It is important: drinking warm milk at night is recommended precisely because its components are involved in the synthesis of serotonin. But you can use this effect and, if necessary, you can find peace and confidence in the face of difficult tasks.
At mixing of these products all their useful properties are kept, thus caloric content of 100 g of milk with honey on the average does not exceed 100-150 kcal. And, considering that in the gastrointestinal tract nutrients are absorbed almost 100%, we can confidently state that the benefits of milk with honey are great.
In addition, milk acts as a kind of transport system that facilitates the prompt delivery of all minerals, vitamins and other compounds to their destination. Therefore, they are quickly absorbed into the blood, and, therefore, the healing effect comes faster.
Warning! Hot milk with honey is not recommended, because at high temperatures honey components are destroyed and completely lose their healing properties. It is necessary to dissolve this beekeeping product exclusively in warm milk.
Uses of
Everyone is used to taking a sweet drink when the first signs of a cold appear or when uncomfortable symptoms have already put a person in bed. But, despite the widespread opinion, milk with honey for colds is, although widespread, but not the only way to use this folk remedy.
Drinking milk with honey at night can effectively fight insomnia, although the drug itself does not have sleeping pills. Sleep improves not only due to increased production of serotonin, but also due to the lack of honey in a large number of digestible sugars. Due to this, the gastric and intestinal mucosa is not irritated, the secretion of gastric juice decreases, the kidneys quickly cope with the product and the body calms down. What is the benefit of taking honey before bed? Will this harm the figure, because the honey is high-calorie? To find out the answers to these questions, read the article: Sweet dreams or Honey at night.
Tip: every day, drink a glass of warm boiled milk with honey, but in no case before going out. This will enhance the body's tone and endurance, and some even argue that such a ritual will help significantly slow the aging process.
Among other things, milk with honey is successfully used in cosmetology:
- Baths with the addition of 1 liter of milk and a small amount of honey, thanks to the high content of vitamins and trace elements that saturate the skin, help restore skin elasticity and give it velvety.
- Baths for preparing the skin for manicure and pedicure with milk and honey are simply irreplaceable for those who suffer from coarsening of the skin, including the feet. Due to its unique properties, this product softens the skin, nourishes it and activates the circulatory processes, thereby greatly improving not only its condition, but also nails.
- Face mask, called "Cleopatra masks", allows you to surprisingly rejuvenate the face and décolletage area, since with amazing ease it erases all fine wrinkles from it. To prepare this mask, you need to mix milk and honey in equal amounts and apply a thin layer on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with usual warm water.
Warning!"Cleopatra Mask" can not be used by women who have dilated vessels.
Use in pregnancy
Special attention deserves milk with honey during pregnancy, because in this critical period, it is extremely important for a woman to be protected from any virus attacks. Therefore, all future mothers are recommended to regularly take this delicious, sweet natural stimulant of immunity, but only if there is no individual intolerance to any of the components. And if a woman is already sick, you can use it to heal and get rid of all the unpleasant signs of ARVI, especially milk with honey at a temperature and cough.
But maintaining the defenses of the body is not the only task of milk with honey during pregnancy. Due to the high content of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, amino acids and other compounds, this drug helps all organs and systems of the fetus to be properly formed, without causing damage to the mother's body. The recipe for milk with honey is ridiculously simple. To prepare this miracle cure, it is usually enough to add a couple of teaspoonfuls or a tablespoon of honey in a slightly warmed milk and mix it thoroughly. You can take this medication regularly during the day, but you should definitely drink honey and milk before bed. This will quickly eliminate inflammatory processes, and a strong and restful sleep will help the body to recover.
But there are other, more complex and time-consuming recipes for the preparation of folk remedies for colds. Here are some of them:
- In addition to honey, in warm milk, you can add a small piece of butter. Milk with honey and butter perfectly helps to soften the irritated coughing sick throat. Dilute this mixture can be 100 grams of still mineral water.
- Milk, black radish juice and honey are mixed in the same proportions. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which it is taken at 1 tbsp.l.up to 8 times a day. Used such milk with honey from a cough.
Important: if necessary, the juice of black radish can be replaced with carrot or pumpkin juice.
- Cut a medium-sized bulb not too finely and throw it in 0.5 liters of milk. There also add a few cloves of garlic. The mixture is brought to a boil and kept on fire until the garlic is completely soft. After the milk has cooled, it is filtered and mixed with a few spoons of honey and a spoon of peppermint dry. Take this milk with honey is shown from the throat, if you do this every hour, you can get rid of a sore throat and dry cough as soon as possible.
- Add 2 tsp to a glass of hot milk.anise seeds, a pinch of soda and a little honey. This mixture is taken on a tablespoon to 10 times a day with a strong cough.
- In order to increase the effectiveness of the classic remedy, you can add half the teaspoon of soda to it.
Warning! Milk with soda and honey can be drunk only after a meal, otherwise this mixture will irritate the gastric mucosa.
- If you boil a glass of milk in a glass of oat grains( until full swelling), a strained broth after adding oil and honey can be taken as a strong cough remedy.
Important: this recipe is best for people who are recovering from pneumonia.
- To significantly activate the natural defense mechanisms against all kinds of viruses and bacteria, the addition of a quarter lemon juice to the usual mixture of warm milk and honey will help.
Thus, milk with honey is an effective remedy for colds and all its manifestations. But nevertheless it is necessary to consult a doctor before using this medication, as it is contraindicated to drink whole milk for certain liver diseases.